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This is a biographical analysis of Stepan Stebelski (‘Khrin’) and his time in the Ukrainian Insurgent Army. His military command is an example of classic insurgency tactics and strategies. He was trained in underground tactics before the Second World War, used his image very effectively during his time in the UPA, and used his knowledge of the terrain to become an exceptional enemy against Soviet and Polish authorities.  相似文献   

In January 1950 President Harry S. Truman announced that the United States would proceed with further work to determine the feasibility of a ‘Super’, or hydrogen, bomb. The events leading up to that decision – counter-pressures and advocacy from a number of quarters, including the divided Atomic Energy Commission (AEC), the nuclear scientists, Congress and the Pentagon – is well known. Less attention has been given to how the story of the Super came to be told in official and popular publications. Admiral Lewis L. Strauss, rogue member of the AEC, later presidential adviser on atomic affairs and AEC chairman, was one of the most vigorous advocates of developing thermonuclear weapons. He was also a highly skilled player of bureaucratic politics. This article draws upon the Strauss archives to examine how he used his position and his contacts to shape the history of the H-bomb to his own political advantage.  相似文献   

宋教仁的教育思想是丰富的,主要表现在教育与革命、教育先行、教育与社会改良等方面。  相似文献   

泰州胡瑗是我国宋代义理易学的先驱,也是我国历史上著名的教育家。胡瑗把教育看成是启发愚蒙、统一民众思想的重要手段,把学校教育看成是解决人才问题的根本办法。他主张"尊师而重道",大兴学校。其教育思想的核心是"明体达用"。在明体达用思想的指导下,他进行了分斋教学的改革实践,取得了显著效果,也产生了很大影响。胡瑗讲学注重以例解经和启发诱导。他还强调以严治校,并在严立规矩的同时,注意发挥自身的楷模作用,并充分利用自己的人格影响力来引导和感染学生。  相似文献   

生于江南水乡的诗人沈苇,大学毕业后来到新疆。身为异乡人的他,对脚下这片独具异域特点的土地饱含着一份炙热的爱。到如今,新疆已成为他生命中的第二故乡。新疆主题,一直以来是沈苇诗歌创作的根源和内在的精神原动力,他执着在异域他乡的诗人之路上,努力在第二故乡里寻求灵魂的栖息地,从而完成对个体生命强度、韧性以及承载力的检验。  相似文献   

元好问为金元时期的诗文大家,其文学成就是巨大的。在其众多优秀的诗歌当中,丧乱诗无论在思想内容,还是艺术方面均属上乘。正是由于自身深厚的学术修养,再加上闻破流离等外界刺激,元好问的丧乱诗在前人创作的基础上进一步发展形成了自己的特点,并最终实现了这一类诗歌创作的新的突破。  相似文献   

After the conclusion of the 2008 Preparatory Committee (PrepCom) for the 2010 Review Conference of the Parties to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT), the Nonproliferation Review interviewed Ambassador Yukiya Amano of Japan, who presided over the 2007 session of the PrepCom in Vienna. He provided valuable insights into his preparations for the PrepCom and shared his thoughts on some of the most pressing issues that confronted his chairmanship and the PrepCom as a whole. The interview also provides useful perspectives on the future of the strengthened review process.  相似文献   

桑巴特的资本主义起源假说在其《奢侈与资本主义》中得到充分展开。桑巴特认为,正是欧洲的奢侈之风生发出现代资本主义,而奢风蔓延又得益于非法爱情的盛行。相反,韦伯则认为现代资本主义源生于新教伦理中的禁欲主义。看似截然二分的两道命题,实则遵循同一思想路径。源自欧洲局部经验的理论抽象,虽不能释疑世界它处为何没有生发出资本主义的世纪性难题,但是对发展之道却不无借鉴意义。  相似文献   

爱德加.爱伦.坡是美国文坛极具影响力的作家、诗人、文学评论家,他对后世文化产生了深远的影响。《安娜贝尔.李》是诗人坡1849年去世后才发表的最后一篇诗作,代表其唯美主义风格的顶峰。从文体学的角度对该诗的分析为该诗的理解提供了全新的视角。  相似文献   

《Arms and Armour》2013,10(1):75-79

Three trade cards of Hull and Beverley gunmakers including that of John Blanch Jnr who arrived from London, to occupy 26 Silver street, in 1833. Three years later he was in Hobart, Tasmania, using the same trade card with amended address. He was succeeded by Samuel Mozeen a former apprentice of George Wallis; his Silver street trade card was already in the Hull Museum collection but the new acquisition has his original Mytongate address. Both Blanch and Mozeen supplied shooting requisites to Burton Constable Hall. The card of William Taylor, Market Place Beverley, established c. 1813 is decorated with masonic symbols. Both he and Blanch supplied airguns and crossbows as well as firearms.  相似文献   

关于道德的法律强制,最有名的论战来自哈特与德夫林的交锋,哈特在其著作《法律、自由与道德》中站在自由主义的立场精彩地回击了以德夫林为代表的法律道德主义的观点。不仅为个人自由权利不受强制争取了宝贵的空间,更给我们带来了关于道德与法律新的启发和思考。  相似文献   

一九三五年在<樱海集>发表的短篇小说<月牙儿>是老舍先生在小说创作中一次可贵的探索与创新.老舍先生以散文诗的结构、散文诗的语言创作了这篇具有沉郁隽永悲剧意境的小说精品,揭露和控诉了黑暗社会的罪恶,表达了先生对下层被侮辱、被摧残女性悲惨命运的深切同情.  相似文献   

袁国平是我党我军最早从事军队政治工作的杰出代表,在长期的军队政治生活实践中,袁国平从不成熟走向成熟,逐渐形成了一整套独有的从事政治工作的思想与方法,其内容广泛,特点鲜明,为搞好我党早期的军队政治工作做出了巨大贡献,其精华部分是我军思想工作建设的宝贵财富,对于当前的政治工作建设仍具有极大的参考价值。  相似文献   

《Arms and Armour》2013,10(1):46-88

Sir Ralph Payne-Gallwey is best known nowadays as the author of The Crossbow (1903) which remains a reliable introduction to the study of this weapon. Based on experiments with mediaeval weapons he had restored and the work of two research assistants it covers the development of the weapon from the early middle ages to the nineteenth century. He also made scale models and one third replicas of ancient ballistas, which he tested on his estate at Thirkleby, Yorkshire and at Fort Belan, adjacent to the Menai straits. Using a crossbow he shot an arrow and hurled a stone ball from a ballista, over the narrows, a distance of about a quarter of a mile. Arrowthrowing, shooting with the Turkish composite bow as well as the Indian quoit and the boomerang all demonstrate an interest not only in exotic and unusual weapons but also in the science of ballistics. This he showed to friends at Thirkleby, to enthusiastic audiences at the Royal Toxophilite Society meetings and more formally at the Royal Institution in 1908. The text of his lecture was subsequently printed and is reproduced here. These ballistic experiments led to the design of a golf ball with a reticulated surface and his unique 'roller' golf club.  相似文献   

王夫之是地主阶级的进步思想家,他在评史论政中,阐述了自己的哲学思想,其历史观中闪耀着朴素的辩证思想的光芒,他看到了世界是永远运动的,历史是一个变化的、有规律的过程,他运用朴素辩证法来考察社会现象和历史问题,在历史观上表现为系统的历史变易思想和进化观点,他对前人朴素辩证法思想作了继承和发展,将其推向时代新的高度。  相似文献   

The Nonproliferation Review (NPR) recently interviewed Ambassador Sergio de Queiroz Duarte of Brazil, who presided over the 2005 Seventh Review Conference of the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT). Ambassador Duarte discussed his views on the outcome of the conference and the future of the treaty. He provided NPR with valuable insights into the outcome of the conference and also shared his thoughts on some of the most pressing issues confronting the NPT today, including the Middle East, nuclear terrorism, elimination of the threat of highly enriched uranium in the civilian nuclear sector, proposals to limit access to the nuclear fuel cycle, nuclear disarmament, and negative security assurances. Blaming the failed conference on a general lack of political commitment among states parties and their unwillingness to negotiate common solutions, Ambassador Duarte stressed that “the conference should face squarely its own failure without my attempting to disguise or sugarcoat the deep differences of view, which must be resolved with courage and determination by the states parties if they want the treaty to remain effective.”?He emphasized that if states fail to act on their overriding interest in upholding the NPT, especially if states parties continue to ignore or disregard their nonproliferation and nuclear disarmament obligations, some states might come to believe that their security interests are no longer served by the treaty. The future prospects of the NPT would then “look dire indeed.”  相似文献   

Building indigenous armies in Asia with military advisory and aid programs has been a mission of the United States Army for over 100 years. Creation of an indigenous army was an early goal of American occupation policy in Korea, but little support and resources were assigned. Between 1946 and 1948, a minute American advisory effort partially trained and equipped a Korean Army cadre of 25,000 men. The unceasing efforts of a talented American advisor, Captain James Hausman, made success possible. He dominated the small advisory group, was given carte blanche to implement his ideas, and left indelible changes on what became the South Korean Army.  相似文献   

拉图尔最早提出SSK的微观研究纲领——“实验室研究”纲领,把建构主义科学观推进到更深入、更复杂的研究领域,成为社会建构论的主要代表,并且开创了科学认识论“社会学转向”基础上的“人类学转向”。在此着重分析他如何对科学知识的社会性问题进行日常考察与微观研究,如何论述科学事实的社会建构过程。  相似文献   

鲁迅作为“左联”的领导者和成员之一,积极支持《北斗》的创办,并在该刊发表文章10余篇。他控诉国民党杀害“左翼”文学作家的暴行,悼念革命烈士;讽刺和揭露国民党文化宣传的瞒和骗行为的实质;批评当时某些青年不健康不合情的行为及其所受的传统文化消极面的影响;支持社会主义的苏联,表达对无产阶级专政历史作用的看法;表达自己的翻译观,并对繁荣革命文学创造提出切实可行的意见;引进及翻译外国优秀文学作品和文化成果。现代知识分子正是通过报刊杂志这一中介,对社会产生着积极的影响。  相似文献   

党益民是近年来在文坛上崛起的优秀作家。他扎根武警交通部队30余年,创作了几部反映川藏、青藏筑路养路官兵生活的小说和报告文学,多次获国内文学领域的重量级奖项,掀起了新军旅文学的阅读热潮,被称为“党益民现象”。从其作品题材选择的精度与密度、主题思想的厚度和高度与写作技巧的纯度与力度出发,解读蕴藏在其创作中的精神坚守价值的历史穿透力,以更好地理解我们这个时代的军威军魂。  相似文献   

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