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建设社会主义新农村是我国现代化进程中的重大历史任务。切实加强农村消防工作,为建设社会主义新农村创造和谐稳定的消防安全环境,是公安消防部队的神圣历史使命,也是当前和今后一个时期消防工作的中心任务。通过实地调研,指出了当前农村消防工作存在的主要问题,分析了问题的主要成因,并结合实际,从消防教育、消防投入、消防队伍、消防责任、消防监管等方面,提出了加强社会主义新农村消防工作的意见。  相似文献   

分析消防工作社会化机制,研究消防行政主管部门职能效率,推动政府、政府工作部门和社会单位依法履行消防安全职责,对整体推进消防工作社会化进程具有重要的现实意义。分析了目前消防工作社会化的现状,提出加快推进消防工作社会化进程的具体措施。  相似文献   

以中国消防年鉴2005年全国城市消防规划和城市公共消防设施建设情况统计资料为例,运用SPSS统计分析软件对全国各省消防基础设施建设情况进行分类汇总分析,从消防投入角度对新形势下的消防工作提出指导意见。  相似文献   

近年来,政府对消防投入水平较低。通过建立数学模型,从消防部门与政府的相互关系进行理论论证,抛砖引玉,提出消防工作的建议。  相似文献   

消防工作社会化是新形势下做好消防工作的必由之路.社会化程度不高,消防部门唱“独角戏”的现象及消防工作面临的诸多新情况、新问题,对消防工作社会化提出了更高更新的要求,也带来了前所未有的挑战.针对这些问题,提出了消防工作社会化管理的对策.  相似文献   

剖析了当前中小学校消防工作中存在的问题,从提高领导阶层的消防安全意识、落实消防安全责任制、提高自防自救能力、加大消防经费投入等方面提出对今后中小学校消防工作有指导意义的合理化建议。  相似文献   

根据对福建省新型城镇化建设的实验地平潭综合实验区消防工作的调研,以消防建设及消防安全面临的现状为切入点,结合新型城镇化建设下消防工作存在的突出问题进行分析,从消防专项规划、消防基础建设、消防宣传教育和消防服务管理等方面提出了一些新思路与对策.  相似文献   

消防工作宣传系于一半,消防宣传是做好消防工作的重要环节,分析我国当前消防宣传工作的现状和存在的主要问题,论述了消防宣传社会化的内涵和必要性,探索消防宣传社会化的新机制,就如何加强新时期消防宣传工作社会化提出了新思路。  相似文献   

随着经济发展,城乡小型企业建设快速无序发展的现象在部分地区普遍存在,此类场所火灾隐患多,群死群伤火灾事故频繁发生,给人们生命财产造成了极大损失,社会负面影响极其恶劣。分析了小型企业火灾隐患的成因,从政府履行消防工作职责,加大执法力度,加强消防宣传教育,加大消防投入,企业认真落实消防责任制,制订落实消防安全制度,正确处理生产与消防安全的关系,科学合理地整改火灾隐患几方面探讨了小型企业火灾隐患的防治对策。  相似文献   

针对当前农村火灾事故多发,火灾形势日趋严峻的实际情况,探讨了目前农村消防工作的现状和存在问题,分析了制约农村消防工作发展的原因,从完善农村消防工作管理机制、发挥基层派出所消防监督管理职能、重视农村消防基础设施建设、强化消防宣传教育、解决农村消防用水几个方面给出进一步改进和加强农村消防工作的对策。  相似文献   

We study the problem of capacity exchange between two firms in anticipation of the mismatch between demand and capacity, and its impact on firm's capacity investment decisions. For given capacity investment levels of the two firms, we demonstrate how capacity price may be determined and how much capacity should be exchanged when either manufacturer acts as a Stackelberg leader in the capacity exchange game. By benchmarking against the centralized system, we show that a side payment may be used to coordinate the capacity exchange decisions. We then study the firms' capacity investment decisions using a biform game framework in which capacity investment decisions are made individually and exchange decisions are made as in a centralized system. We demonstrate the existence and uniqueness of the Nash equilibrium capacity investment levels and study the impact of firms' share of the capacity exchange surplus on their capacity investment levels.© 2007 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Naval Research Logistics, 2007  相似文献   

武器装备研制费投资效益分析与评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
运用数据包络分析方法对武器装备研制费投资的军事经济效益进行了分析评价,为武器装备研制的投资决策提供了分析依据.  相似文献   

This article considers the Economic Lot Scheduling Problem where setup times and costs can be reduced by an initial investment that is amortized over time. The objective is to determine a multiple-item single facility cyclic schedule to minimize the long run average holding and setup costs plus the amortized investment. We develop a lower bound on the long run average inventory carrying and setup costs as a function of the setup times, and show that this lower bound is increasing concave on the setup times when the out-of-pocket setup costs are zero or proportional to the setup times. We then develop a model that may be helpful in deciding the magnitude and the distribution of a one-time investment in reducing the setup times when the investment is amortized over time. Numerical results based on randomly generated problems, and on Bomberger's ten item problem indicate that significant overall savings are possible for highly utilized facilities. Most of the savings are due to a significant reduction in the long run average holding cost. © 1995 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

分析了基数滚动切块和层次分析-目标规划(AnalyticHierarchyProcessandGoalProgramming)投资分配模型的利弊,探讨了工程建设投资效能的估计方法,研究建立了基于效能分析的投资分配优化模型.该模型经实际算例分析证明,模型的思路清晰,便于理解和操作,具有较好的实用性.  相似文献   

We consider the problem of temporal expansion of the capacity of, say, a plant or road given estimates of its desired usage (demand). The basic problem is: given a sequence of predicted demands for N time periods, determine the optimal investment decision in each period to minimize a linear investment cost and a strictly convex cost of capacity. The relationship between capacity and the investment decisions is assumed to be linear, but time varying. Constraints on both the individual decisions and on the sum of the decisions are considered. An algorithm for solving this problem is derived.  相似文献   

当前,公安科技创新经费投入存在着一些问题,从投入机制、投入结构和投入管理方式等方面提高经费投入效应,对于满足社会安全需求,实现公安科技创新体系高效运行具有现实的指导意义。  相似文献   

由于土壤源、湖水源热泵的应用受到地理条件、初投资等因素的制约,某些地区更适宜采用土壤源-湖水源的混合式热泵系统。以某工程应用为例,分别从性能系数、初投资及运行费用3个方面分析证明了采用混合式热泵系统的可行性。结果表明,混合式热泵系统的初投资虽然较大,但通过节约运行费用,在较短年限内可收回增加的成本,并且可以减少废水废气的排放。因此,在合适的地区可以推广使用土壤源-湖水源的混合式热泵系统。  相似文献   

This paper describes a linear programming model used to perform cost-effectiveness analysis to determine the requirements for military strategic mobility resources. Expenditures for three classes of economic alternatives are considered: purchase of transportation resources; prepositioning of material; and augmentation of port facilities. The mix of economic alternatives that maximizes the effectiveness of the resultant transportation system is determined for a given investment level. By repeating the analysis for several levels of investment, a cost-effectiveness tradeoff curve can be developed.  相似文献   

The UK Ministry of Defence is British industry's largest single customer and a number of firms and industries are highly dependent on defence sales. Various hypotheses have been proposed about the impact of defence procurement on firms and these are investigated using four performance indicators: financial structure, investment, productivity and profitability. With regard to the borrowing ratio, capital investment and the rate of return, there is no statistically significant difference between the mean financial ratios for low and high dependence firms. However, non‐dependents appear to have a higher level and rate of growth of labour productivity than dependents.  相似文献   

以部队某保障基地油库军用柴油扩容工程采用钢板贴壁工艺新建的1座15 000 m3地下水封油池为例,从技术经济学角度对钢板贴壁油罐作了静态投资分析。该钢板贴壁油罐静态总投资1 756.95万元,其中占总投资比例最高者为地下工程建设,达到53.76%,库容投资1 171.30元/m3。结果表明:钢板贴壁油罐较地下水封石洞油罐整体经济效益明显;投资定额可供编制预算参考。  相似文献   

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