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According to “interference theory” of reliability, a component fails if the maximum stress exceeds the component's strength. Assuming that both these quantities are random and their distributions are normal, we obtain in this paper some point and interval estimates of reliability when the stress distribution is known and a few observations exist on component strengths.  相似文献   

The defense establishments of all major powers are changing to reflect changes in the foundations of national security strategy and resource allocation. The authors believe economists should play an active role in formulating these changes and offer an orientation to the U.S. debate, presenting three major alternatives: the “Base Force” (Bush Administration), Mr. Aspin's Force “C,” and the “Low” Alternative (Prof. Kaufmann and Dr. Steinbruner). These alternatives are compared using first‐order measures of capabilities, budgets and risk. Budgetary estimates are based on newly‐developed analytical tools.  相似文献   

Consider an “intractable” optimization problem for which no efficient solution technique exists. Given a systematic procedure for generating independent heuristic solutions, we seek to obtain interval estimates for the globally optimal solution using statistical inference. In previous work, accurate point estimates have been derived. Determining interval estimates, however, is a considerably more difficult task. In this paper, we develop straightforward procedures which compute confidence intervals efficiently in order to evaluate heuristic solutions and assess deviations from optimality. The strategy presented is applicable to a host of combinatorial optimization problems. The assumptions of our model, along with computational experience, are discussed.  相似文献   

This paper obtains the uniformly minimum variance unbiased estimates of two indices of performance of a system which alternates between two states “up” or “down” in accordance with a Markov process. The two indices are (1) operational readiness, which measures the probability that the system will be up when needed; and (2) operational reliability, which measures the probability that the system will be up during the entire time of need. For the purpose of obtaining these estimates, two types of observations are considered: (a) those which reveal only the state of system at isolated time-points, and (b) those which continuously record the duration of the “up” and “down” times of the system.  相似文献   

Research and development activities in a business firm or government laboratory are portrayed as a multi-stage information generation and conversion process. A “basic research” phase generates opportunities, in the form of findings in a set of scientific disciplines, which are available for subsequent exploitation. It is assumed that increments to information in a subject area are stochastic, proportional to the amount of knowledge which already exists in the area, and have values which are randomly distributed. An “exploratory development” phase is viewed as a process of selecting a subset of alternative research opportunities, improving each opportunity in the direction of its applications, estimating the value of the improved opportunity and using these estimates to choose the exploratory development results to be implemented in engineering development. The “engineering development” phase makes the value of exploratory results realizable without changing value or risk. Engineering development costs are assumed to increase as value increases. If exploratory development is not successful, additional costs in engineering development must be incurred to bring the design up to a minimum desirable level. The model is intended as a step toward formulating and analyzing problems in management planning and control of the several interrelated stages of the research and development process.  相似文献   

This article provides formulas for estimating the parameters to be used in the basic EOQ lot-size model. The analysis assumes that the true values of these parameters are unknown over known ranges and perhaps nonstationary over time. Two measures of estimator “goodness” are derived from EOQ sensitivity analysis. Formulas are given for computing the minimax choice and the minimum expected value choice for the parameter estimates using both measures of estimator “goodness”. A numerical example is included.  相似文献   

It is intrinsic to the nature of military competition that the unit acquisition costs of defence systems rise generation by generation. Traditional “bottom‐up” methods of cost‐estimating cannot meet the increasing demands for extensive studies of many options before commencing design and, while “top‐down” estimating techniques are an improvement, in particular by reducing the time required for preparing estimates, they also are inadequate to meet current requirements. A new method has been devised, therefore, further developing “top‐down” methods using Bayesian techniques to make best use of the available information, whether certain or uncertain, and its accuracy established by example.  相似文献   

The term “Gray Zone” is gaining in popularity as a way of describing contemporary security challenges. This article describes the “short-of-war” strategies – the fait accompli, proxy warfare, and the exploitation of ambiguous deterrence situations, i.e. “salami tactics” – that are captured by the term and offers several explanations for why state and non-state actors are drawn to these strategies. The analysis highlights why defense postures based on deterrence are especially vulnerable to the short-of-war strategies that populate the “Gray Zone.” The article concludes by suggesting how defense officials might adapt defense policies to life in the “Gray Zone.”  相似文献   

Adopting the analytical framework of the established interpretive “schools” of Anglo-American relations, this article offers several reflections on UK–US defense relations as they occurred over the significant years of 2000–2005. During those years, trajectories were established on which UK–US defense relations continue to travel today and outcomes emerged which are still being navigated. This article concludes that the Latin phrase, “Flectas Non Frangas” (essentially translated as: “Bend not Break”), is the most appropriate to adopt to characterize the developments undergone in recent UK–US defense relations. Many historical and strategic lessons with contemporary relevance are drawn.  相似文献   

This study concentrates on distributions of leadtime demand that permit explicit solution to the lot-size, reorder point model. The optimal order size for the general case is first expressed as a function of the economic order quantity and a quantity known as the “residual mean life” in reliability theory. The concept of “no aging” is then utilized to identify a broad class of distributions for which the optimal order size can be determined explicitly, independent of the reorder point.  相似文献   

The peace treaty between Israel and Egypt has survived since 1979. Even so, following the events in Egypt, there is a growing tension between the two states, particularly surrounding the Sinai, which could cause a crisis and even a war. In such a case, the main battlefield would be in Sinai, and there would be several dominant aspects. Some of them would appear for the first time, compared with previous wars, such as a collision between Israeli and Egyptian units of around corps size. Other aspects would be more familiar, such as the ratio between the size of the forces to that of the battlefield, the “fog of war,” night fighting, “friendly fire” and deception.  相似文献   

This work is concerned with constructing, analyzing, and finding “mobility chains” for bimatrix games, sequences of equilibrium points along which it is possible for the two players to progress, one equilibrium point at a time, to an equilibrium point that is preferred by both players. The relationship between mobility chains and Nash subsets is established, and some properties of maximal Nash subsets are proved.  相似文献   

Pakistan, the fastest growing nuclear weapon state in the world, has established over the last decade a nuclear management system it holds to be “foolproof.” Despite the explosion of radical groups challenging the writ of the state, it dismisses concerns by critics that its nuclear weapons are not safe and secure as “preposterous” and an attempt to “malign” the state. This article examines Pakistan's nuclear management system in four functional areas: command-and-control, physical security, nuclear surety, and doctrine. It describes what is publicly known in each area, identifies areas of omission and inadequacy in each one, and examines several premises of the nuclear program the author considers to be unfounded. Comparing these deficiencies in Pakistan's nuclear management system to the current problems plaguing the US nuclear management system, the author concludes that complacency and unfounded confidence in the efficacy of such programs, if not addressed and corrected, could lead to a future nuclear catastrophe in South Asia.  相似文献   

This paper poses a prediction problem in which a linear model is assumed. With a “zero-one” loss structure as the loss from incorrect prediction, it is suggested that least squares may not be appropriate for estimating the parameters of the model. An alternate criterion is proposed and integer programming is used in order to find the estimates, given the proposed criterion.  相似文献   

This second part of the review article begins with a definition of military power, when and how it should be used. From a large number of authors, “moral forces” are linked to “codes of conduct”, and the fundamental understandings about the “profession of arms”, based on “fiduciary trust”, “covenanted” service and professional and personal “conscience”. The article covers what authors have written about “culture” and the ethics of “technology” devices and systems, including “cyber” warfare. It concludes with recognition of the increase in ethical sensitivity in this century which is characterized by a phenomenon, the crises of “identity”, personal, national and global.  相似文献   


The European arms industry is challenged by several adverse “headwinds.” Fragmentation leads to costly duplications and, in conjunction with stagnating budgets and sharply increasing costs, prevents firms from exploiting economies of scale and learning. This is exacerbated by size differentials vis-a-vis the leading US arms manufacturers and competition from emerging producers. As some “headwinds” are self-enforcing, far-reaching industrial and policy responses are required to improve the industry's outlook. As exports may not indefinitely compensate for low domestic demand, there is an economic imperative for further cross-border collaboration and consolidation. Despite various EU policy initiatives, progresses regarding the European Defence Equipment Market and strengthening the European Defence Technological Industrial Base have been relatively slow. It remains to be seen whether the European Defence Fund will be the proclaimed “game-changer,” raising competitiveness of the European arms industry. At the same time, the UK's withdrawal from the EU adds uncertainties.  相似文献   

The subject of this paper is the utilization of the “infant mortality” or decreasing failure rate effect to improve the reliability of repairable devices. Decreasing failure rate implies the possibility that devices which exhibit it can be improved by “burn-in testing” of each unit. Such a test serves to accumulate operating time while shielded from the full costs and consequences of failure. A general formulation of the burn-in test decision for repairable devices is presented and some special cases are solved. A class of models, indexed by the degree of partial replacement present in the repair process, is considered and numerical results for the optimal policy are given for several members of that class. A comparison of those results reveals the profitability of testing increases with the complexity of the repairable device.  相似文献   

In this study, a simple and efficient cyclic coordinate search procedure is used to optimize penalty functions. Since the contours of the penalty function are very ill-behaved, an accurate line search is very difficult to achieve. Due to accumulated errors in line search, this makes “simple-minded” search directions just as good as more sophisticated directions, and actually better since they require a smaller effort per iteration. Of course this is only true if the search procedure is able to “ride” along steep ridges, and meanwhile move an appreciable distance towards the optimal, if at all possible. Computational results on the cyclic coordinate method seems to support this point of view, and shows robustness, reliability, and efficiency of the method.  相似文献   

We present an algorithm called the exact ceiling point algorithm (XCPA) for solving the pure, general integer linear programming problem (P). A recent report by the authors demonstrates that, if the set of feasible integer solutions for (P) is nonempty and bounded, all optimal solutions for (P) are “feasible 1-ceiling points,” roughly, feasible integer solutions lying on or near the boundary of the feasible region for the LP-relaxation associated with (P). Consequently, the XCPA solves (P) by implicitly enumerating only feasible 1-ceiling points, making use of conditional bounds and “double backtracking.” We discuss the results of computational testing on a set of 48 problems taken from the literature.  相似文献   

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