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This article analyses the positions of the Chinese civilian leaders and military elites on Military Operations Other Than War in order to shed light on their preferences about the use of the armed forces in foreign policy between the late 1990s and the early 2010s. Over time, a significant divergence developed between civilians and soldiers until 2011, when the Libyan crisis happened. The study also prompts important considerations about our understanding of civil–military relations in China and future role of the People’s Liberation Army as a tool of statecraft in foreign policy.  相似文献   

This paper examines statistical data on the employment of women in the British armed forces. It reviews some of the issues shaping debates about women’s military employment, in order to establish the on-going significance of the topic. It looks at patterns of female military employment across the three services, and places discussion of this in the context of observations about gendered divisions of labour in the wider UK labour market. It examines data for the gendered divisions of labour within different corps, branches and occupational groups within each of the three armed services, and looks at gender patterns across ranks. It concludes by discussing the implications of these findings for both policy and conceptual work on women’s military participation.  相似文献   

This paper explores the notion that US efforts to evade the political costs of war paradoxically contribute to the subsequent exacerbation of costs over time. Leaders seek to purchase political capital in the short term by limiting the costs and requirements of military operations, but in doing so cause strategic and political liabilities to mount in the long run. While identification of such behaviour is not new, insufficient attention has been devoted to explaining its causes, dynamics, and manifestations in relation to key decisions on and in war. Evidence derived from studies of recent American discretionary campaigns is analysed to advance an argument with respect to this pattern of self-defeating strategic behaviour.  相似文献   

Cyberspace is an avenue of approach through which a military force can attain objectives of value. Through these cyber avenues of approach, military forces can engage, vet, organize, and direct human agents to accomplish specific activities. Although the objectives of these activities could differ from traditional military objectives, they still have military relevance. This particular manifestation of cyber conflict is neither a new domain of war nor something outside of warfare. Rather, it can be viewed as an emerging avenue of approach in the larger context of military operations, auguring benefits in the integration of cyber activities with operations.  相似文献   

This article examines women's role as combatants in national liberation forces in South Africa. Three categories – guerrilla girls, combative mothers and the in-betweeners – are introduced to underscore the varied ways in which women have participated in combat within the national liberation movements. Factors such as age and one's ability to leave the country affected whether women could participate in combat as ‘guerrilla girls’ or if it limited them to fighting apartheid violence from home, or if there were women who can be defined as having fallen somewhere in between these categories. These categories are used to theorise women's combat roles in the anti-apartheid struggle, thus broadening and challenging the dominant notions of combat that often hide women's contributions in war. In this regard, different periods of struggle, physical location, as well as age, determined the methods of activism available to men and women.  相似文献   

This article seeks to assess the magnitude of military reform in Indonesia and its impact in establishing greater levels of professionalism within the armed forces. To this end, the authors will offer some reflections on the studies of civil-military relations and military transformation for inculcating a higher degree of military professionalism; analyse to what extent the process of military reform in Indonesia has reshaped the institutional role of the armed forces; and discern three major strategic gaps in Indonesia's military reform, namely the “legal loopholes and regulation vacuum,” the “shortcomings of democratic civilian control,” and the “defence-economic gap.” This article asserts that military professionalism will grow more substantially depending on the ability of civilian elites to exercise effective control over the military and the capacity of the government to transform the military establishment keeping pace with strategic challenges and operational requirements.  相似文献   

This article examines contemporary modes of American warfare. It posits the concept of “vicarious warfare” as a means of capturing prominent patterns in warfighting approaches. Although rooted in long-standing traditions of military practice, vicarious warfare is sufficiently novel as to be identifiable as a distinct phenomenon. The precise manifestation or combination of vicarious methods vary according to the specific circumstances and political contexts prevailing in different theaters. However, America’s general preference is to fight its wars by delegating tasks to proxies and limiting exposure of its own military to danger. Where U.S. forces are employed directly, this takes place largely in the shadows. Such approaches have clear attractions, offer undoubted tactical advantages, and permit successive administrations to maintain a persistent tempo of operations that evades rigorous democratic scrutiny. Yet, prominent cases and numerous studies suggest that vicarious warfare has a high potential to generate counterproductive effects and significant strategic harm.  相似文献   


This article analyses findings from an original survey of 187 private military contractors on their incentives for working in the industry. Perceptions of contractors as “greedy, ruthless, and unscrupulous mercenaries” shape both public and military opinions of outsourcing and may impact U.S. military effectiveness, civil–military relations, and contractor identity. We find that contractors are motivated by a range of factors and that their financial experiences are not clearly more positive than that of state military troops. We recommend broad education of military and defense officials and the public in the U.S. and other relevant nations, regarding the true incentives of modern-day, Western contractors, in an effort to dispel misperceptions, increase effective utilisation of contractors, and beneficially shape PMC-military coordination. DoD may consider integrating such training into its current efforts to improve outsourcing, including its Joint OCS Planning and Execution Course, pre-deployment fora, and curricula of advanced military studies schools.  相似文献   

周炎明  兰旭  熊俊芬 《国防科技》2020,41(5):111-118
随着“大智移云物”的出现和发展,战争形态已经发展到智能化战争新阶段。为了打赢未来智能化战争,推进军队财务管理实现智能化,充分利用军事大数据这一新兴重要战略资源尤为必要。本文利用需求分析法和现象分类法,从经费需求测算、预算编制、军费支出和军费绩效评估四个方面分析了军队财务管理领域应用军事大数据的需求。针对当前存在的运用军事大数据观念淡薄、数据采集困难、数据挖掘处理能力较弱、数据安全威胁及军事大数据人才缺乏等五个问题,从大数据应用观念的树立、软硬件设备的更新、数据中心的建设、应用框架的构建、信息化管理制度的完善、数据安全管理和大数据人才队伍建设几个方面提出了在军队财务管理领域应用军事大数据的思路。  相似文献   

Why did some Arab militaries remain loyal to authoritarian rulers amid mass uprisings during the Arab Spring while others defected to the opposition? One popular explanation shows this variation with reference to the degree of military institutionalization: institutionalized militaries defected, while patrimonial militaries remained loyal. This article argues that the institutionalization hypothesis does not provide a complete account of the mechanisms through which the degree of military institutionalization leads to either defection or continued loyalty. This shortcoming stems from the fact that scholars have treated military institutionalization as a catch-all concept for three distinct variables: ethnic stacking of the military, patronage distribution, and organizational factionalization. Examining the interaction between these variables highlights the mechanisms through which military defection occurs, and therefore that disaggregating institutionalization into its component parts provides a more complete explanation of military behavior during the Arab Spring.  相似文献   

This article provides a theorisation of militarism in post-war Cyprus. Based on qualitative empirical research conducted in Cyprus in 2011, the article explores the manifestation and steadfastness of Greek-Cypriot militarism, and the development of this militarism, which appeared after the partition of the island in 1974. In particular, it proposes the ideology of defence as a way to understand post-war Greek-Cypriot militarism. It shows the embedded nature of defence in the idea of the national struggle. It aims at mapping the character of this militarism in order to provide the grounds for future discussion. Only by understanding the interconnecting discourses that made Greek-Cypriot militarism possible in post-war Cyprus, can we understand its past, present, and future.  相似文献   

随着我军信息化建设的不断发展,军事计量在装备全系统、全寿命、全过程监管中发挥着越来越重要的作用。武器装备信息化程度越高,越需要严苛的计量保障体系,而计量人员是军事计量保障工作的主体,所以,加强我军军事计量人员的培训工作,具有非常重要的意义。本文通过对地方计量人员培训体系进行分析,利用军地融合方式,研究我军军事计量培训工作在新时期新阶段的发展思路。  相似文献   

张涛  杜燚博 《国防科技》2021,42(6):135-140
唐朝是中国历史上最为强大的王朝之一,其军事实力可谓中国历史的巅峰.唐朝国祚在安史之乱后还延续了150余年,唐朝的兵役制度和后勤制度对其内外军事斗争及政权的发展和延续起到了重要作用.在军事审计的保驾护航之下,唐朝的兵役及后勤制度为其初期开疆拓土与后期定土戡乱均提供了有力支持.本文以唐朝历史的衍进为线索,以唐朝兵役制度和军...  相似文献   

Trust in institutions is an important issue of political science and sociology. This article contributes to the discussion by exploring public trust in the military at the global, regional and national levels, and the causes of trust and distrust in the military. Analyses of public opinion data reveal that the military is a highly trusted social institution across the world. In Slovenia, the trust in the military is high as well; however, it is lower than international data would suggest, averaging at 50%. Against this background, the article focuses on the causes of trust. The original empirical survey was accomplished and shows that the most significant causes of a high level of trust in the military are its frequent and successful involvement in disaster relief, its professional qualifications and high performance, as well as its national defense role. Whereas the key causes of distrust are: the poor levels of transparency in its procurement process; the politicization of the military and organizational problems.  相似文献   

苗壮  赵勋  王家宝  李阳  李航  张睿 《国防科技》2021,42(4):57-63
战争的信息化程度不断加深对军事侦察提出了更高要求.军事目标识别作为军事侦察的主要任务之一,需要能够处理细粒度军事目标,为人员提供更加详细的目标信息.但传统的粗粒度目标识别方法无法得到目标的细粒度信息.因此,如何识别细粒度目标成为目前军事侦察亟需解决的问题.针对该问题,本文结合军事领域的实际需求,对细粒度识别技术的发展现...  相似文献   

蔡华悦  未志元 《国防科技》2017,38(5):007-011
世界主要军事力量认识到人工智能这一新科技的影响力,并积极置身于这一新的发展机遇。文章从公开的报道的信息来源,整理分析中、美、俄、以四国的军事人工智能发展现状。研究表明,人工智能技术作为当今科技热点,正在以前所未有的方式影响我们生活的方方面面,也深刻的改变着军事领域的作战方式、作战理论。  相似文献   

军事法律关系是军事法律体系逻辑起点的基本范畴 ,是主体、客体和内容的统一。本文就军事法律关系的概念、主体和客体作一回溯性的研究和评析 ,并以此来构筑我国军事法学的理论体系。  相似文献   

美军在军事人才培养的体系构筑、目标设定、课目设置等方面有着众多独到之处。《军官职业军事教育政策》是美军规范军官职业军事教育的指导性文件,研究掌握其核心内容的发展演变,从中提取美军职业教育改革的先进理念和成熟做法,可为我军军事职业教育建设提供经验借鉴。  相似文献   

通过对睡虎地秦墓竹简的分析,指出秦朝已经建立了比较完善的军事法律制度:在军事训练方面有对基层军官、战马、驾车者的考核制度;在军事保障方面,利用法律手段保证军队的兵源、装备、军粮的供应;在军事奖赏方面则实行优厚的封爵制度;在军事纪律方面,对违反军事纪律者给予严厉的处罚。  相似文献   

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