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面临海上治安管理的新形势,要加大对驻泊地船舶的边防检查登记力度,摸清辖区内船舶的有关情况,结合海上的巡逻检查,及时查明、掌握辖区海上治安情况,有效打击海上各类违法犯罪活动,维护海上治安秩序.  相似文献   

自2007年《公安机关海上执法工作规定》正式实施以来,公安海警部队已成为打击海上违法犯罪活动,维护海上治安秩序的重要力量。但是,由于海警部队承接海上案件侦查工作时间尚短,经验不足,执法工作仍存在许多问题,已严重影响了海警部队海上刑事执法工作的正常开展。以海警部队海上刑事执法实践中所暴露出的问题为切入点,深刻剖析产生这些问题的原因,并进而提出解决问题的思路与对策,以期对海警部队的海上刑事执法工作提供一定的理论参考,使海警部队在维护我国海洋秩序中发挥更为重要的作用。  相似文献   

沿海船舶边防治安管理是维护海上治安秩序稳定的重要手段。为加强海上治安管理,需要通过立法活动赋予公安边防机关特殊的执法权,并以此规范公安边防行政执法活动。分析沿海船舶边防治安管理立法概况及其存在的问题,提出完善沿海船舶边防治安管理立法的建议。  相似文献   

随着改革开放和经济建设的深入发展,我国东部沿海海上旅游、海上捕捞、养殖生产、贸易等经济活动日益扩大。这一方面带来了区域经济的大发展,另一方面也给海上治安和海洋管理带来了诸多新问题。为此,各相关部门应积极转变执法观念;建立高效、规范的海上防控体系;加强渔政建设,促进渔政管理体制的改革。从根本上预防和制止海上治安违法行为,维护上述海域的安全与稳定,促进该海域经济的可持续发展。  相似文献   

为适应严峻的海上治安形势,更好地促进黄海渤海经济的健康发展,辽宁海警一支队全面担负起横跨黄海渤海、面积达4.9万平方公里管辖海域的巡逻执勤任务。大连濒临黄渤两海,可谓得天独厚,特别是国务院将辽宁五点一线发展规划上升为国家战略后,黄海渤海的区域优势更加凸显。然而,在繁荣经济的背后,海上各种违法违规活动藏匿其中。为适应严峻的海上治安形势,  相似文献   

库同伟 《国防》2011,(11):50
近几年来,山东省沂水县以创建"平安沂水"为主线,立足辖区治安防范实际,充分发挥民兵队伍组织严密、战斗力强的优势,全面加强治安防范网络建设,辖区社会治安秩序明显好转。在实施治安防范措施中,该县采取"点面结合、线面结合"的方式,在全县各交通要道设立了社会治安民兵警卫室,  相似文献   

为确保春节期间治安秩序稳定,让全县人民过一个快乐祥和的传统佳节。浙江省浦江县人武部发挥民兵数量多、素质强的作用,按照“县建连、乡建排、村建班”的要求,组建了近万名民兵参加的巡逻队,配备了治安巡逻和抢险救灾所需的装备,会同公安在全县编织起一张治安巡逻网。  相似文献   

随着改革开放事业的深入发展,新旧两种体制交换、新旧观念交叉,各种矛盾突出。有些矛盾在一定条件下会突然爆发,并以治安事件的形式表现出来,给社会安定和公共安全造成了很大危害,已经成为治安秩序管理中的一个十分突出的问题。本文就治安事件  相似文献   

海上犯罪是影响海上治安稳定和沿海地区社会稳定的重要因素,为预防、减少海上犯罪,需要构建一个适应社会主义市场经济要求的海上犯罪防控体系.这一防控体系的构建,应当坚持海陆一体化、法制、快速反应、警企民共同参与等原则,并应当包含精良的海上治安管理队伍、专门工作、群众工作、法制建设、横向协作、国际合作等要素.  相似文献   

韦强 《现代舰船》2012,(4):40-43
越南海上民兵自卫队是与海军、边防部队、海上警察之并列的海上武装力量。越南国会于2009年11月23日通过的《民兵自卫队法》,对海上民兵自卫队做出了相关规定,为海上民兵自卫队的活动提供了法律依据,突出了海上民兵自卫队地位和作用,它将与海军、边防部队、海上警察和其他部队一道保卫越南国家边境安全和越南海洋主权和海上安全秩序。  相似文献   

European navies made a fundamental contribution to the Cold War at sea, ensuring the effectiveness of deterrence even as Soviet naval forces grew to ominous proportions. European fleets were tasked with containing a Soviet attack until US forces could arrive on the scene. Many European navies pursued essential niche capabilities tailored for their own unique maritime environments. Others made important contributions to broader NATO efforts in the high-stakes arenas of sea control, power projection and even nuclear deterrence. Contentious issues did arise, for example concerning burden-sharing, but true to its name, the alliance succeeded collectively in wielding formidable sea power. This paper is based on the premise that the maritime players in the Cold War at sea were by no means restricted to the US and Soviet navies. The navies of Western Europe and Canada had major roles to play as well within the NATO area. They contributed a great deal to the political cohesion crucial to an essentially maritime alliance, and in many cases had a real operational contribution to make as well. What follows, then, is the Cold War at sea from a European point of view.  相似文献   

现代海洋法对建立世界海洋新制度、维护海洋新秩序发挥了积极作用,对我国海上边防管理工作也带来了深刻影响。为应对这种影响,需要进一步创新工作机制,规范出海船舶的许可和查验措施,健全海上航行船舶的监控识别制度,增加海上巡航监管的力度,及时防范和打击各种违法犯罪活动,以维护我国海洋权益和海洋安全稳定。  相似文献   

收集证据是办理刑事案件的一项重要工作内容。实物证据是海上毒品案件的一种重要证据形式,虽然收集难度大,但对于追查和打击毒品犯罪却能够发挥重要作用。因此,侦查人员要了解海上毒品犯罪案件实物证据的特点、种类以及收集方法,以便更有效地打击毒品犯罪。  相似文献   

A comprehensive maritime interdiction strategy to attack the insurgent's logistic system was a key element in the defeat of the Tamil Tigers. The campaign of maritime interdiction required the Sri Lankan Navy (SLN) to attack LTTE arms smuggling, sea piracy, and maritime terrorism. The SLN degraded the insurgency's robust maritime logistical network while also devising tactics to engage the maritime insurgents who reacted with swarm and suicide boat tactics. The efforts of the SLN forced the Tamil Tigers to confront the government's final land offensives with diminished resources, thus collapsing a three decades’ old insurgency in a matter of months.  相似文献   

This article discusses roles and missions of the United States Navy with a particular focus on the Baltic Sea. That particular sea has gained renewed political and military attention following Russia's resurgent and increasingly hybrid-offensive foreign policy. Baltic nations, uncertain of what the future holds, ought to look at sea power and maritime missions in the Baltic, as well as US naval presence in Europe, to draw lessons for future posture.  相似文献   

As a consequence of the rapid growth of Soviet maritime power during the 1960s, hazardous incidents at sea and in the air became a regular part of the Cold War. Eventually, both Washington and Moscow came to recognize the importance of an agreement limiting this perilous set of interactions, resulting in the Incidents at Sea Agreement that was signed in May 1972. The set of rules and procedures agreed upon helped to calm tensions in subsequent crises and provides ample lessons for placing reasonable limits on other tense maritime rivalries.  相似文献   

海警智库建设对加快海警力量建设发展,提高海警力量的应对能力和加强海上安全问题研究具有重要意义。立足于国家海上安全战略,对我国海警智库建设的动因、功能和策略进行了探讨。  相似文献   

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