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本文在文献研究的基础上,以新疆少数民族的双语教育为背景,论述了新疆少数民族传统体育文化在经济、体育全球化中所面临的传承与发展困境、双语教育的文化传承的功能哮怍用,以及双语教育和少数民族体育文化的传承关系。本研究认为,双语教育是促进新疆少数民族传统体育文化传承与发展的重要途径,掌握双语,不仅促进地域、民族、国与国之间的民族体育文化学习、交流与合作,而且也为新疆少数民族传统体育文化的创新与发展提供了必要条件。  相似文献   

语言是交流的工具,也是文化的载体。在"中华民族多元一体"视域下,各民族文化具有平等性,不同民族文化也各有其优秀成分。民族间文化沟通才是民族间深层沟通,对于民族间文化冲突的防患、民族文化整合及民族关系维系意义重大。新疆少数民族双语教育只有实现各民族文化中优秀成分的集聚,从而提升到中华民族文化认同高度才能减少民族文化冲突,促进民族文化整合,进而推动双语教育的发展。本文探讨了新疆双语教育中的民族文化冲突与整合,同时提出了民族文化整合观下新疆双语教育实施的阶段性文化目标以及双语教育实施的一些建设性思考。  相似文献   

新疆推行民汉合校后,少数民族学生的语言使用情况一直是双语教育领域关注的问题。本文通过问卷调查和访谈的方式,以特克斯县初级中学为个案,考察了伊犁地区哈萨克族“民考民”及“民考汉”中学生语言使用情况。结果表明,哈萨克族“民考汉”和“民考民”学生在语言文字使用、语言态度以及语言文化认同上有较大差异,但也有一致性:希望在熟练地掌握汉语的同时,也能掌握好自己的本民族语言。最后基于提高新疆少数民族基础教育水平和培养民汉兼通人才的目的提出对策。  相似文献   

本文主要从人口民族结构与人口地域结构两个方面,对新疆双语教育的发展与新疆少数民族人口结构进行了实证分析,并在此基础上,提出新疆双语教育的可发展空间,以期为新疆双语教育的发展提供参考,进而提升新疆整体的教育水平。  相似文献   

文章在全面剖析少数民族双语教育的概念的基础上,回溯了改革开放三十年以来新疆少数民族双语教育的发展历程,并对其进行了深入反思,探讨梳理了改革开放三十年来新疆少数民族双语教育取得的主要成果,分析了新疆少数民族双语教育目前存在的一些主要问题,并提出了改善新疆少数民族双语教育的主要政策与措施。  相似文献   

加拿大沉浸式双语教育被认为是当今世界范围内第二语言教学成功的典范,它的成功经验被众多国家研究和借鉴.本文从简要介绍加拿大沉浸式双语教育入手,分析了推动沉浸式教学法成功的原因,并在比较新疆双语教育与沉浸式教学法后,尝试分析新疆少数民族双语教育在科学研究、师资队伍、学习动机和学习氛围四个方面存在的问题,最后就问题的改进提出建议.  相似文献   

三十年来新疆双语教育研究回溯   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
三十年来,新疆维吾尔自治区实施国家对少数民族的双语教育政策,双语教育取得显著成效。新疆少数民族双语教育研究,可以1995年为界,分为启动期和理论深入期两个时期。三十年来,新疆双语教育研究队伍不断壮大,研究领域大大拓宽;研究视角更加多元;研究对象主要聚焦在双语教学与双语师资两个方面。新疆双语教育研究为双语教育的推进提供了有效的理论指导。  相似文献   

新疆的双语教育一直是备受关注的热点问题之一。本研究采用问卷调查的方式对喀什地区12所中学少数民族中学生的汉语学习情况、教材的使用状况、双语课堂教学情况及汉语学习环境等方面进行了实证研究。研究结果表明,少数民族中学生的汉语学习热情及自我认可度较高、学习期望与实际存在较大差距、缺乏合理的教材及合格的双语教师、汉语学习的学校和家庭语言环境有待进一步改善等,本研究对此提出了一些改进对策和建议,以期为双语教育的健康发展提供借鉴。  相似文献   

我国至今还没有制定出新疆学前双语教育质量评价指标体系,而当前新疆学前双语教育却正在蓬勃发展.因此,尽快制定出科学的评价指标体系势在必行.本研究在分析新疆学前双语教育特殊性的基础上,依据人力资本理论,试图构建出教育输入性指标、教育过程性指标、教育输出性指标三位一体的新疆学前双语教育质量评价指标体系,并通过指标的细化,构建起较为完整的新疆学前双语教育质量评价指标体系,有助于全面、动态、个性的反映出新疆学前双语教育机构质量.  相似文献   

新疆民俗数学是新疆各少数民族在长期的发展过程中,通过其独特的生产和生活方式创造、积累和传承下来的,具有鲜明民族特色和宗教内涵的数学文化以及独特的数学思想和思维方式.对于民俗数学的研究,一方面是通过对这些集数学知识与传统文化于一体的“文化载体”的搜集、整理和分析,以实现保护和传承之目的;另一方面则关注民俗数学研究成果的教育学转化,在充分考虑新疆少数民族儿童数学认知思维特征以及数学双语教学原则、方法等的基础上,通过实现民俗数学的“课程化”,以弥补当前新疆少数民地区以“主流文化”为主导的数学课程对少数民族传统文化的“缺失”,进而推进本地区基础教育课程改革和数学教育质量的提升.文章以新疆清真寺砖饰中的几何纹饰为例,就上述两方面的问题进行了论证.  相似文献   

教师队伍建设与发展是民族地区教育发展的关键,而造成当前民族地区教师专业化发展困境的主要原因在于发展认识模糊、动力不足、能力薄弱、方式不当和制度不完善等因素。探索与构建民族地区教师专业化发展模式和发展途径,教育行动研究最为可贵、制度保障最为关键、教研成果转化为教育力最为紧要。  相似文献   

Multiple ethnic insurgencies have existed in Myanmar since independence. The military junta's response has been extremely brutal at the tactical level, but has shown some political astuteness at the strategic level, with a series of ceasefires with most of the ethnic groups. Despite these ceasefires – most of which have resulted in the continued existence of quasi-independent armed groups – other ethnic movements have continued their armed operations. The overall strategic picture is one of stalemate, with the ethnic movements continuing to exist, but with few realistic prospects of expanding their operations.  相似文献   

This paper is a study of the phenomenon of trans-border ethnic relations and its impact on national integration and citizenship in the countries of West and Central Africa where trans-border ethnic groups exist. Despite the existence of many such groups in these regions, and the numerous problems associated with the continued relations among these groups across their countries of abode, the phenomenon has not been seriously studied, especially as it concerns the identification of members of such groups and how they are viewed by members of other ethnic groups, as citizens of one country or the other. This paper notes that trans-border ethnic solidarity ordinarily presents the relevant African states with two possibilities, namely: enormous benefits accruing from regional integration and cooperation among states harbouring fractions of trans-border ethnic groups; or, debilitating conflicts within and between these states. It is the reality of the latter possibility that this paper examines. The states and the international system are often incapable of containing this phenomenon of trans-border ethnic solidarity and usually respond in hostile ways, ultimately manifesting in citizenship problems. The study shows, however, that what is needed is not conflict but cooperation – within and between states having fractions of a trans-border ethnic group, and within the international system, for the enhancement of national citizenship and development in West and Central Africa.  相似文献   

We model an infinitely repeated Tullock contest, over the sharing of some given resource, between two ethnic groups. The resource is allocated by a composite state institution according to relative ethnic control; hence the ethnic groups contest the extent of institutional ethnic bias. The contest yields the per-period relative influence over institutions, which partly spills over into the next period, by affecting relative conflict efficiency. Our model generates non-monotone evolution of both conflict and distribution. Results suggest that external interventions, when effective in reducing current conflict and protecting weaker groups, may end up sowing the seeds of greater future conflict.  相似文献   

This paper asks whether Bosnian Serb leaders’ choice to carry out a secession war in 1992–1995 was rational from the point of view of their stated goal of ethnic cleansing. We construct two indexes, one of ethnic purity and another of ethnic Serb concentration, and apply them to a counterfactual estimate of the outcome of ‘peaceful’ ethnic cleansing – what could have been achieved by population exchange based on pre-war territorial Serb power without war – in comparison to the actual outcome of the war. We find that the gross benefits of the chosen strategy of secession and war far exceed anything that could be achieved by the peaceful alternative. A conjectural assessment of perceived costs suggests that also net benefits were maximized by the war strategy. The implication for international deterrence policy is that credible judicial prosecution and punishment is the best way to alter the prospective perpetrators’ calculus.  相似文献   

校本课程是生物课程体系中重要的组成部分。民族地区因偏远落后、师资数量不足,因而生物校本课程开出率过低。微型化的生物校本课程作为民族地区生物课程开发的新模式,以其"短而小"可促进生物教师专业成长,以其"精"可体现民族地区生物校本课程特色,以其"活"保证了民族地区生物校本课程的可持续发展。因此,微型化的校本课程是民族地区生物教师校本研究的新路径。  相似文献   

新疆各高校是本土少数民族人才培养的主要力量,如何构建新形势下少数民族人才培养模式是新疆各高校一直探索和研究的问题。为此对新疆财经大学近二十年少数民族教学改革历程进行梳理,以"民汉一体化"教育教学改革中出现的问题进行深层次剖析,从高校实际出发,在高校办学模式、人才培养模式及教学模式等方面探讨少数民族教育教学改革的思路。  相似文献   

This paper examines the link between ethnic segregation and domestic terrorism. The results show that ethnic segregation has a positive and significant effect on the incidence of domestic terrorism, which indicates that countries where ethnic groups are spatially concentrated face a higher risk of suffering this type of violence. This finding is not affected by the inclusion in the analysis of different covariates that may affect both ethnic segregation and domestic terrorism. The observed relationship between the degree of spatial concentration of ethnic groups and domestic terrorism is confirmed by various robustness tests. The results also suggest that the threat of secession is an important transmission channel linking ethnic segregation and domestic terrorism.  相似文献   

This paper examines partition as a solution to ethnic civil wars and modifies the ethnic security dilemma, suggesting that strong state institutions are more important than demographically separating ethnic groups to achieve an enduring peace. The paper starts with a puzzle: if ethnic separation is required for peace, how do some partitions that leave minorities behind maintain peace? The paper compares post-partition Georgia–Abkhazia, which experienced violence renewal within five years of the partition, with post-partition Moldova–Transnistria, which maintained peace. Both countries had ‘stay-behind’ ethnic minorities. The paper also disaggregates and compares the territories within post-partition Abkhazia, which contain ethnic Georgians: Lower Gali experienced violence while neighboring Upper Gali did not. The paper argues that state institutions create an incentive for ethnic minorities to collaborate with the state, regardless of minority preferences, and this helps maintain peace. However, preferences become important where institutions are weak and members of the ethnic minority have the opportunity to defect; this increases the likelihood of violence. The results build on the ethnic security dilemma by specifying micro-mechanisms and challenging the theory's reliance on intransigent ethnic identities in explaining the causes of post-partition violence.  相似文献   

民族问题是影响边疆和谐社会构建的重要方面之一。民族问题对边疆安全的影响,其根源主要体现在两个方面:一是民族利益矛盾。二是民族宗教问题。  相似文献   

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