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Shipbuilding as currently practiced in U.S. commercial shipyards employs little quantitative modeling or analysis in production planning. This paper presents a brief discussion of the shipbuilding process and focuses on one major component which is referred to as outfitting. The outfit planning problem is described in detail and then formally modeled as a generalization of the resource constrained project scheduling problem. The value of the approach as well as barriers to its adoption are also discussed.  相似文献   

Despite its ability to result in more effective network plans, the telecommunication network planning problem with signal‐to‐interference ratio constraints gained less attention than the power‐based one because of its complexity. In this article, we provide an exact solution method for this class of problems that combines combinatorial Benders decomposition, classical Benders decomposition, and valid cuts in a nested way. Combinatorial Benders decomposition is first applied, leading to a binary master problem and a mixed integer subproblem. The subproblem is then decomposed using classical Benders decomposition. The algorithm is enhanced using valid cuts that are generated at the classical Benders subproblem and are added to the combinatorial Benders master problem. The valid cuts proved efficient in reducing the number of times the combinatorial Benders master problem is solved and in reducing the overall computational time. More than 120 instances of the W‐CDMA network planning problem ranging from 20 demand points and 10 base stations to 140 demand points and 30 base stations are solved to optimality. © 2010 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Naval Research Logistics, 2010  相似文献   

A fundamental difficulty in developing effective production planning models has been accurately reflecting the nonlinear dependency between workload and lead times. We develop a mathematical programming model for production planning in multiproduct, single stage systems that captures the nonlinear dependency between workload and lead times. We then use outer linearization of this nonlinear model to obtain a linear programming formulation and extend it to multistage systems. Extensive computational experiments validate the approach and compare its results to conventional models that assume workload‐independent planning lead times. © 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Naval Research Logistics, 2009  相似文献   

We present the green telecommunication network planning problem with switchable base stations, where the location and configuration of the base stations are optimized, while taking into account uncertainty and variability of demand. The problem is formulated as a two‐stage stochastic program under demand uncertainty with integers in both stages. Since solving the presented problem is computationally challenging, we develop the corresponding Dantzig‐Wolfe reformulation and propose a solution approach based on column generation. Comprehensive computational results are provided for instances of varying characteristics. The results show that the joint location and dynamic switching of base stations leads to significant savings in terms of energy cost. Up to 30% reduction in power consumption cost is achieved while still serving all users. In certain cases, allowing dynamic configurations leads to more installed base stations and higher user coverage, while having lower total energy consumption. The Dantzig‐Wolfe reformulation provides solutions with a tight LP‐gap eliminating the need for a full branch‐and‐price scheme. Furthermore, the proposed column generation solution approach is computationally efficient and outperforms CPLEX on the majority of the tested instances. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Naval Research Logistics 63: 351–366, 2016  相似文献   

We address the issue of short-term retrenchment planning required of organizations that are phasing down their manpower levels at rates faster than are allowed by natural attrition. Specifically, the problem we study is as follows: given the initial and target grade populations in a hierarchical manpower system at the end of a finite time horizon and the per-period rate of natural attrition for each grade, find a stationary manpower policy that minimizes the maximum per-period rate of retrenchment across all the grades over all stationary policies that yield the target grade populations at the end of the horizon. Because the problem is a nonconvex, nonseparable, nonlinear program, we develop a heuristic in which the promotion proportions of all the grades are successively fixed, starting from the lowest grade. We prove optimality of the heuristic policy in three nontrivial situations. In a computational experiment, in 135 out of 150 randomly generated instances (i.e., in 90% of the cases), the heuristic yielded a solution that was as good or better than that yielded by a benchmark computer program that solves the present problem as a nonlinear program. Further, the average computational time under the heuristic was an order of magnitude less than that under the program. © 1995 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

We reformulate a multiperiod capacity expansion model of electric utilities as a network model. We show how to reconstruct the dual solution of the original mathematical program from the network model solution. To formulate the network model, we use information about the properties of the optimal solution of the mathematical program to reduce the number of constraints. The remaining constraints are then readily converted into network constraints. © 1993 John Wiley & Sons. Inc.  相似文献   

刘锐鹏  谭薇 《国防科技》2016,37(6):131-134
针对新一代战术通信系统中超短波电台组网易自扰、互扰的问题,基于联合作战背景分析了师区域间超短波频率空分复用模型,给出超短波电台网频率规划的约束与假设条件,研究基于着色理论的超短波电台网频率指配方法及自动化实现步骤。  相似文献   

A model is developed for planning optimal production and employment levels in multi-product, multistage production systems. The market requirements for each product over the planning period are given. Backorders and/or shortages are permitted. Backorders and shortages must be considered in order to determine the amount of each product's demand that should be filled, backlogged, or go unsatisfied if the production capacity is insufficient to fill all market requirements. Backorders and shortages, on the other hand, are desirable under certain dynamic market conditions.  相似文献   

We consider an expansion planning problem for Waste‐to‐Energy (WtE) systems facing uncertainty in future waste supplies. The WtE expansion plans are regarded as strategic, long term decisions, while the waste distribution and treatment are medium to short term operational decisions which can adapt to the actual waste collected. We propose a prediction set uncertainty model which integrates a set of waste generation forecasts and is constructed based on user‐specified levels of forecasting errors. Next, we use the prediction sets for WtE expansion scenario analysis. More specifically, for a given WtE expansion plan, the guaranteed net present value (NPV) is evaluated by computing an extreme value forecast trajectory of future waste generation from the prediction set that minimizes the maximum NPV of the WtE project. This problem is essentially a multiple stage min‐max dynamic optimization problem. By exploiting the structure of the WtE problem, we show this is equivalent to a simpler min‐max optimization problem, which can be further transformed into a single mixed‐integer linear program. Furthermore, we extend the model to optimize the guaranteed NPV by searching over the set of all feasible expansion scenarios, and show that this can be solved by an exact cutting plane approach. We also propose a heuristic based on a constant proportion distribution rule for the WtE expansion optimization model, which reduces the problem into a moderate size mixed‐integer program. Finally, our computational studies demonstrate that our proposed expansion model solutions are very stable and competitive in performance compared to scenario tree approaches. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Naval Research Logistics 63: 47–70, 2016  相似文献   

面向动作序列的敏捷卫星任务规划问题   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
针对新一代敏捷卫星对地观测任务规划问题,考虑了直拍直传、立体成像、多条带拼接等复杂任务需求和观测、数据下传、对日定向等九种卫星动作,在任务规划的同时进行卫星动作规划。设计并实现了前瞻启发式构造算法,算法满足卫星存储、能量等复杂约束,在前瞻过程中每次决定当前任务是否安排。采用基于专家知识的多种启发式规则决定任务安排与安排卫星动作序列。仿真实例及实际工程应用表明,算法可以在很短的时间内给出较好的结果,证明了本文方法对于敏捷卫星任务规划问题的适用性。  相似文献   

指挥信息系统是为数字化师作战行动服务,文中探讨了数字化师指挥信息系统的组网原则,给出一个即阶段分明又相互作用的组网流程,详细分析了顺序方式、平行方式和同步方式三种组网方式的优缺点,明确给出了三种组网方式的适用场合,数字化师指挥信息系统的组网筹划进行了有益探讨。  相似文献   

The focus of this paper is on determining the requirements of different component options of a modular end‐product in an uncertain environment. We explicitly model two distinct sources of uncertainty: stochastic end‐product demand and unknown market proportions for the different product options available. Our cost minimizing model focuses on determining the optimal requirements policies for component options that meet a pre‐set service level. We show that simple common‐sense requirements policies are not generally optimal; there is a non‐linear connection between service level and component requirements that is hard to characterize without a detailed analysis. © 2006 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Naval Research Logistics, 2006  相似文献   

The classical work of Gittins, which resulted in the celebrated index result, had applications to research planning as an important part of its motivation. However, research planning problems often have features that are not accommodated within Gittins's original framework. These include precedence constraints on the task set, influence between tasks, stopping or investment options and routes to success in which some tasks do not feature. We consider three classes of Markovian decision models for research planning, each of which has all of these features. Gittins-index heuristics are proposed and are assessed both analytically and computationally. They perform impressively. © 1995 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

正交频分复用(Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing,OFDM)是现代移动通信中一项重要的物理层通信技术,并且OFDM系统要求子载波间严格正交。然而,在实际系统中,振荡器和滤波器等器件的非理想特性会导致同相正交(In-phase and Quadrature-phase,IQ)不平衡,从而破坏子载波的正交性,严重影响OFDM系统的性能。通过研究IQ不平衡对OFDM系统的影响,提出了一种并联深度神经网络架构下的IQ不平衡补偿算法。该算法利用了深度神经网络不依赖于模型的特点,直接从接收到的频域信号恢复原输入信号的二进制序列,并利用干扰信号来自镜像子载波的先验知识来初始化模型驱动的神经网络,加快其网络优化的收敛速度。仿真结果表明,该算法能有效地补偿IQ不平衡失真,并且在幅度和相位失真的补偿上,其性能都优于传统的基于导频的最小二乘补偿算法,证明了深度学习方法解决物理层问题的优越性。  相似文献   

贝叶斯网络推理在信息系统安全风险评估中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
提出了一种基于贝叶斯网络推理的安全风险评估方法。从实际出发建立信息系统的贝叶斯网络模型,根据专家给出的先验信息,结合获得的证据信息,运用Pearl方法完成对模型的评估,给出在特定条件下模型的计算——线性推理算法。最后,以实例分析信息系统安全评估的实现过程,结果表明,该方法可行、有效。  相似文献   

利用可靠度模型对网络化条件下舰艇编队跨平台组织武器通道的可靠度进行了分析。分析表明,在网络中心战条件下舰艇编队武器系统的可靠度有了大幅度的提升。  相似文献   

基于模糊-组合神经网络的信息系统安全风险评估   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对信息系统的安全风险评估问题,提出了一种将模糊理论与神经网络进行"浅层次"结合的评估方法。通过对信息系统所涉及的风险因素分别从资产影响、威胁频度、脆弱性严重程度三方面进行分析,建立了信息系统的安全风险层次化结构,并构造了各因素所对应评判集的隶属度矩阵;综合运用模糊推理算法与神经网络仿真技术,对信息系统的安全风险进行评估,进而判定信息系统安全风险等级。最后,通过实例分析说明了算法的应用,并借助误差分析检测了模型的有效性。  相似文献   

In this article, we define two different workforce leveling objectives for serial transfer lines. Each job is to be processed on each transfer station for c time periods (e.g., hours). We assume that the number of workers needed to complete each operation of a job in precisely c periods is given. Jobs transfer forward synchronously after every production cycle (i.e., c periods). We study two leveling objectives: maximin workforce size () and min range (R). Leveling objectives produce schedules where the cumulative number of workers needed in all stations of a transfer line does not experience dramatic changes from one production cycle to the next. For and a two‐station system, we develop a fast polynomial algorithm. The range problem is known to be NP‐complete. For the two‐station system, we develop a very fast optimal algorithm that uses a tight lower bound and an efficient procedure for finding complementary Hamiltonian cycles in bipartite graphs. Via a computational experiment, we demonstrate that range schedules are superior because not only do they limit the workforce fluctuations from one production cycle to the next, but they also do so with a minor increase in the total workforce size. We extend our results to the m‐station system and develop heuristic algorithms. We find that these heuristics work poorly for min range (R), which indicates that special structural properties of the m‐station problem need to be identified before we can develop efficient algorithms. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Naval Research Logistics 63: 577–590, 2016  相似文献   

We present a robust optimization model for production planning under the assumption that electricity supply is subject to uncertain interruptions caused by participation in interruptible load contracts (ILCs). The objective is to minimize the cost of electricity used for production while providing a robust production plan which ensures demand satisfaction under all possible interruption scenarios. The combinatorial size of the set of interruption scenarios makes this a challenging problem. Furthermore, we assume that no probabilistic information is known about the supply uncertainty: we only use the information given in the ILC to identify an uncertainty set that captures the possible scenarios. We construct a general robust framework to handle this uncertainty and present a heuristic to compute a good feasible solution of the robust model. We provide computational experiments on a real‐world example and compare the performance of an exact solver applied to the robust model with that of the heuristic procedure. Finally, we include the operational impact of interruptions such as “recovery modes” in the definition of the uncertainty set. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Naval Research Logistics, 2013  相似文献   

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