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英国军队教育历史悠久 ,最早创建的皇家军事学院 (该校也是世界上最早的军事院校 )已有 2 60年的历史。英国现有军事院校 86所 ,每 3 40 0人就有一所 ,按院校数量与军队总员额的比例 ,是比例最高的国家 (美国是 1 /1 .3万人 )。英国军队院校中有多所世界著名院校 ,院校的知名度  相似文献   

中国数千年优秀传统军事文化蕴藏着朴素的的战略思维和战略智慧,这不仅见于某些传统经验的例解中,而且常作为核心要素,影响着王朝的军事国策方向。"好战必亡""忘战必危""国家大柄,莫重于兵""欲治兵者,必先选将"等治军名典,其精妙思想于今仍有启迪现实和未来国防之作用。  相似文献   

张民 《军事历史》2016,(1):24-26
英军"皇家格罗斯特团"是一支王牌部队,参加过第一、第二次世界大战,历经数百次战役战斗,战斗力颇强,该团在我抗美援朝第五次战役中被歼灭。作者时任中国人民志愿军第65军194师作战科参谋,参与了对该团团长卡恩斯的审问。本文详细描述了该团在朝鲜战场上覆灭的全过程,弥补了我军战史关于这段历史语焉不祥的缺憾。  相似文献   


A statistically based enquiry into recruitment into the British Army over the period 1987-2000 shows that two factors tend to induce young men to enlist: high levels of unemployment in the civilian sector and positive signals from the authorities that the Army is in a recruiting phase. The same result obtains, broadly speaking, in the context of both white and non-white (ethnic minority) recruitment, although the willingness of ethnic minority young men to contemplate an Army career is only about a quarter of that of white men, other things being equal. Correspondingly, the Army shows no signs of reaching the target agreed with the Commission for Racial Equality in 1997 for a 1 percentage point increase annually in the percentage of recruits being drawn from the ethnic minorities. This article has something to say about how the Army might improve its performance in this regard by offering more in-service training and education to otherwise underqualified recruits and concentrating recruitment effort on regions of high ethnic minority unemployment.  相似文献   

古代军队在处理军民关系的过程中 ,提出了不少很有价值的思想 ,作者从查阅的资料中 ,整理出了以下几个方面的内容 :“行师先整伍”、“举兵先正心”的纪律整顿思想。认为军队有没有严格的群众纪律 ,关系到人心的向背。因此 ,要求部队有严明的纪律。“市不易肆 ,民不知兵”的兵不扰民思想。认为这是体现一支军队纪律素养的重要标志。“兵无民不坚 ,民无兵不固”的军民互为依托思想。认为军和民是互为依靠的关系 ,要是处理不好 ,就不能够取得胜利。“军民和协”、“兵农合一”的军民一体思想。强调民为天下之本 ,兵皆出于民 ,“民者兵之命”等等。这些思想中闪烁着真理的光彩 ,值得后人借鉴。  相似文献   

台湾军政关系变化是台湾政治转型的重要表现和结果。台湾军政关系的制度架构在一定程度上决定和规范了台军的政治意识和行为。从军事政治学的视角分析台湾军政关系的基本结构和具体制度特点,对于正确认识和解决台湾问题具有理论和实践的双重意义。  相似文献   

军事政治学是运用政治学的理论和方法研究军政现象,以探求军政关系发展规律为目标的一门军事学与政治学之间的交叉学科。当代世界存在的三大军政关系实践形态及其理论依据各具特色。正确评价军政关系必须确立和遵循客观的评价原则和方法,不断总结和运用马克思主义军事政治学理论,积极构建和发展中国特色的军事政治学,并充分发挥其学术功能和作用。  相似文献   

在西欧开辟第二战场是第二次世界大战中盟国采取的具有战略意义的军事行动.在这一问题上,美苏态度基本一致,都希望尽早在西欧开辟第二战场,使德国陷入两线作战的不利境地,以尽早将其击败.但美国首相丘吉尔出于重塑欧洲大陆均势、维护殖民利益和实施边缘战略等多方面的考虑,对美苏的呼吁和建议始终表现不积极,并多次拖延和阻挠其实现,使这一重大军事行动直到1944年6月才付诸实施,对第二次世界大战的进程产生了很大影响.  相似文献   

Military units can become to some extent self-governing in war-time battle. At times, they may take the discipline of their soldiers into their own hands and such discipline may be severe. This paper examines incidents in the British military, in both World Wars, where British soldiers were killed by their comrades because they would not fight in the heat of battle. The judicial execution by the military authorities of deserters in the First World War led to much controversy in Britain. It may be much less well-known that in both World Wars there was, on occasion, an extra-judicial practice within the British military of executing soldiers who would not fight in the heat of battle. In such situations ethical dilemmas become very difficult indeed and some of the relevant issues are examined here.  相似文献   

This article argues that the British government's deliberate exclusion of international law from colonial counterinsurgencies allowed the army to suppress opponents with little restraint. The oft-assumed national inhibitor, the principle of ‘minimum force’, was actually widely permissive. As a result exemplary force was employed to coerce the Kikuyu civilian population in Kenya into supporting the government rather than the insurgents. Apparently random acts were thus strategic, and emerged in three forms: beatings and torture, murders, and forced population movement. The article argues that such harsh measures were seen as necessary and effective; they were a form of indirect policy and did not arise from a disciplinary breakdown.  相似文献   

Building indigenous armies in Asia with military advisory and aid programs has been a mission of the United States Army for over 100 years. Creation of an indigenous army was an early goal of American occupation policy in Korea, but little support and resources were assigned. Between 1946 and 1948, a minute American advisory effort partially trained and equipped a Korean Army cadre of 25,000 men. The unceasing efforts of a talented American advisor, Captain James Hausman, made success possible. He dominated the small advisory group, was given carte blanche to implement his ideas, and left indelible changes on what became the South Korean Army.  相似文献   

1924年国民党改组前后,孙中山所依靠的旧军队是广州革命政府的支柱。这些旧军队经过不断的改造和分化,构成了1925年7月成立的中国新型军队──国民革命军的主干之一,奠定了北伐胜利进军的军事力量基础。本文试从旧军队的改造和国民革命军的建立入手,考察苏联帮助下的国共双方对旧军队转变为新型军队所做出的巨大努力,探索旧军队转变的客观必然性。一、孙中山领导的旧军队有着军阀军队的烙印,同时又有一定的革命倾向性1923年初,孙中山依靠南方军队,重回广州建立了广州革命政府,这些军队成为广州政府的军事支柱。主要包括:杨希闵所率的滇军3个…  相似文献   

当代世界存在各具特色的三大代表性军政关系实践形态。正确评价军政关系必须确立和遵循客观的评价原则和方法,同时要不断总结和运用马克思主义军事政治学理论工具,探索既符合一般军事政治学学科规范要求又适合中国国情的军事政治学研究方法。  相似文献   

张之洞是近代采用西法编练新军的先驱者之一 ,从江南自强军的创办到湖北常备军的建立 ,既是一个新军编练的具体实践过程 ,也是一个关于军事制度变革的思想探索过程。张之洞对于晚清军事近代化做出了重要贡献。本文系统地探讨了张之洞的练兵思想源流与湖北新军创建的基本史实 ,并通过与袁世凯的北洋新军的比较以观察湖北新军的特点 ,为我们观察晚清军事近代化提供了一个面相。  相似文献   

在美军无人系统建设发展过程中,陆军现役无人系统不仅总量最多,而且在军事行动中扮演着重要的角色,发挥着重要的作用。详细介绍和分析了美国陆军无人系统力量建设、训练、部署与配套、作战运用等情况。未来美国陆军将更加注重有人系统与无人系统编组,更加注重无人系统组网作战,更加注重无人化作战。  相似文献   

中国共产党领导下的新四军在8年抗战中做出了巨大的牺牲和贡献,日伪虽然对此百般掩饰与歪曲,但在论及新四军的作战地区、新四军的战术与作战、新四军的素质及其与群众的关系时仍透露一些无法掩盖的事实。从某种程度上,这些事实反而成为新四军铁军精神的一种反面证明。  相似文献   

分析总结了外军野营净水装备的系列化、高技术化、野战化等特点,提出了我军应从水源、供水规模和使用气候条件等方面成系列研制净水装备,并用高新技术对供水安全、降低能耗等关键技术进行攻关研究,以适应现代战争需要。  相似文献   

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