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Due to notable characteristics, sustainability concept and environmental issues, hybridisation natural with synthetic fibres to fabricate composites have been rapidly gaining market share in different applications (structural, military, aerospace and automotive vehicles). Compression, tension and fatigue tests of various stacking sequences of plain jute/carbon reinforced (PVB) polyvinyl butyral by hot hydraulic press technique were experimentally conducted. Six types of fabricated composites with various constituents (jute, carbon and their hybrids) were fabricated and tested. Notably, fatigue lifetime of hybrids increases with increasing the carbon content relative to the jute fibre content. On the other hand, Jute composites possess high strain compared to pure carbon composite, which gives an overall improvement in mechanical behaviours. Interestingly, H1 hybrid with Carbon/Jute/Carbon sequences offers similar fatigue stiffness behaviour of H3 hybrid with Carbon/Jute/Carbon/Jute sequences when subjected to cyclic loading. Carbon composite (C) exhibited the highest fatigue resistance, whiles jute composite (J) possessed the highest strain and semi brittle trends in both mechanical and fatigue performance. Results concluded that plain jute fibres could partially replace high-cost synthetic carbon fibres to produce more eco-friendly hybrids to be utilised in different composites industries.  相似文献   

An artificial neural network (ANN) constitutive model is developed for high strength armor steel tempered at 500 °C, 600 °C and 650 °C based on high strain rate data generated from split Hopkinson pressure bar (SHPB) experiments. A new neural network configuration consisting of both training and validation is effectively employed to predict flow stress. Tempering temperature, strain rate and strain are considered as inputs, whereas flow stress is taken as output of the neural network. A comparative study on Johnson–Cook (J–C) model and neural network model is performed. It was observed that the developed neural network model could predict flow stress under various strain rates and tempering temperatures. The experimental stress–strain data obtained from high strain rate compression tests using SHPB, over a range of tempering temperatures (500–650 °C), strains (0.05–0.2) and strain rates (1000–5500/s) are employed to formulate J–C model to predict the high strain rate deformation behavior of high strength armor steels. The J-C model and the back-propagation ANN model were developed to predict the high strain rate deformation behavior of high strength armor steel and their predictability is evaluated in terms of correlation coefficient (R) and average absolute relative error (AARE). R and AARE for the J–C model are found to be 0.7461 and 27.624%, respectively, while R and AARE for the ANN model are 0.9995 and 2.58%, respectively. It was observed that the predictions by ANN model are in consistence with the experimental data for all tempering temperatures.  相似文献   

针对C70等级高强混凝土,设计了4种超高分子量聚乙烯纤维掺量混凝土,通过立方体抗压、劈裂抗拉和四点弯曲抗折试验,分析了纤维掺量对混凝土力学性能的影响。结果表明:超高分子量聚乙烯纤维对混凝土的抗压强度增强作用不明显,但较大提高了混凝土的抗拉强度和抗折强度,且对混凝土有很好的阻裂、增韧效果。在纤维体积掺量为0.3%~0.5%时,劈裂抗拉强度提高25%以上;掺量0.5%时,弯曲抗折强度提高率超过23%。  相似文献   

测试了国产T300级碳纤维的单丝和复丝拉伸强度,并用Weibull分布来描述碳纤维单丝平均拉伸强度。采用拉挤工艺制备出国产碳纤维复合线芯,测试了国产碳纤维复合线芯的弯曲强度和短梁剪切强度性能。结果表明:国产T300级碳纤维单丝拉伸强度性能达到东丽T300碳纤维水平,且分散性更小;复丝强度略低。国产T300级碳纤维集束性较差,在拉挤抽纱过程中,容易夹纱和起毛。在纤维体积含量基本相同情况下,国产T300级碳纤维复合线芯力学性能与东丽T700碳纤维复合线芯力学性能相差不大。  相似文献   

为了降低管路压力波动带来的振动和噪声,气囊式压力波动衰减器被广泛用于吸收管路压力波动。首先,通过合理的假设和简化,建立了衰减装置的数学模型和仿真模型;然后,基于FLUENT软件提供的计算方法和物理模型,利用动网格和用户自定义函数(UDF)技术,对气囊变形的过程进行动态模拟,结果表明:流体波动频率与衰减器固有频率一致时衰减效果最好,仿真结果和理论推导结果一致;最后,根据工程实际搭建实验平台,对不同工况下的仿真内容进行实验验证。实验结果表明:实验与仿真基本吻合,验证了该仿真模型的有效性,为气囊式压力波动衰减器参数的研究提供了新方法和新思路。  相似文献   

The dispersion of magnetic nanoparticles in matrix is crucial to ensure optimum performance of the composite. The difficulty level of achieving good dispersion is further increase when a multi-phases of matrix is present. A pre-coating technique of magnetic nanoparticles with polypropylene using ball-mill prior to melt-blending process was employed to prepare a multi-phases thermoplastic natural rubber composite. The effect of filler loading (2 wt%-10 wt%) on morphology, structure, magnetic properties, thermal stability and dynamic mechanical properties of the composites were investigated. It was found that the NiZn ferrite nanoparticles act as nucleating agent to form beta isostatic polypropylene thermoplastic composites. The composites' magnetic properties are directly dependent on the filler concentration. The dispersion of magnetic fillers in polymer matrix plays role in affecting the magnetic properties and thermal stability. The preference of filler to locate at amorphous phase has distorted the chain orientation of natural rubber and polypropylene. Hence, the polymorphism and crystallinity of the matrix varied as the filler loading increased, affecting the dynamic mechanical properties. It was found that 8 wt% NiZn nanocomposite exhibits highest E’ and tanδ, indicating the dynamic mechanical properties of NiZn nanocomposite are affected by β-phase degree.  相似文献   

本文结合军事态势、武器威胁及战争模式,根据战场工程的发展特点,总结分析了战场工程的五种基本属性。基于自身属性变化,融合我国的积极防御思想,提出在信息化战争条件下,应充分发挥战场工程的防御机制,并结合现代智能技术,构建一种基于策略调度和重构反馈机制的战场工程动态防御战法,提升人员和装备的生存能力,补充完善现代战场工程防护体系,为赢得未来战争提供必要的支撑。  相似文献   

据聚合物阻尼性能定量化理论,设计合成了软段结构、分子量不同以及含支链的聚氨酯.动态力学性能测试表明,含聚环氧丙烷二醇(PPG,Mn=2 000)、聚己二酸二乙二醇(PDEA,Mn=2 000)、聚己二酸乙二醇(PEAG,Mn=2 000)软段的试样的温域宽和内耗峰高.当软段分子量增加时,材料的损耗因子增加.组份相同时,含支链比不含支链的聚氨酯试样的内耗峰高,阻尼值大.  相似文献   

The present work is aimed at studying the microstructure and pitting corrosion behaviour of shielded metal arc welded high nitrogen steel made of Cromang-N electrode. Basis for selecting this electrode is to increase the solubility of nitrogen in weld metal due to high chromium and manganese content. Microscopic studies were carried out using optical microscopy(OM) and field emission scanning electron microscopy(FESEM). Energy back scattered diffraction(EBSD) method was used to determine the phase analysis, grain size and orientation image mapping. Potentio-dynamic polarization testing was carried out to study the pitting corrosion resistance in aerated 3.5% NaCl environment using a GillAC electrochemical system. The investigation results showed that the selected Cr-Mn-N type electrode resulted in a maximum reduction in delta-ferrite and improvement in pitting corrosion resistance of the weld zone was attributed to the coarse austenite grains owing to the reduction in active sites of the austenite/delta ferrite interface and the decrease in galvanic interaction between austenite and delta-ferrite.  相似文献   

强电磁冲击环境的核心执行机构是线圈,除保障强磁环境发生线圈的电磁特性外,还须确保线圈支架具有充足的机械特性。在完成对线圈磁电设计的基础上,根据线圈的三维结构图、材料配置、质量分布、各零部件之间连接方式以及线圈固定方式等,建立线圈支架结构整体系统有限元计算模型,对线圈支架系统进行静力、稳定性数值计算分析,并校核联接件强度,为线圈支架结构提供参考依据。对实用大型强磁冲击系统所用线圈整体的力学结构进行设计分析,应用背景较新,且仿真计算过程严格按照实际搭建尺寸进行,具有高度的一致性,为后续搭建强磁环境发生装置提供坚实基础。  相似文献   

高重合度人字齿轮传动动态性能优化设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
对人字齿轮传动进行高重合度设计的分析,基于人字齿轮副承载接触分析技术,针对人字齿轮传动中主动小齿轮轴向浮动安装的特点,综合考虑齿轮时变啮合刚度、啮合冲击激励及误差激励等因素的影响,采用集中质量法建立了考虑修形的人字齿轮副弯-扭-轴耦合非线性振动模型,推导了系统无量纲运动微分方程,求解得到齿轮传动系统的振动加速度。以齿轮的振动加速度均方根值为优化的目标函数,针对该类复杂实际工程优化设计中适应值计算费时的缺点,提出了一种改进的具有适应值预测机制的遗传算法,优化得到了人字齿轮的基本设计参数及修形参数,提高了计算效率,通过实例分析验证了该优化方法的有效性。对加工的人字齿轮在减振降噪试验台上进行带载试验,对比优化前后的噪音分贝值,进一步验证了该优化方法对齿轮副减振降噪具有一定作用。  相似文献   

In order to study the dynamic response and calculate the axial dynamic coefficient of the monolayer cylindrical explosion vessel, the wall of vessel is simplified as a multi-degree-of-freedom (MDoF) undamped elastic foundation beam. Decoupling the coupled motion equation and using Duhamel's integrals, the solutions in generalized coordinates of the equations under exponentially decaying loads, square wave loads and triangular wave loads are calculated. These solutions are consistent in form with the solutions of single-degree-of-freedom (SDoF) undamped forced vibration simplified model. Based on the model, equivalent MDoF design method (also called MDoF dynamic coefficient method) of cylindrical explosion vessel is proposed. The traditional method can only predict the dynamic coefficient of torus portion around the explosion center, but this method can predict that of the vessel wall at any axial n dividing point position. It is verified that the prediction accuracy of this model is greatly improved compared with the SDoF model by comparing the results of this model with SDoF model and numerical simulation in different working conditions. However, the prediction accuracy decreases as the scaled distance decreases and approaches the end of the vessel, which is related to the accuracy of the empirical formula of the implosion load, the simplification of the explosion load direction, the boundary conditions, and the loading time difference.  相似文献   

Naval grade high strength low alloy(HSLA) steels can be easily welded by all types of fusion welding processes. However, fusion welding of these steels leads to the problems such as cold cracking, residual stress, distortion and fatigue damage. These problems can be eliminated by solid state welding process such as friction stir welding(FSW). In this investigation, a comparative evaluation of mechanical(tensile, impact,hardness) properties and microstructural features of shielded metal arc(SMA), gas metal arc(GMA) and friction stir welded(FSW) naval grade HSLA steel joints was carried out. It was found that the use of FSW process eliminated the problems related to fusion welding processes and also resulted in the superior mechanical properties compared to GMA and SMA welded joints.  相似文献   

The finite-depth concrete panels have been widely applied in the protective structures, and its impact resistance and dynamic fracture failures, especially the scabbing/perforation limits, under high velocity projectile impact, are mainly concerned by protective engineers, which are numerically studied based on an improved dynamic concrete model in this study. Firstly, based on the framework of the KCC(Karagozian & Case concrete) model, a dynamic concrete model is proposed which considers an...  相似文献   

以粘胶基碳纤维毡为原料,经CVD沉积碳增密处理后,采用酚醛树脂浸渍-裂解对C/C预制体的密度进行调节,通过气相硅渗透反应工艺制备了C/SiC复合材料.利用SEM对C/C预制体和C/SiC复合材料的显微形貌进行了表征.研究了CVD碳和裂解碳对C/SiC微观形貌和力学性能的影响.结果表明:CVD碳含量较低时,碳纤维将受到气相硅的反应性侵蚀,反之则造成复合材料中残余碳含量过高、SiC基体相含量偏低,材料力学性能下降.当CVD碳的体积分数为17.5%、裂解碳的体积分数为12.0%时,得到的C/SiC力学性能最佳,其强度和模量分别为217MPa和209 GPa.  相似文献   

测试了C/SiC复合材料在高温空气下的压缩、弯曲和拉伸性能,利用扫描电子显微镜分析复合材料在室温与高温条件下的断口微观形貌。结果表明:从室温升温到1 000 ℃测试温度时,C/SiC复合材料的压缩强度由247 MPa降低至78 MPa,性能降低68%;弯曲强度由480 MPa降低至277 MPa,性能降低42%;拉伸强度由247 MPa降低至152 MPa,性能降低38%。高温氧化导致界面退化,损伤材料基体与碳纤维结构,加剧了纤维断裂程度,改变了纤维与基体的结合状态,纤维增韧机制逐渐消失,导致复合材料性能下降。  相似文献   

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