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微小RNA(miRNA)是一类小分子单链RNA,不编码蛋白质,但是通过抑制基因表达参与调控许多重要的生物学过程。最新研究发现。miRNA广泛存在于体液中,并且含量稳定。易于检测。其表达的变化可以作为一些非正常生理状态或者肿瘤等病理状态的分子标记。复杂战场环境及太空等特殊环境下人血清miRNA的表达谱可能是相关作业人员健康状态的指标.体液中miRNA的表达谱也可作为评价新型武器毁损效应的检测标志物。因此建立特定因素作用下人体液中miRNA的表达谱并建立快速小型化的检测装备。不仅可以服务于军事活动参与人员状态的监测。还能在武器装备研发中发挥重要的评估作用。  相似文献   

网络文化与高校思想政治工作   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
网络文化对人类社会产生了深刻的影响,受网络文化影响最深、最广的莫过于有较高文化层次的大学生.新时期的高校思想政治工作面临网络科技带来的发展机遇和前所未有的挑战.高校应采取积极的对策,占领网络这块阵地,促使思想政治工作再上一个新台阶.  相似文献   

We explore the economic and environmental impacts of market structures (competition or integration at vertical and horizontal levels). We consider a bilateral duopoly consisting of two manufacturers and two retailers in which each manufacturer offers a wholesale price contract to the respective retailer. The manufacturers decide on wholesale prices and abatement efforts concerning pollution emissions related to manufacturing processes, whereas the retailers compete in quantities in the consumer market. To understand the comprehensive effects of market structures on economic competitiveness and environmental sustainability, we examine a measure of eco‐friendly social welfare, which is the ratio of social welfare and environmental pollution. Interestingly, we find that the market structures that have been believed to be more efficient are less efficient from a broader perspective: (1) double marginalization can generate higher eco‐friendly social welfare, and (2) horizontal competition between firms can result in lower eco‐friendly social welfare. Although vertical integration and horizontal competition yield greater social welfare by facilitating more production activities, these market structures often fail to induce sufficient abatement efforts to balance the polluting effect of the large volume, resulting in more significant environmental degradation. We also show that, despite the pollution‐curbing effect, higher emission penalties can result in less eco‐friendly social welfare. They can even curtail the abatement efforts of firms under particular circumstances. When products become more substitutable, the eco‐friendly social welfare can decrease depending upon the market structure.  相似文献   

鲁迅以魏晋诗人的人格理想对诗性精神的影响为思考脉络,来考察这一时期的文化风貌之于诗歌的意义,并用“魏晋风度”来概括。在精神文化传承上,鲁迅和魏晋诗人都对酒情有独钟,借助于酒文化获得精神上的超越。在艺术创作上,鲁迅诗歌与魏晋南北朝诗歌都有着沉郁、苍劲的特点,也都呈现出率真自然的风格。  相似文献   

基于技术创新链理论的最新研究成果及船舶工业的特征,本文从系统论的视角分析了船舶工业军民技术创新链的基本结构及其作用机制。这些作用机制主要有供求机制、协同机制、共享机制、竞争机制、激励机制。研究表明,这五种作用机制对促进世界主要造船国的船舶工业军民技术创新起到了关键作用。  相似文献   

介绍了气象水文软件测评系统建设和研究情况,重点分析了测评系统的网络环境、硬件环境、软件环境、测试技术能力、测试流程管理等方面的建设和研究情况.  相似文献   

一.引言 随着红外热成像技术的发展及国外武器装备夜视装备的更新换代,我国海、陆、空、防化的武器装备均提出了装备二代热像仪的需求。红外热成像技术已经从一代发展到二代、三代,一代红外热成像装置采用红外探测器线阵扫描成像,二代和三代红外热成像装置则采用红外焦平面阵列,但总体上来说,二代和三代红外热成像装置仍处于发展阶段,相对于一代技术,二代热像仪的性能指标体系、  相似文献   

以灭火救援技术与战术课程作业为切入点,分析了作业存在的主要问题,提出了作业内容优化方案,结合问卷调查法分析了学员对课后作业优化前、后的满意程度,并提出可行的应用策略。  相似文献   

当今时代,轻武器产品研发过程越来越快,为了保持竞争优势,必须加快新产品开发设计过程,缩短新产品的研制周期,保持轻武器高技术装备发展的势头。通过优化轻武器产品结构、建立最佳配系,使轻武器装备互补、互用,简化操作使用与后勤保障,缩短维护和修复时间,从而提高总体作战能力。同时,轻武器新产品必须有助于国防工业企业实现平时经济批量生产和战时动员生产,提高其精密性和降低成本,避免规模小、成本高、科研与生产重复浪费等现象,将技术力量应用到最能发挥效能的关键地方,从而实现寓军于民,军民结合。轻武器“三化”技术的实施应用正是以…  相似文献   

Benedetta Berti 《Civil Wars》2016,18(2):118-136

An important factor shaping the rebel-to-political transition of armed movements in post-conflict settings pertains to the political identity these groups develop in wartime. This political identity is itself a multi-dimensional concept shaped not only by the political ideology, practices and institutions established by the rebel organisation, but also by the relationship with the state and its political institutions. Far from functioning in a vacuum or isolated, rebel groups, especially when operating as alternative providers of governance, build multi-layered networks of relations with the state, the pre-existing traditional society institutions as well as with other domestic and international political actors. The study focuses specifically on two complex armed groups, Hezbollah and Hamas, relying on primary sources as well as in-depth fieldwork on these groups’ socio-political institution (In this case field work refers to both in-depth direct observation of the groups’ social networks and political infrastructures as well direct interviews and meetings with key stakeholders involved in the administration of those activities. The time-frame for the field work spans between 2008 and 2013). The research tracks their multiple interactions with the state through grassroots activism, institutional politics and governance. Despite their considerable differences, at their cores, both organisations operate in a liminal space between open war and fragile post-conflict setting; between grassroots activism and institutional politics; between armed resistance and political accommodation; and between competition and cooperation with the state. As such, they represent useful starting points to begin deconstructing and problematising existing dichotomies still prevalent in studying both rebel governance and rebel-to-political transitions, including the binary state-non-state opposition. In doing so, the analysis highlights the importance of taking into account the often hybrid and multi-layered political legacies adopted by armed groups during wartime and their impact in shaping their political trajectories as well as the potential roles for these groups in post-conflict settings.  相似文献   

故障模式与影响分析技术及其应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
故障模式与影响分析技术(FMEA)是一种可靠性设计的重要方法,它对各种可能的风险进行评价、分析,以便在现有技术的基础上消除这些风险或将这些风险减小到可接受的水平。本文介绍了FMEA的目的、作用以及基本思想,对FMEA的工作程序及注意事项进行了探讨。  相似文献   

再制造研究应用现状及发展策略   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以国家“发展循环经济、建设节约型社会”的重大战略为背景,介绍了再制造的内涵和国内外装备再制造研究、应用现状以及策略方法。在此基础上,结合我国现状和特点,分析了我国推动再制造产业发展的需求和潜力,并初步提出我国发展再制造工程存在的问题和应采取的有效措施。  相似文献   

新形势下,要做好警卫工作,必须在具体工作中把握警卫形式与安全第一的关系、内紧外松的关系、警卫形式警卫基础工作的关系,以及警卫形式"适度"、从实际出发的原则.  相似文献   

信息共享机制的缺失已经成为质量与可靠性信息工作的瓶颈,严重制约了信息的分析与利用深度。根据质量与可靠性信息工作的新需求,应用现代质量管理理论及系统工程方法,阐述了国防科技工业质量与可靠性信息共享的内涵、目的、总体框架、实施框架与建设措施,为开展质量与可靠性信息共享研究与实践提供方法指导。  相似文献   

针对现代战场环境下多平台多目标运动的特点,建立了各种机动、非机动目标运动模型,主要有蛇形机动、转弯和导弹比例导引等几种常见运动模型,并运用Matlab软件分别对其进行了计算机仿真。仿真结果表明,建立的数学模型与实际的目标运动基本是吻合的,可以用来描述目标的运动。  相似文献   

本文主要阐述了武器装备协同设计与制造信息化平台建设工作,通过建立统一的协同设计与制造标准化工作体系来保障协同设计平台的顺利运行。协同平台标准体系的建设以基础编码、基本规范、基本流程、基本技术标准为主体,标准体系由协同管理标准、支撑环境标准、信息安全标准、数字化设计标准、数字化制造标准、数字化测试和试验标准六部分构成。  相似文献   

电磁炮及其特点和军事应用前景   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从美国海军最新试验进展出发,概括了电磁炮的系统组成,说明了不同类型电磁炮的工作原理、优缺点、适用场合和研究现状,分析了电磁炮特点和需要进一步解决的主要问题.在此基础上,讨论了电磁炮的军事应用前景,包括其在打击地面和海上目标、防空反导、发射导弹和卫星、天基战略反导和反卫星、空中作战等方面的应用.  相似文献   

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