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第一次提出了以两个参照系为标准理解人类创造活动的意义,即以动物的本能活动和自在世界为参照系,人的实践活动本身就是创造;以他人的实践和人类世界的存在物为参照系,人的大量实践则是重复性实践,只有主体本质力量对象化为某种新成果的活动,才是创造.创造学主要研究第二个层次的创造活动,从创造的本质,创造的主体特征,创造的内容和形式等方面揭示了创造与一般性实践的差异.  相似文献   

海军基层先进文化是在“两大使命”的引领下,三个基本要素的有机统一,即豪迈的军旅写照、浓郁的战斗风格和鲜活的海洋气息。因此,欲实现“先进文化”的激励和导向功能,海军基层文化活动就必须以突出海军特色为载体,以体现官兵的主体、强化使命的主旨、升华“三爱”的主线为主要内容。突出“兵味”聚焦官兵主体勇敢顽强、无私奉献、纪律严明、举止果断、仪表威严等是海军军人的鲜明特点,这些特点也应该在海军基层文化活动中得以表现。因为,水兵是海军的主体。基层文化活动从服务的对象到反映的内容,都离不开“水兵”这个主体。从更深层次看,…  相似文献   

<正>条目是军事年鉴中分条记述事物,具有主题专一性和内容完整性的年度重要信息资料的最小编写单元,是构成军事年鉴内容主体的基础构件。由于条目的这一特性,使它成为纪事存史的核心载体、年鉴品质的关键支撑,应当给予特别的重视。一、正视条目编纂常见的"五不"问题从已出版的各类军事年鉴情况看,通常容易出现的问题,主要集中在五个方面。一是条目设计不精。对不同属性、不同层次的条目,功能定位不准确,资料统筹不合理,内容安排  相似文献   

薛寒 《军事历史》2012,(2):8-14
杨杰是中国近现代国防理论的奠基人之一.其国防战略思想的主要内容:一是全体性国防.提出建立国家总动员的国防体制;进行军事、政治、经济、文化的全面建设;实行“统筹全局,把握平衡”的国防实施方略.二是人民国防.认为没有人民参与的国防不是真正的国防;消灭阶级对立,建设真正的人民国防;培养“救国之鉴识,御外侮之本能”的“国防人”.三是国防建设重点.把握时代、特殊和重心三个重点;实现农业国家的工业化;建设适应大陆性战争的国防军.杨杰的国防战略思想对构建科学的国防战略思想体系具有重要的借鉴意义.  相似文献   

关泠  何荷 《国防》2016,(6):47-50
习近平主席强调指出,要加强网络内容建设,做强网上正面宣传,培育积极健康、向上向善的网络文化,用社会主义核心价值观和人类文明成果滋养人心、滋养社会.军事文化产品承载着传播中国人民解放军声音,阐释中国军事文化,塑造正义之师、威武之师、胜利之师形象的重要使命和任务.因此,在数字化条件下,应将优秀军事文化产品与新媒体技术全面融合,打造资源共享、内容兼容、传播互通的新型军事文化产品.  相似文献   

诸葛亮大概是中国最家喻户晓的军事人物了 ,这当然与《三国演义》的艺术魅力有关 ,但更关键的 ,是在诸葛亮身上 ,集中体现了中国文化的基本性格。成熟的中国文化 ,是儒、道、法三家的互补。儒家的王道与理想 ,道家的无为与超越 ,法家的功利与实际 ,构成了中国传统文化缺一不可的三个层次。诸葛亮宁静以致远 ,淡泊以明志 ,这是道家的风韵 ;自比管、乐 ,雅好申商 ,教令严明 ,信赏必罚 ,是法家的施为 ;陈寿说他“以逸道使民 ,虽劳而不怨 ;以生道杀人 ,虽死不怨杀” ,又是醇然的儒者了。在中国人的心中 ,一个伟大的兵家 ,就应该象诸葛亮那样 ,既…  相似文献   

用先进文化教育、陶冶、武装官兵,是紧跟时代、促进官兵全面进步的紧迫工作,也是科技强军、完成两个使命的必然要求。从当前基层文化工作看,应注重把握三点:一、抬高视角,深化认识,确立军营文化建设新观念。军营文化开展得效果好坏、层次高低,首要的是政治工作者要有一个科学的  相似文献   

以崇尚和平、睦邻为基本内容的和谐思想,造就了中华民族“万邦协和”的博大胸怀,积淀成中华文化独有的特质。在中国传统文化中,对于和谐之中的“和”的内涵、意义及致和之道,都有全面、深刻的揭示,形成了系统的“中和”哲学思想。“中和”思想是中华文化对人类文明的一大贡献。中国新安全观包含着深厚的中华传统文化底蕴,弘扬和彰显了中国传统文化的价值张力。  相似文献   

指挥信息系统需求描述框架研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本文根据实践经验,提出了指挥信息系统的需求描述框架,将指挥信息系统需求分为军事需求和系统需求两个层次,同时又将军事需求分为使命任务需求、作战需求和装备保障需求三个层次,本文详细地绘出了使命任务、作战需求和系统需求的内容体系。最后还提出了指挥信息系统需求的一般开发过程。  相似文献   

透视未来的信息化战争   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
<正>以人工智能为核心的新一代信息技术的迅猛发展及其在军事领域的广泛应用,将深刻改变人类认知、战争思维与作战方式,必然会引起战争形态和作战样式的颠覆性变化。战争主体作用更加凸显在未来信息化战争中,人的主体作用主要体现在四个方面:一是决定战争行动。随着人类文明和科学技术的进步、战争决策体制的完善,战争发起的决策将更加理性,未来信息化战争发起的时机、战争的进程、战争的规模层次、战争样式烈度及战争结束时机  相似文献   

A recent paper finds that when volume discounts are available, in some cases, reliance on the Economic Order Quantity (EOQ) model can induce purchasers to make wealth reducing decisions, and the Present Value (PV) approach should be preferred. While this finding is theoretically correct, the magnitudes of wealth reductions suggested by the paper's numerical examples seem to be questionable. Furthermore, the paper also finds that, in some other cases, a purchaser using the EOQ approach realizes a net increase in current wealth compared to a purchaser using the PV approach. Logic suggests that such a finding cannot be correct, since by its very definition, it is the PV approach that seeks to maximize the current wealth. We offer an alternative frame of comparison and a modified model to show that, under the paper's assumptions, the EOQ approach can never realize a net increase in current wealth compared to the current wealth generated by the PV approach. On the other hand, we also show that when typical values of the relevant parameters prevail, the additional costs imposed by the EOQ approach are not significant. Finally, we suggest that insofar as the PV approach requires greater administrative costs to implement, it may even be counterproductive to the goal of wealth maximization. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Naval Research Logistics 45: 377–389, 1998  相似文献   

在少数民族地区有效开展德育工作,既要弘扬社会主义主旋律,又要照顾到少数民族大学生的特殊民族文化背景。新疆少数民族优秀传统文化是中华民族的共有精神财富,蕴含广博的德育资源。“微德育”是“微时代”背景下高校进行德育工作的创新手段,将新疆少数民族优秀传统文化融入南疆高校“微德育”,对于推进新疆少数民族优秀传统文化现代化、强化德育的实效性和促进民族团结、维护祖国统一有着重要的实践意义。  相似文献   

This paper develops a methodology for measuring the capital value of military assets in monetary terms. We distinguish between two military capital measures. One measure, called the value of military capital (services) summarizes the value of military defense assets during a particular year. A comparison of the capital‐services value of U.S. and Soviet tactical combat aircraft is provided for the period 1970–1984.

One feature of the capital‐services measure that makes it particularly interesting is that its size can be compared with such military expenditures as operating and support. While these latter expenditures reflect the readiness of a defense establishment, the relevant capital‐services measure reflects force structure and modernization.

A second measure, called the value of military capital (wealth), summarizes the military benefits obtained from defense assets over the remainder of their service lives. This measure depreciates the capital as it ages, and is useful for comparing military wealth with other types of wealth in the economy. We provide this measure for the U.S. military capital stock for 1925–1984.  相似文献   

在我国传统文化中,蕴涵着丰富的科学发展观,我们的先人很早就提出了生态保护和人口控制观念,并制订了严格而具体的生态保护措施,并以文字的形式载入史册而流传后世。这些科学发展观全面地涉及到生态保护和人口控制两个重要方面,涉及人类与各种动植物之间、人类与地球之间的关系、人类当时的生存与子孙后代的生存问题,以及活人的生存与死人的安葬问题。  相似文献   

Donald Trump’s election precipitated a debate in Australia about the value of retaining close alliance ties with the United States. Similar dynamics are discernible in other U.S. allies as the negative impact of Trump administration policies becomes clearer. Yet despite this “Trump effect,” we argue Australia is unlikely to distance itself from the United States because at the core of Australia’s strategic culture is a very positive “cultural orientation” toward the United States that is highly institutionalized in treaties, formal bilateral ties, Track 2 diplomacy, and public opinion. Such institutionalized ties have powerful path dependent effects. Accordingly, we conclude that the Trump effect does not constitute a powerful enough “exogenous shock” to move Australia off its well-worn grand-strategic path. But this alliance relationship is marked by both high cultural affinity and high institutionalization: American policy-makers should seriously consider whether other U.S. allies can tolerate similar levels of “stress.”  相似文献   

Both the increasing defense spending and the widening divergence between rich and poor countries are of great concerns. This paper attempts to explain the two concepts in a unify theory framework. In the view of conflict economics, a nation’s defense spending can be seen as the fighting commitment of distributive effort in the global economy while other is the productive effort. The development of global economy needs the productive efforts from almost every nation, and the distribution of the aggregate output is determined in large degree by the fighting commitment of each nation. The numerical simulation of the model gives a reasonable explanation of the patterns of the divergence/convergence of prosperity-poverty gap between nations, the fact which is evidenced by many empirical analyses. (1) Given the initial wealth ratio between nations fixed, there is a critical value of fighting decisiveness, when the actual value is larger than the critical value, it is more likely to result in Matthew effect; otherwise the gap would gradually be shortened. (2) Given the fighting decisiveness fixed, there is a critical value of initial wealth ratio, when the actual value is larger than the critical value, it is more likely to result in Matthew effect; otherwise, the gap would gradually be shortened. The study gives a new perspective to explain and handle the increasingly defense spending and the prosperity-poverty gap between nations.  相似文献   

工业社会的城市灾害突出的表现为各式各样的环境公害,城市环境恶化日益引起人们的普遍关注。城市是一个国家和地区政治、经济、文化的中心,又是人口、财富、信息的聚散地,正是现代化城市的这种特征造成了一旦发生灾害就会导致灾难。城市灾害的防治和减灾事关一个城市的存亡。传统的城市灾害的特点表现为人员伤亡惨重、经济损失巨大、社会影响广泛等。进入21世纪,随着城市化进程的加快,城市灾害表现出了许多新的形式。例证了几种城市灾害,并分析了导致这些城市灾害的各种原因,寻求解决城市灾害的有效途径。  相似文献   

Impressive investment and growth figures and commercial write-ups enthusing about ‘Africa rising up’, ‘the continent of the future’, and so on, obscure the poverty, illiteracy, poor health and other hardships afflicting the vast majority of African people. Why has massive so-called development and technical ‘aid’ not created the expected dynamic, autonomous economic progress? A blind eye is delicately being turned to the decisive role of people – more specifically, the cultural element. Notwithstanding good intentions, outsiders seeking to promote development assume that black Africans think and act like they only need more education, training and finance in order to ‘catch up’. Outsiders easily forget that since time immemorial, Africans have developed and cherished worldviews and cultures of their own. While these are by no means immutable and do adapt to changing needs and outside influences, Africans refuse to cast off overnight the heritage that makes them the people they are. This paper examines the impact of witchcraft as an integral feature of traditional culture on African existence, notably community life, religion, politics, the law, and economic practice. It stresses the significance of traditional society's powerful egalitarian impulses as well as its profound conviction that all things – goods, wealth, well-being and life force – are in a strictly limited supply that cannot be increased, but can only be redistributed by force or through magical manipulation. While modern life gradually weakens the influence of witchcraft beliefs – in Europe these flourished well into the 18th century – the exasperation associated with Africa's headlong urbanisation actually bolsters these beliefs.  相似文献   

Prolog数据库操作内部谓词是Prolog非逻辑成份的一个重要组成部分。为了实现Prolog程序的可移植性,这些内部谓词应有一致的操作语义。本文首先讨论了两种比较合理的语义,然后论述了这两种语义在WAM框架下的实现方法。  相似文献   

Currently, both the hardware and software designs of many large computing systems aim at improved system performance through exploitation of parallelism in multiprocessor systems. In studying these systems, mathematical modelling and analysis constitute an important step towards providing design tools that can be used in building such systems. With this view the present paper describes a queueing model of a multiprocessor system operating in a job-shop environment in which arriving jobs consist of a random number of segments (sub-jobs). Two service disciplines are considered: one assumes that the sub-jobs of a given job are capable of parallel operation on different processors while the other assumes that the same sub-jobs must be operated in a strictly serial sequ'snce. The results (in particular, the mean number in the system and waiting time in queue) obtained for these two disciplines are shown to be bounds for more general job structures.  相似文献   

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