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研究联合编队的作战行动方案问题,首先需要建立合理的任务模型。在基本作战样式基础上,针对联合编队任务特点,设计了一种联合编队作战行动方案的建模方法。该模型包含对海攻击和对空防御等5种基本作战样式,结合规划和调度两方面的特点,提供了资源和系统状态的描述机制。实例证明建模方案不仅具有可行性,而且丰富了作战行动方案的建模理论,对联合编队作战系统的研究、决策和建设具有一定的参考价值。  相似文献   

正战略,是一种思想,一种行动,一种计划。不论是帕拉哈德与哈默的《公司的核心竞争力》、金灿和莫博涅的《蓝海战略》、波特的《什么是战略》等,无论是何种理论与学派,战略研究的本质都是发现竞争优势的来源,找到并维持竞争优势的方法,从而建立自己的品牌和文化,达到基业长青的目的。从军事角度看,战略的起点为思想,对所将面对的未来环境思考适应之道,战略的终点为行动。实际  相似文献   

针对行动序列计划中的时序偏好问题开展研究,重点关注时序偏好集合内部存在不一致性时完成行动计划的方法。论文的难点和创新点体现在两个方面。针对时序偏好的表示问题,建立了一种二元描述结构,能够实现对时序约束和时序偏好的归一化描述。使用计算辩论技术建立推理框架,用以排除约束/偏好集合中的冲突关系,获得具有最大一致性的约束/偏好子集。在此基础上建立了一种新的计划生成策略,通过映射的方法得到行动序列片段,组合这些片段后形成完整的行动序列计划。通过实例验证了方法的可行性。  相似文献   

针对影响网络中行动方案的优选问题,分析了现有方法存在的不足,提出了一种基于贪婪算法的行动方案优选方法。该方法采用自顶向下的搜索方式,通过分析行动组合对期望效果的整体影响来选择较优的行动方案。并进行实例验证。结果表明,与灵敏度分析法和穷举搜索法相比,该方法能够在较短时间内找到较优的可行行动方案集合,可有效支持行动方案的优选。  相似文献   

宣传造势,是古今军事行动中惯用的一种手段,常常与武装行动相互配合,相互策应,常能收到以少胜多、以逸待劳、以和代战的效果。文章从宣传造势在武警部队“处突”行动中的重要作用、宣传造势五种主要战法及宣传造势的基本要领等方面,进行了研究探讨。  相似文献   

针对信息化条件下作战装备保障行动复杂、保障能力指标多难以确定的实际,结合保障行动,提出一种基于任务的装备保障能力模型,从任务到能力的映射,建立指标体系,通过定性与定量相结合的方法确定指标权重和指标量化值,运用模糊综合评估方法对保障能力进行评估,研究示例表明该方法具有较好的科学性、实用性和操作性。  相似文献   

教师通过行动研究,针对自己课堂话语中存在的问题直接参与和开展调查与研究,目的是不断改善自己的课堂话语,提高课堂话语质量,优化课堂教学,使教学达到最佳效果,同时提高教师对教学过程的理解和认识。  相似文献   

边境封控是一个主权国家在周边邻国发生战争或冲突,有可能影响国家安全和地区稳定时所采取的一种准军事行动。边境封控行动中的财务保障是后勤保障行动的重要环节,因此搞好边境封控行动中的财务保障十分重要。1·健全法规制度,坚持依法保障。一是完善经济动员法规。国家和军队必须尽快完善相关法规,明确地方政府相关部门的职责权限,理顺职责关系,确保行动时依法动员民用财力。二是制定经费供应标准。确定行动时经费供应标准,可借鉴战时物资“基数”管理办法,除专项经费实施单独报批外,一般性开支可在现有经费标准基础上,研究制订配套的系数…  相似文献   

夜战作为夺取作战胜利的一种基本手段,将在未来高技术战争中被作战双方频繁使用。现代夜战中的防化保障有多方面的特点。我军防化兵要在现代夜战中完成好任务,必须采取与新特点相适应的保障方式和行动方法,平时要搞好夜教学训练和装备器材保障。  相似文献   

作战行动序列是作战计划的核心,也是指挥控制的关键.传统的作战行动序列制定主要通过手工方式,效率低下且耗时费力,难以满足现代战争筹划需要,作战行动序列执行控制也缺乏现代信息手段支撑.提出了一种基于时间、空间和因果复合约束条件的作战行动序列生成与执行控制方法,提高了作战计划方案中作战行动序列生成效率,通过对时间、空间、作战效果状态监测对作战行动序列执行进行辅助控制,为指挥员基于网络信息体系进行指挥决策提供了条件支撑.  相似文献   

服务地方经济社会发展是地方性本科院校的主要功能之一。本研究以宁夏师范学院英语专业学生为研究对象,探究该校英语专业学生服务地方经济社会发展能力,调查研究从学生地方文化认知和文化输出能力两个方面开展。研究结果显示该校英语专业学生宁南地方文化缺失现象严重,宁南地方文化的翻译沟通能力匮乏,文化输出能力偏低。研究发现学生服务地方经济社会发展能力偏低,并从人才培养方案的设置等方面提出了一些建议,以期能为该校英语专业学生服务地方经济社会发展能力的培养起到一定的积极作用。  相似文献   

This article investigates power practices in the Cambodian insurgency after 1979 as being part of a social field. There are various types of power practice being exercised by commanders aiming at making soldiers disciplined inside the insurgency. The hypothesis explaining these variations being proposed here is that the type of power being exercised depends on the habitus of the respective commander. Power practices are shaped by the incorporated classificatory discourse of commanders on good soldierhood and leadership. Thereby, armed groups can be analyzed as a social field in which practices are always relational and part of symbolic struggles between different commanders.  相似文献   

The purpose of this research is to investigate simulation algorithms for nonhomogeneous Poisson processes with proportional intensities. Two algorithmic approaches are studied: inversion and thinning. Motivated by industrial practices, the covariate vector involved in the simulation is permitted to change after every event (or observation). The algorithms are extended to permit the simulation of general nonhomogeneous Poisson processes with possible discontinuities both in baseline intensity and covariate vector. This latter extension can be used to facilitate a wide range of failure situations that can arise with repairable systems. © 1994 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

There have been growing claims in media circles and law-enforcement settings that street gangs and criminal groups are turning to Internet-based social networking sites for various reasons ranging from the showcasing of their images and exploits to the suspected recruitment of members. The present study investigates whether such a trend is, in fact, in place. The presence of street gangs on these Internet sites is referred to as cyberbanging. While there is some anecdotal evidence suggesting that gangs are turning to social networking sites, there is little available research on exactly how street gangs and criminal groups use the Internet. Our main argument is that gang culture is in many ways an individualized phenomenon and this feature ties in directly with recent assessments of the Internet as a setting that is governed by a process of networked individualism. This theoretical link between the individualized gang setting and the presence of gang members on social networking sites helps us understand why recruitment is improbable even in a context where people are openly diffusing their image and exploits to a growing number of Internet users. The empirical segment of this research adds to this general outlook. Based on a keyword search of over 50 street gang names, the three main social networking sites (Twitter, Facebook, and MySpace) were monitored for street gang presence. Results illustrate that gang presence on social networking sites is linked primarily to promoting a general gang or street culture through individual displays. In regard to the visitors to such sites, there is no evidence that they are being tricked or manipulated in any way. They are, however, showing their curiosity in regard to such groups and, for those who share their comments and opinions, signs of support are evident. Thus, whereas criminal gangs are not proactively using the Internet to convert anyone into being gang members, social networking sites are creating a new venue for people who share or are sensitive to the values underlying street gang lifestyle to come together. These sites essentially create a new convergence setting for gang members to interact with a wider number of people who would probably never have been exposed to their lifestyles and exploits through physical interactions. The study's conclusion extends these findings toward further research in this area, as well as outlining the more relevant implications for law-enforcement monitoring of this growing phenomenon.  相似文献   

Syria's slide into sectarian civil war in 2011 raises a new fundamental knowledge question about the conditions under which power-sharing pacts can be clinched as an approach to war termination. When intrastate conflicts escalate into violent sectarian struggles, power-sharing is a likely basis of an eventual political settlement in situations where partition is off the table. This article contends that there remain two puzzling knowledge gaps about power-sharing as the basis for peace agreements to end civil wars: first, the specific conditions under which elites find it in their own interest to share power with bitter adversaries rather than fight on the battlefield, and second, how war-ending elite-negotiated pacts may evolve into more enduring social contracts. These puzzles, critical for policymakers and still unresolved in the scholarly literature, suggest the need to develop more contingent- and context-specific knowledge if research findings are to more capably contribute to peacemaking efforts.  相似文献   

自主学习能力是当今信息时代人们为适应社会发展所必须具备的一种能力。要深刻理解自主学习的内涵、自主学习的理论基础、自主学习的必要性和可行性,探讨在我国当前的教育环境下培养学生自主学习能力的途径,教师在教学过程中应注重学生自主学习能力的培养,更好地发挥其指导者、组织者的作用。敦促学生充分发挥其主观能动性,积极参与教学过程,提高他们的英语综合应用能力和自主学习能力。  相似文献   

下岗职工的社会关系 (以下简称“关系”)是下岗职工实现个人行动策略的关键因素 ,也是下岗职工寻求”第二职业”或其它新资源的关键因素 ,本文重点研究国有企业下岗职工所拥有的作为社会载体的社会网络弱化以及在弱化的社会网络中获取资源的能力低弱而带来的社会资本的降低  相似文献   

The article discusses the disconnect between arms control and disarmament practices vis-à-vis peacebuilding practices. It critically analyzes Disarmament, Demobilization, and Reintegration (DDR) practices focusing on their absence of dialogue with international arms control and disarmament (ACD) practices. It proposes that a conversation between experts involved in these distinct practices could promote a political discussion on the place of weapons held by state and non-state actors in times of peace. The argument is illustrated through an analysis of the treatment of rules on weapons in the Colombian peace process (2012–present) with the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC). The article concludes that the disconnect between the arms control and disarmament and the peacebuilding associations, as seen in the context of DDR practices, reinstates the rule on the monopoly of violence by the state, preventing a broader discussion of the role of weapons and violence in the building of political communities.  相似文献   

精益维修及其支撑技术发展研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
装备维修范围过大、备件储存过多,维修程序缺乏优化是目前军队装备维修实践中面临的普遍问题;一些经典的维修理论和维修技术执行起来步骤过于烦琐,工作量和代价较大.针对这些问题,欧美等工业发达国家和军方借鉴"精益生产"的思想,提出了"精益维修(lean maintenance,LM)"的概念,运用综合集成的方法对各种先进的维修理论和技术进行了系统研究,形成了一套完整的精益维修理论、技术方法,并取得了大量成功实践,这里主要是对"精益维修"的出现背景、基本概念和及其支撑技术发展现状的综合论述.  相似文献   

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