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A model is developed which may be used to determine the expected total cost of quality control per inspection lot under acceptance sampling by variables where several characteristics are to be simultaneously controlled. Optimization of the model is accomplished through the application of a conventional search procedure. The sensitivity of the model and the optimum solution to the shape of the underlying probability distributions is discussed and associated analyses are presented through an example.  相似文献   

The purpose of this research is to examine several types of procedures for attribute sampling inspection-the widely used Military Standard 105D plans [8], the lesser known Double Zero plans as developed by Ellis [4] and the Narrow Limit gaging plans of Ott and Mundel [9]. Each of the procedures is described with an effort made to illuminate their more subtle features. Then the plans are compared, whence it is revealed that (i) Narrow Limit gaging plans have a serious weakness in comparison to the others and (ii) Double Zero plans tend to be essentially conservative, but that sufficiently tight Military Standard 105D plans can be selected to achieve comparable performance in all ways.  相似文献   

This article studies the problem of designing Bayesian sampling plans (BSP) with interval censored samples. First, an algorithm for deriving the conventional BSP is proposed. The BSP is shown to possess some monotonicity. Based on the BSP and using the property of monotonicity, a new sampling plan modified by the curtailment procedure is proposed. The resulting curtailed Bayesian sampling plan (CBSP) can reduce the duration time of life test experiment, and it is optimal in the sense that its associated Bayes risk is smaller than the Bayes risk of the BSP if the cost of the duration time of life test experiment is considered. A numerical example to compute the Bayes risks of BSP and CBSP and related quantities is given. Also, a Monte Carlo simulation study is performed to illustrate the performance of the CBSP compared with the BSP. The simulation results demonstrate that our proposed CBSP has better performance because it has smaller risk. The CBSP is recommended. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Naval Research Logistics 62: 604–616, 2015  相似文献   

This article considers a general method for acceptance/rejection decisions in lot-by-lot sampling situations. Given arbitrary cost functions for sampling, accepting, and rejecting (where the cost can depend on the quality of the item) and a prior distribution on supplier quality, formulas are derived that lead to the minimal cost single-staged inspection plan. For the Bernoulli case, where each item is classified as acceptable or defective, the formulas simplify immensely. A computer code for solving the Bernoulli case is given.  相似文献   

This article discusses the behavior of three continuous sampling plans: continuous sampling plan 1 (CSP 1) and continuous sampling plan 2 (CSP 2) developed by Dodge [5] and Dodge and Torrey [7], and multilevel continuous sampling plan 2 (MLP 2) developed by Lieberman and Solomon [11], when the quality of successive units in a continuous production process follows a two-state time-homogeneous Markov chain. We first derive the average outgoing quality (AOQ) expressions of these plans. Exact procedures for determining the average outgoing quality limit (AOQL) can be obtained only for CSP 1. For CSP 2 and MLP 2 plans, iterative procedures have been used to obtain the AOQL contours. For these plans, it is assumed that the serial correlation coefficient between the two consecutive random variables of the Markov chain is known. In addition, estimation procedures for the coefficient are given. We show that if the serial correlation coefficient of the Markov chain is positive (negative), the AOQL is increased (decreased) as compared to the case when the successive units in the production process follows a Bernoulli pattern. Let r denote the number of production units examined in succession which are found to be of good quality and k denote the inverse of the sampling fraction employed when quality is good. Then if r and k are sufficiently small, it is observed from the graph that, for small departures of the serial correlation coefficient from zero, the AOQL values do not differ significantly for each of the three plans; whereas for sufficiently large values of r and k, the AOQL values differ significantly. Various aspects of these plans, such as their operating characteristics 2 (OC 2) and the serial correlation coefficient, are discussed.  相似文献   

Acceptance sampling plans based on variables have been in use for many years. Recently, there has been a renewal of interest in these plans, because of the relative efficiencies that they offer with respect to attributes sampling regarding sample size. Furthermore, in situations where acceptable quality levels are very small, and a high level of protection is desired, variables sampling is often much more efficient than attributes sampling. An important disadvantage of variables sampling is that the distribution of the parameter being inspected must be known. Most standard variables sampling plans assume that the distribution of this parameter is normal. This article examines the effect of the normality assumption in variables sampling. Methods to detect departures from normality are reviewed.  相似文献   

Renewal theory is used to study the effectiveness of a class of continuous sampling plans first introduced by Dodge. This approach provides a simple way of viewing and computing the long-run Average Outgoing Quality (AOQ) and its maximum AOQL. More importantly, it is used to study the average outgoing quality in a short production run through an approximation formula AOQ*(t). Formulas for AOQ and AOQ*(t) are provided. By simulation, it is found that AOQ*(t) is sufficiently accurate in situations corresponding to actual practice.  相似文献   

Traditionally continuous sampling plans have been evaluated according to relatively few criteria. These typically include the OC curve (on which AQL systems are based), the ASN, and the AOQ curve. These characteristics are all calculated under the assumption that the process is “in control” so that mathematically they are derived as long-term averages. Thus, any two plans which (long term) spend the same proportion of time on each type of sampling inspection will be identical relative to these criteria. This is true whether sampling from lots or doing unit-by-unit inspection. The goal is to first establish desirable additional criteria and then to develop methods to determine which procedure (of those which satisfy the standard criteria) is optimal relative to the new criteria. To be considered will be measures of a plan's ability to detect a sudden drop in quality (such as ARL).  相似文献   

Economic screening procedures using a correlated variable are developed for selecting markets in situations when there are several markets with different profit/ cost structures. It is assumed that the performance variable and the screening variable are jointly normally distributed. Profit models are constructed which involve three profit/cost components: profit from a conforming item, cost from an accepted nonconforming item, and screening inspection cost. Methods of finding the optimal screening procedures are presented and numerical examples are given.  相似文献   

In this article we propose new sequential sampling inspection plans with screening indexed by LTPD and AOQL, in which the alternative of accepting or rejecting a lot is decided by the results of sequential sampling plans, based on the minimal lattice paths. It is illustrated that the average total inspection can be economized by using both of the proposed sequential sampling inspection plans, with screening indexed by LTPD and AOQL, respectively. © 1994 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

This paper presents a procedure akin to dynamic programming for designing optimal acceptance sampling plans for item-by-item inspection. Using a Bayesian procedure, a prior distribution is specified, and a suitable cost model is employed depicting the cost of sampling, accepting or rejecting the lot. An algorithm is supplied which is digital computer oriented.  相似文献   

In this paper the effects of inspector error on a cost-based quality control system are investigated. The system examined is of a single sampling plan design involving several cost components. Both type I and type II inspector errors are considered. The model employs a process distribution, thus assuming that a stochastic process of some kind governs the quality of incoming lots. Optimal plan design is investigated under both error-free and error-prone inspection procedures and some comparisons are made.  相似文献   

In this paper we examine the one- and two-sided sampling plans for the exponential distribution. Solutions are provided for several situations arising out of the assumptions on the knowledge of the parameters of the distribution. The values of the constants are tabled in the special case of p1 = p2 for the two-sided plans.  相似文献   

This article studies a firm that procures a product from a supplier. The quality of each product unit is measured by a continuous variable that follows a normal distribution and is correlated within a batch. The firm conducts an inspection and pays the supplier only if the product batch passes the inspection. The inspection not only serves the purpose of preventing a bad batch from reaching customers but also offers the supplier an incentive to improve product quality. The firm determines the acceptance sampling plan, and the supplier determines the quality effort level in either a simultaneous game or a Stackelberg leadership game, in which both parties share inspection cost and recall loss caused by low product quality. In the simultaneous game, we identify the Nash equilibrium form, provide sufficient conditions that guarantee the existence of a pure strategy Nash equilibrium, and find parameter settings under which the decentralized and centralized supply chains achieve the same outcome. By numerical experiments, we show that the firm's acceptance sampling plan and the supplier's quality effort level are sensitive to both the recall loss sharing ratio and the game format (i.e., the precommitment assumption of the inspection policy). © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Naval Research Logistics, 2013  相似文献   

Accelerated life testing (ALT), enhanced by optimal test plans, has been widely accepted in practice as a quick approach for estimating the reliability of a product. From the estimation result, preventive maintenance schedules can be determined to ensure the performance of the product under its normal operating conditions. By default, maintenance decision‐making is regarded as the last and least rewarding step. However, sometimes the maintenance schedules, such as preventive maintenance intervals, are predetermined due to customer concerns and/or by various mandatory regulations and rules. Under such circumstances, how to accurately estimate the expenditure (e.g., on maintenance or spare parts management) associated with these maintenance requirements becomes an important issue. A viable solution is to incorporate the maintenance requirements into ALT plans. This paper provides an approach for the optimal design of ALT plans oriented by a mandatory periodical replacement schedule subject to a discounted penalty. The objective is to improve the estimation accuracy of the economic impact of this maintenance requirement. A numerical experiment is provided to demonstrate the approach in practical use. © 2008 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Naval Research Logistics 2009  相似文献   

Taguchi has presented an approach to quality improvement in which reduction of deviation from the target value is the guiding principle. In this approach any measured value x of a product characteristic X brings a loss to consumer in general, where the loss is expressed as a quadratic form with respect to the difference between the measured value x and the target value T of a product characteristic. Then, it is natural to reject the lot which may bring a large loss to consumer. This concept induces us to construct new variable sampling plans based on the Taguchi's loss criterion. In this article, a design procedure of the sampling plans for assuring the loss in the Taguchi's method is proposed. Some numerical results based on the proposed design procedures are illustrated. © 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Naval Research Logistics 44: 591–603 (1997)  相似文献   

Empirical Bayes single-sample acceptance sampling procedures are derived. These procedures assume that the lot fraction defective varies randomly according to a completely unknown and unspecified prior distribution. The unknown prior density function is estimated based on sampling results from previous lots. A procedure is developed for obtaining single-sampling plans that achieve specified posterior consumer and producer risks. The procedures are illustrated for a real-data example.  相似文献   

Procedures are described which yield single and double sample Dodge-Romig [1] lot tolerance percent defective (LTPD) rectifying inspection plans. For the determination of such plans only a desk calculator and standard tables of the discrete probability distributions are required. Some advantages gained by using these procedures rather than the Dodge-Romig table include: (a) The Consumer's Risk is not limited to 0.10. (b) More choices of LTPD are available. (c) Smaller average total inspection is achieved by using a plan designed for specific “process average” and lot size rather than a compromise plan designed to cover intervals on these two parameters.  相似文献   

在分析多维空间及元胞数组的基础上,提出了将元胞数组抽象成坐标轴上的点,并以此为基础建立多维空间坐标系.使用多维空间上的离散点来表述水面舰船总体方案设计,用元胞数组来描述组成舰船子系统方案的若干功能属性.该方法将舰船方案用数字化元胞集合表示,集中了基于方案探索的优化论证设计和基于功能积木的虚拟化论证设计的优势.  相似文献   

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