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A modification to the Dantzig and Fulkerson Tanker Scheduling Problem is described. An insufficient number of vehicles and a utility associated with each vehicle delivery are assumed. The new problem is shown to be equivalent to a Transshipment Problem, the solution of which is the same as the maximal utility solution of the modified Tanker Scheduling Problem. An example is given.  相似文献   

Large complicated projects with interdependent activities can be described by project networks. Arcs represent activities, nodes represent events, and the network's structure defines the relation between activities and events. A schedule associates an occurrence time with each event: the project can be scheduled in several different ways. We assume that a known amount of cash changes hands at each event. Given any schedule the present value of all cash transactions can be calculated. The payment scheduling problem looks for a schedule that maximizes the present value of all transactions. This problem was first introduced by Russell [2]; it is a nonlinear program with linear constraints and a nonconcave objective. This paper demonstrates that the payment scheduling problem can be transformed into an equivalent linear program. The linear program has the structure of a weighted distribution problem and an efficient procedure is presented for its solution. The algorithm requires the solution of triangular systems of equations with all matrix coefficients equal to ± or 0.  相似文献   

The problem of assigning computer program modules to functionally similar processors in a distributed computer network is investigated. The modules of a program must be assigned among processors in such a way as to minimize interprocessor communication while taking advantage of affinities of certain modules to particular processors. This problem is formulated as a zero-one quadratic programming problem, but is more conveniently modeled as a directed acyclic search graph. The model is developed and a backward shortest path labeling algorithm is given that produces an assignment of program modules to processors. A non-backtracking branch-and-bound algorithm is described that uses a local neighborhood search at each stage of the search graph.  相似文献   

This paper considers a problem of locating new facilities in the plane with respect to existing facilities, the locations of which are known. The problem consists of finding locations of new facilities which will minimize a total cost function which consists of a sum of costs directly proportional to the Euclidian distances among the new facilities, and costs directly proportional to the Euclidian distances between new and existing facilities. It is established that the total cost function has a minimum; necessary conditions for a mimumum are obtained; necessary and sufficient conditions are obtained for the function to be strictly convex (it is always convex); when the problem is “well structured,” it is established that for a minimum cost solution the locations of the new facilities will lie in the convex hull of the locations of the existing facilities. Also, a dual to the problem is obtained and interpreted; necessary and sufficient conditions for optimum solutions to the problem, and to its dual, are developed, as well as complementary slackness conditions. Many of the properties to be presented are motivated by, based on, and extend the results of Kuhn's study of the location problem known as the General Fermat Problem.  相似文献   

We study the problem of multimode scheduling tasks on dedicated processors, with the objective of minimizing the maximum completion time. Each task can be undertaken in one among a set of predefined alternative modes, where each mode specifies a required set of dedicated processors and a processing time. At any time each processor can be used by a single task at most. General precedence constraints exist among tasks, and task preemption is not allowed. The problem consists of assigning a mode and a starting time to each task, respecting processor and precedence constraints, to minimize the time required to complete all tasks. The problem is NP-hard in several particular cases. In previous works, we studied algorithms in which a solution was obtained by means of an iterative procedure that combines mode assignment and sequencing phases separately. In this paper, we present some new heuristics where the decision on the mode assignment is taken on the basis of a partial schedule. Then, for each task, the mode selection and the starting time are chosen simultaneously considering the current processor usage. Different lower bounds are derived from a mathematical formulation of the problem and from a graph representation of a particular relaxed version of the problem. Heuristic solutions and lower bounds are evaluated on randomly generated test problems. © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Naval Research Logistics 46: 893–911, 1999  相似文献   

This paper deals with the problem of scheduling items (tasks, employees, equipment, etc.) over a finite time horizon so as to minimize total cost expenditures while maintaining a predefined separation between certain items. The problem is cyclic, because the same schedule will be repeated over several consecutive time periods of equal length. Thus, requirements are present to maintain the separation of items not only within the individual time periods considered, but also between items in adjoining periods. A special purpose branch-and-bound algorithm is developed to solve this scheduling problem by taking advantage of its cyclic nature. Computational results are given.  相似文献   

The problem considered in this article is a generalization of the familiar makespan problem, in which n jobs are allocated among m parallel processors, so as to minimize the maximum time (or cost) on any processor. Our problem is more general, in that we allow the processors to have (a) different initial costs, (b) different utilization levels before new costs are incurred, and (c) different rates of cost increase. A heuristic adapted from the bin-packing problem is shown to provide solutions which are close to optimal as the number of iterations is allowed to increase. Computational testing, over a large number of randomly generated problem instances, suggests that heuristic errors are, on average, very small.  相似文献   

In this article a bicriteria model, formed by the weighted sum of the minisum and minimax functions for a single-location problem, is investigated. It is shown that all efficient solutions generated by either constrained model are also properly efficient. The bicriteria model and the constrained models are theoretically equivalent, but it is more efficient and simpler to generate nondominated solutions using the constrained criterion approach. When solving the bicriteria model, a critical range is found for which all properly efficient solutions are generated.  相似文献   

Covering models assume that a point is covered if it is within a certain distance from a facility and not covered beyond that distance. In gradual cover models it is assumed that a point is fully covered within a given distance from a facility, then cover gradually declines, and the point is not covered beyond a larger distance. Gradual cover models address the discontinuity in cover which may not be the correct approach in many situations. In the stochastic gradual cover model presented in this article it is assumed that the short and long distances employed in gradual cover models are random variables. This refinement of gradual cover models provides yet a more realistic depiction of actual behavior in many situations. The maximal cover model based on the new concept is analyzed and the single facility location cover problem in the plane is solved. Computational results illustrating the effectiveness of the solution procedures are presented. © 2010 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Naval Research Logistics, 2010  相似文献   

There are n customers that need to be served. Customer i will only wait in queue for an exponentially distributed time with rate λi before departing the system. The service time of customer i has distribution Fi, and on completion of service of customer i a positive reward ri is earned. There is a single server and the problem is to choose, after each service completion, which currently in queue customer to serve next so as to maximize the expected total return. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Naval Research Logistics 62: 659–663, 2015  相似文献   

In many location problems, the solution is constrained to lie within a closed set. In this paper, optimal solutions to a special type of constrained location problem are characterized. In particular, the location problem with the solution constrained to be within a maximum distance of each demand point is considered, and an algorithm for its solution is developed and discussed.  相似文献   

In this paper we investigate the collection depots location problem on a network. A facility needs to be located to serve a set of customers. Each service consists of a trip to the customer, collecting materials, dropping the materials at one of the available collection depots and returning to the facility to wait for the next call. Two objectives are considered: minimizing the weighted sum of distances and minimizing the maximum distance. The properties of the solutions to these problems are described. © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Naval Research Logistics, 49: 15–24, 2002; DOI 10.1002/nav.10000  相似文献   

We consider the problem of scheduling n jobs with random processing times on a single machine in order to minimize the expected variance of the completion times. We prove a number of results, including one to the effect that the optimal schedule must be V shaped when the jobs have identical means or variances or have exponential processing times.  相似文献   

This paper considers the problem of locating m new facilities in the plane so as to minimize a weighted rectangular distance between the new facilities and n existing facilities. A special purpose primal simplex algorithm is developed to solve this problem. The algorithm will maintain at all times a basis of dimension m by m; however, because of the triangularity of the basis matrix, it will not be necessary to form a basis inverse explicitly.  相似文献   

The quay crane scheduling problem consists of scheduling tasks for loading and unloading containers on cranes that are assigned to a vessel for its service. This article introduces a new approach for quay crane scheduling, where the availability of cranes at a vessel is restricted to certain time windows. The problem is of practical relevance, because container terminal operators frequently redeploy cranes among vessels to speed up the service of high‐priority vessels while serving low‐priority vessels casually. This article provides a mathematical formulation of the problem and a tree‐search‐based heuristic solution method. A computational investigation on a large set of test instances is used to evaluate the performance of the heuristic and to identify the impact of differently structured crane time windows on the achievable vessel handling time. © 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Naval Research Logistics, 2011  相似文献   

Mehrez, Stern, and Ronen have defined a vehicle refueling problem in which a fleet of vehicles travels on a round-trip, self-contained mission from a common origin, with the objective of maximizing the operational range of the fleet. They have defined a “pure refueling chain” strategy for transferring fuel between vehicles in the fleet, and have solved the problem in the special cases when all vehicles have the same fuel capacity or consumption rate. In this article we present algorithms for the general case, where vehicles have different capacities and consumption rates. Our approach is based on a new primal dual formulation of the problem. The exact algorithm was effective to find the optimal solution for a fleet size n ⩽13. For larger fleets, we present an approximation version of it, which very quickly found a solution within 1% of the maximum possible range for arbitrarily large (up to n = 200) fleets. We also show that a small number of the best vehicles can always reach almost the same range as a large fleet. © 1992 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

The paper considers the open shop scheduling problem to minimize the make-span, provided that one of the machines has to process the jobs according to a given sequence. We show that in the preemptive case the problem is polynomially solvable for an arbitrary number of machines. If preemption is not allowed, the problem is NP-hard in the strong sense if the number of machines is variable, and is NP-hard in the ordinary sense in the case of two machines. For the latter case we give a heuristic algorithm that runs in linear time and produces a schedule with the makespan that is at most 5/4 times the optimal value. We also show that the two-machine problem in the nonpreemptive case is solvable in pseudopolynomial time by a dynamic programming algorithm, and that the algorithm can be converted into a fully polynomial approximation scheme. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Naval Research Logistics 45: 705–731, 1998  相似文献   

In this article we consider a cost-minimization model to investigate scheduling strategies for multistaged projects in a client-contractor environment. This type of environment is symptomatic of temporal changes in project definition and scope. At prespecified epochs the client conducts an external evaluation of the project and either accepts or rejects the contractor's current work. The resulting uncertainty from the client's review is modeled via monotonically varying acceptance probabilities. The model is designed primarily to address the interaction between earliest-, intermediate-, and latest-start options and project-crashing stragies for a broad range of penalty costs. Theoretical results are introduced, while numerical examples for both exponentially and polynomially based acceptance probabilities are discussed.  相似文献   

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