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分析了我国西南喀斯特地区土地资源的特点,存在的生态问题以及土地利用和生态问题的内在联系。分析表明:喀斯特山区的生态重建须以植被恢复为核心,通过大规模的社会投入对退化土地进行重建,提高其生产力。根据土地可持续利用目标,提出了“控制人口”、“土地的景观生态规划”、“加快生态农业建设”、“深化土地使用政策的改革”等相应的战略措施。  相似文献   

城市土地利用的变更与交通系统之间是复杂的互动关系。如何具体分析这种动态互动关系一直是交通研究人员研究的重点之一。不同的土地利用形态,直接影响着城市交通的出行生成、分布量、交通方式、路径选择等,需要相应的城市交通系统结构和布局与之相适应;城市交通系统的发展水平(如可达性、服务水平等)会对城市的发展规模和空间结构产生影响,对城市的土地利用有限制和导向作用。研究城市土地利用和交通系统之间相互约束、相互协调的有关重要理论及其测算方法是实现城市可持续发展的重要内容。  相似文献   

当前国家经济体制改革,未来战争样式变化,以及国民经济增长方式转变、国家对外开放程度提高所构成的新的环境等制约因素,将对国民经济动员管理产生重大影响,提出新的要求。因此,在建构经济动员管理体制的过程中,必须综合考虑外部环境变动的各个方面的制约因素,实现管理体制的整体优化。建构经济动员管理新体制的关键之一,在于确定与建构过程各个阶段外部环境变动相适应,能协调各方面制约因素的优化均衡点,并逐步形成管理方式跟踪变动的动态优化机制。  相似文献   

尹树松  孙俊田  尹君 《国防》2008,(11):54-55
随着冷战的结束和经济全球化的不断拓展以及改革开放带来的思想、社会、生态等一系列变化,突发公共安全事件时有发生,非传统安全威胁凸显,要求军队延伸和拓展其基本职能,将军事斗争准备的任务,从单纯应对军事威胁,转变为应对以军事威胁为主的多元化、综合性威胁。武警部队是国家武  相似文献   

苏顺 《宁夏科技》2001,(6):27-28
随着社会、经济的发展和人口的增加,土地的需求量也急聚增长,越来越多的人们将目光投入到宁夏贺兰山东麓这一地区。同时,西部大开发战略的实施,为这一地区土地开发利用提供了历史上难得的机遇。这一地区独特的自然地理状况及举足轻重的区位条件决定了该地区土地利用要着眼于保护、治理和改善生态环境。只有依靠科技进步,探索新的科学的土地利用方式,真正把握好环境与可持续性发展战略的脉络,才能使这一地区与整个宁夏社会经济可持续发展相协调。■自然地理状况及区位条件宁夏贺兰山东麓地区是指贺兰山以东到宁夏黄河冲积平原之间的狭…  相似文献   

一、新疆水土资源合理开发利用应遵循的指导思想新疆土地资源合理开发利用的指导思想应该是:大力改造中低产田,适度扩大耕地面积,根据人口增长量,保持现有人均耕地占有水平,从根本上逐步改善农业生产条件。调整土地利用结构,加大林草的种植比例,提高人工生态环境的数量和质量,积极扩展绿洲总面积和提高绿洲经济的含量。新疆水资源合理开发利用的指导思想是;大力推广节约用水,实行开发利用程度总量控制的原则,确保自然生态环境的需水。积极兴建山区调节水库,开发利用地下水,实施跨流域调水,强化流域水管理,按照高效利用、积极保护、合理开发、有效管理的方针进行水利建设,为改善生态和国民经济可持续发展提供保障。二、土地资源的合理开发利用科学合理的土地利用功能区划,落实平原绿洲区内的自然生  相似文献   

基于双重指向的区域应急资源配置模式研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在处理危机和突发事件中,区域经济资源配置发挥着重要作用。处理危机和突发事件,仅仅依赖经济区位指向作用及其形成的区域内的物流格局是不够的。必须利用国家安全区位指向机制,形成能够应付危机和突发事件的区域物流格局和区域经济基础。经济区位指向与国家安全区位指向是驱动区域经济资源配置和分布的两种作用机制,是影响区域经济资源配置的两种力量。二者作用的结果,涉及到经济资源在区域内配置的规模、结构、时序、布局等诸方面的合理配置问题。  相似文献   

土地利用规划管理是保护土地资源的重要手段。信息技术和计算机技术的飞速发展,特别是地理信息系统(GIS)技术的日益成熟,为建立土地利用规划管理信息系统提供了可能条件。本文在计算机技术和GIS软件的支持下,以土地数据库和土地利用规划业务为主线,针对石河子市的土地利用现状,设计石河子市的土地利用规划管理信息系统,便于今后石河子市的土地利用规划管理。  相似文献   

朱绿琴  何拥政 《兵团建设》2011,(Z1):158-159
伊力特实业股份有限公司是新疆唯一一家白酒上市公司,该公司以市场为导向,加快经济增长方式转变步伐,主打白酒品牌,致力于推动白酒安全技术创新与成果利用,打造优质、绿色、安全的新型化酿酒龙头  相似文献   

都市圈石漠化区域采石场的生态恢复方法与措施探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
都市圈石漠化区域采石场往往由于过度开发且未采取有效的恢复措施,致使生态环境破坏严重,严重影响了都市圈的生态环境和经济发展.在分析都市圈石漠化区域采石场生态恢复特点的基础上,论述了其生态恢复的基本方法及工程技术措施,指出都市圈石漠化区域采石场生态恢复应依据都市圈发展总体规划和景观生态学、景观建筑学及美学原理,采用开发性治理方法,综合运用多种工程技术措施恢复植被、整治水土流失并进行景观再造,从而满足都市圈对于景观的要求,提高土地利用价值,促进都市圈社会经济发展和城市生态环境建设.  相似文献   

Since the mid-twentieth century, the East and Southern African regions have been mired in complex and overlapping security and development challenges, including ethnopolitical conflicts, terrorist insurgencies, the proliferation of small arms and light weapons (SALWs), and overwhelming economic crisis. These challenges have had implications for human security, socio-economic development, territorial authority, sovereignty and the stability and legitimacy of political regimes in the affected states. The adequacy and relevance of the regional responses to these challenges is the subject of ongoing debate, to which this paper now adds. Among other factors, this paper identifies competition for regional dominance and institutional inadequacies as accounting for the inability of regional governance bodies to respond adequately to the challenges they face. Consequently, it recommends the expansion of the mandate of the Regional Economic Communities (RECs) beyond regional economic integration to include peacebuilding and a deepening of the institutional efforts focused on security cooperation and conflict management.  相似文献   

African states are hampered by unreliable electric energy that has not complemented economic development efforts. Recently, several African states announced plans to pursue nuclear energy in the future. However, several challenges remain for these states, notably insecurity and financial deficiencies. This paper proposes the use of regional integration arrangements to address these challenges faced by African states, as a way of complementing other efforts enabling African states to obtain nuclear energy. The existence of these arrangements and their institutional mechanisms can enable African states to enhance security and cost-effectively develop nuclear power infrastructure.  相似文献   


Formal models of international conflict have tended to concentrate on change across the security dimension, assuming that the state level economic and political dimensions are constant. However, the conclusion of the Cold War suggests that over the long run these dimensions are not constant; indeed, the development of economic power, state level limits on defence expenditures, structural impediments to economic change, and several other ‘constants’ clearly do have an endogenous role in international conflict. This paper suggests one strategy for their inclusion as a causal factor in conflict modelling.  相似文献   

In his contribution to this collection, Keith Krause discusses the link between state-formation processes and regional security-building. In doing so, he draws attention to a specific, domestic, aspect of the process of regional community-building: the role of ideas about, institutions of, and instruments of organized violence in social, political and economic life. According to Krause, focusing on the role of institutions of organized violence in structuring and influencing the basic choices for security policy might allow a better evaluation of the prospects for constructing a regional security order.  相似文献   

So far, economic analyses of NATO enlargement have been restricted to aspects of regional security while political analyses focused on indirect peace‐building effects on democracy in the first place. Our panel regressions for 25 post‐communist countries for the period from 1996 to 2008 reveal that direct incentives provided by NATO pre‐accession are important for broad‐based institutional development. Results are even more robust than for variables measuring EU pre‐accession or NATO membership effects. This supports the argument that NATO can act as a transformative power and should strengthen its political agenda.  相似文献   

As the leading economic and political power in the region, South Africa cannot afford to neglect its responsibility toward its regional neighbours. If South Africa does not accept the role, an outside power may step in to fill the vacuum. The creation of peace, security and stability will not be created without action and it will not be maintained by goodwill. Developing a crisis response force is clearly required of South Africa. The force should be able to work co-operatively or autonomously in a range of missions n land and on rivers and lakes. Air-and sea-landed operations and air-support for ground operations should also be planned for. The SANDF does not have this ability at the moment but it should modify its structure and equipment to perform this important role in the region.  相似文献   

Arms transfers provide exporters an avenue to provide security to other states while gaining economic benefits. Arms transfers provide importers an avenue to gain security without having to rely on alliances. Past research uses aggregate measures of the monetary or security value of major weapon system transfers without accounting for strategic differences in possible use in interstate and civil conflict. This article presents a data set on interstate transfers of major weapon systems between 1950 and 2010 building upon Stockholm Peach Research Institute’s Arms Trade Register with several improvements. First, it disaggregates land weapons and air weapons into categories reflecting their strategic capabilities. Second, model level characteristics (e.g. age, speed, and range) are drawn from Jane’s Defence sources. Additionally, the data set covers a larger range of time and states than previous data sets categorizing arms. To demonstrate the usefulness, this article first presents summary statistics of the data set and then replicates an earlier test to show that the effect of human rights and regime types on United States transfers differs across the categories of arms compared to alternative measures of arms transfers.  相似文献   

It is almost universally accepted that security is achieved by having a strong mititary. South African defence policy and practice is based squarely on such thinking. Yet this thinking can be challenged at a number of levels. In particular, it is not consistent with new thinking about security, in which territorial security is far less important, for example, than poverty and inequality; it is not consistent with present or conceivable future threats faced by the nation; and military expenditure hinders economic growth and thereby development. The article presents a number of alternative ways of achieving security that are, arguably, less costly and more effective than a conventional military. It concludes by sketching some or the broad features of a demilitarised society and some of the major tasks of demilitarisation. Chief among these will be to change the way people think about the military and security.  相似文献   

随着我国经济飞速发展和社会深刻变革,消防工作面临的形势发生新的变化,公安机关消防机构转变职能迫在眉睫。综合阐述新形势下改革建设工程消防监督管理工作的期待和现实需求,探讨稳步推进建设工程消防监督管理改革的对策,对加强和创新社会消防安全管理,服务经济和社会发展具有重要的现实意义。  相似文献   

In this contribution, Jones focuses initially on the experience of Arms Control and Regional Security (ACRS) and the reasons why this group stalled. The sources of tension that emerged in ACRS, and which ultimately led to its suspension, derived mainly from different views on the relationship between the nuclear and other issues in these talks, as well as the composition of ACRS and its role as a group of the multilateral track of the peace process. Jones emphasizes that regional security discussions in the Middle East must address multiple threats on multiple levels, and ACRS was never politically equipped to do so. Thus, despite the real, if limited, success of ACRS, any real security regime in the Middle East will be the product of a much more inclusive process which recognizes the essential importance of cooperatively addressing multiple security challenges, including those related to the problems of social and economic upheaval in the region. Jones concludes with an argument that the time may be ripe to embark on such a process in the wake of the war in Iraq and other far-reaching indicators of change in the region.  相似文献   

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