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The German invasion in Norway in April 1940 was unique in that it was the first major ‘triphibious’ campaign. It was an operation that was equally dependent upon naval, air and ground forces for success. Norway had long been of interest to German strategists, especially naval thinkers. However, no serious Wehrmacht plans for occupying Norway were even started until December 1939. A small group of staff officers of the three services put together a comprehensive plan in a matter of weeks. The article examines the effectiveness of the German interservice co‐operation and OKW leadership in a very tough and close run campaign. Although there were numerous problems, interservice co‐operation was fairly effective at the tactical and operational levels. Indeed, the Germans won the campaign largely because their services worked together much better than their Allied opponents.  相似文献   

This article analyzes the quality of the Egyptian and Israeli intelligence advice and decision-making process in the October 1973 War as key factors that determined its course. Following a background to the subject, we focus on the 9–13 October standstill stage, in which Sadat decided, despite his generals’ advice, to renew the Egyptian offensive. Effective Israeli intelligence collection about the coming attack, which was well used by the decision-makers, saved Israel from accepting an undesired ceasefire. The result was the 14 October failed Egyptian offensive that turned the tide of the war and led to Israeli military achievements at the war’s final stage  相似文献   

为保证军事指挥决策的质量和速度、提高军事情报文本的分析能力,高效率的自动文本分类成为其中的重要技术.描述了文本分类所面临的高维稀疏文本空间和维数灾难等问题,综述了各种寻找最优和次优子集的特征选择技术和以主成分分析、Fisher判别分析、潜在语义索引等为代表的特征抽取技术,并指出了目前存在的技术问题和未来的工作方向.  相似文献   

针对未来信息化战争的特点和要求,世界各主要军事强国都在为构建信息化军队进行各种创新和改革.面向作战任务的作战系统动态集成(Operational Task Oriented Dynamic Meta-Synthesis of Operational System:OTDMS)的军事需求日益迫切,首先提出了OTDMS的基本概念,总结了OTDMS的本质特征,并在上述基础上,分析了OTDMS的全生命周期,构建了OTDMS体系结构.最后,对其运行的基础设施环境进行了描述与分析.  相似文献   

依据水下平台获取目标信息的特点和线导鱼雷的导引机制,阐述了线导鱼雷导引控制有关术语的概念、解决的问题及相互关系,指出改善线导鱼雷导引使用性能的根本环节在于对导引方案的优化。通过对“自动导引”方案存在问题的分析,提出优化线导鱼雷导引方案,必须突破依靠单一探测器和“全程跟踪”观念的束缚,充分利用来自各种渠道的目标信息和鱼雷的速度资源,发挥作战使用者的主导地位,才能提高其适应复杂作战环境的能力,进而发挥出武器装备应有的作战效能。  相似文献   

The impact of airpower on the conduct of naval operations was considerable. It affected the roles, perceived importance and composition of the battle fleet, but its transformational effect was gradual rather than instantaneous. Airpower played a crucial role in the information war that underlay maritime operations. Access to, and the exploitation of, information greatly influenced the way in which the Royal Navy managed the actual process of change, as institutional, cultural and political norms adapted to the new technological reality. The Admiralty's incomplete control of all aspects of maritime power does much to explain deficiencies in this process.  相似文献   

近几年来,机载有源相控阵雷达AESA技术不断发展,在现代战机应用方面取得了许多突破。AESA简要介绍了机载有源相控阵雷达表现出的主要作战优势、美军四型战机上的军事应用,重点对国外有源相控阵、无源相控阵和机械扫描体制雷达探测距离和整体能力进行了比较。研究表明,机载AESA雷达的发展将随着新型战机的不断推出而进入一个崭新的阶段。  相似文献   

求一个多元多项式环的理想的正则列是非常重要和困难的问题。在字典序下,一个零维理想的Gr bner基中含有一个极大正则列,并且这个正则列是与顺序没有关系的。零维理想正则列的求出建立在Gr bner基的可计算性和首项理想的根理想的准素分解算法上。  相似文献   

网络图书情报发展趋势之管见   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
随着科学技术的发展和网络应用的普及,网络已经成为人们工作和生活中不可或缺的重要组成部分。图书情报工作也同样步入了网络图书情报时代,为此,有关人员应对网络情报的基本理论,其发展趋势以及在我国目前的发展现状有所了解。  相似文献   

The state of the German Army’s morale in 1918 is central to our understanding not only of the outcome of World War I, but also of the German Revolution and, indeed, through the pernicious ‘stab-in-the-back-myth’, on Weimar politics and the rise of the Nazis, too. This article presents new evidence from the German archives, blended with statistical analysis, to show that the morale of some units held up better than previously thought almost to the end, and thus to suggest three things. First, it proposes that some historians have placed too much reliance on English-language sources alone, such as British Army intelligence reports, which have various flaws as evidence. Second, it argues that, while historians have increasingly moved away from generalisations about German morale, this process has further to run. Third, it suggests that no single tipping point can be identified, and that morale alone does not provide a sufficient explanation for battlefield defeat. Indeed, much of the data can only be explained if the tactical realities of the war in late 1918 are clearly understood.  相似文献   

作战需求分析方法研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
作战需求分析方法研究是指总结现有作战需求分析方法,研究适应现代战争要求的新的作战需求分析方法.通过分析国内外作战需求分析的理论和方法,并针对作战需求分析的各问题域展开研究,提出了"面向威胁、基于能力"的作战需求分析方法,并对其研究思路、基本方法和研究内容进行了探讨.该方法按照"目的-任务-构想-能力"的顺序进行分析,用"价值中心法"分析目标、任务与能力之间的映射关系,用探索性仿真方法分析不同构想情况下的能力需求,可以为战略规划、作战运筹、武器装备发展等提供方法和决策支持.  相似文献   

Secure second strike nuclear forces are frequently held to be easy to procure. Analysts have long argued that targeting intelligence against relocatable targets like submarine launched and land mobile ballistic missiles is difficult to obtain. However, the scholarly consensus on intelligence for counterforce operations is seriously overdrawn. Both during and after the Cold War, the United States developed substantial intelligence capabilities to track and target submarines and mobile missiles. These efforts achieved important and under-appreciated success. Second strike forces have been far more vulnerable than most analysts are willing to credit.  相似文献   

胶州湾位于山东省的东南部,古代曾称幼海、少海、小海和南海。它与旧金山、东京、直布罗陀、马耳他岛几乎处在同一纬度线上。19世纪80年代,清朝官员就指出:该地“上顾旅顺,下趋江浙”,或者说“上可蔽登莱,下可控江浙,盖形胜必争之地”。显然,从古到今,无论从军事还是经济角度考虑,其地理位置都相当重要。在腐败无能的清王朝统治时期,胶州湾优越的地理位置和得天独厚的自然环境,令诸多帝国主义列强垂涎三尺,频频染指于美丽的港湾。清军在青岛的海防建设1840年,英国发动了侵略中国的鸦片战争。这年8月5日,英舰驶过山东半岛,长…  相似文献   

从认知心理角度分析,公安边防情报分析过程是边防情报分析人员头脑内信息加工系统的工作过程,在这一过程中存在元认知,元认知在信息加工系统中处于支配地位,能控制调节各种信息加工活动,并能促进边防情报分析人员思维的创新。研究边防情报分析人员的元认知有助于提高边防情报分析质量。分析了边防情报分析人员元认知的几个方面,提出了提高边防情报分析人员元认知能力及措施。  相似文献   

火力和机动的密切结合才能产生强大的战斗力,对信息化条件下的现代战争进行建模和仿真分析,就必须考虑这两个要素。针对传统Lanchester方程不能描述火力和机动因素的限制,采用了基于Agent的作战模拟系统——EINSTein系统,探讨了火力和机动因素对作战毁伤的影响。  相似文献   

王英  陈勇 《指挥控制与仿真》2012,34(4):39-43,60
介绍了基于DoDAF的体系结构建模方法,采用System Architect工具对空间机器人在轨服务进行了可视化建模,得到了典型的作战视图产品;分析了在轨服务任务单元之间的协同关系,研究了空间机器人在轨服务流程,对空间机器人的在轨服务研究具有一定的参考价值。  相似文献   

美军联合作战情报支援经过长时间的发展完善,并经历了战争实践的检验,在美军联合作战中占有极其重要的地位.其发展过程可划分为四个时期:孕育萌芽时期、确立发展时期、全面展开时期、改革转型时期.通过对美军联合作战情报支援历史发展的梳理、解读,可以比较清晰看出美军在情报支援领域取得的成果和走过的弯路,对推动发展具有我军特色的联合作战情报保障具有重要借鉴意义.  相似文献   

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