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江总书记在“七一”讲话中再次强调要走群众路线。学习贯彻《讲话》精神 ,按照“三个代表”要求密切联系官兵 ,最根本的就是要倾听官兵呼声、反映官兵意见、集中群众智慧 ,使各项决策和工作符合实际和官兵要求 ,而“知实情”又是密切联系官兵的核心之点。但由于一些机关对基层情况知之不真出现了不应有的失误。从机关自身来查找原因 ,主要有以下几个方面 :一是心不诚 ,使基层有话不想说。“心诚则灵” ,心不诚则难息息相通。有的机关干部热衷于坐在“上层”摸情况 ,不愿直接到基层掌握“第一信号”。即使身子下到基层 ,也是身入心不入 ,和基…  相似文献   

王文圣 《政工学刊》2005,(10):36-36
学习贯彻“三个代表”重要思想必须以最广大人民的根本利益为根本出发点和落脚点,必须落实到党和国家制定和实施方针政策的工作中去,必须落实到各级领导干部的思想和行动中去,必须落实到关心群众生产生活的工作中去。对部队的党员干部来讲,就是要牢牢把握“掌权为兵、执政为兵”,在实际工作中注意理顺以下三个关系、解决以下三个问题:一、理顺个人得失与广大官兵利益的关系,树立正确的得失观,解决执政为兵的思想问题。共产党人没有自己特殊的利益,最广大官兵的根本利益就是党员干部的根本利益。就一个党员干部个体来讲,如果说存在其个人得失…  相似文献   

胡锦涛主席关于军队思想政治建设方面的重要论述,为全军官兵认真履行新的历史使命,切实加强军队思想政治建设并推动其他各项建设,提供了方向性和方法论上的科学指南。胡主席重要论述的精神内涵主要是:思想政治建设是军队最根本的建设,必须将其实实在在地摆在全军各项建设的首位;紧密联系新的形势任务和官兵的思想实际,积极应对我军政治工作面临的挑战;坚持用科学发展观指导思想政治建设,不断推进军队思想政治工作的创新发展。  相似文献   

当代革命军人核心价值观所倡导的核心理念,对广大官兵的思想和行为,起着支配和主导作用,是矫正官兵人生航向的价值指南;是衡量官兵价值实现程度的基本尺度;是激励官兵建功立业的根本遵循.  相似文献   

一、引导官兵认清基本道理,在教育灌输中"立魂"。近年来,80后官兵逐步成长为部队骨干力量,90后官兵逐渐增多,如何把住官兵人生观价值观这个"总开关",最根本的就是要加强对官兵基本道理的教育灌输。围绕主题教育讲活大道理。每年主题教育开展前,要对官兵进行一次思想调查,主要掌握官兵对哪些基本观点、  相似文献   

任璇 《国防》2010,(10):31-32
"忠诚于党,热爱人民,报效国家,献身使命,崇尚荣誉"的当代革命军人核心价值观,充分反映了我军官兵与党、人民、国家、军队的关系以及我军官兵相互间关系最基本、最核心的价值观念,深刻体现了我军优良传统、时代发展要求与官兵价值追求的有机统一。培育当代革命军人核心价值观的战略举措,抓住了新形势下我军建设方向性根本性全局性的重大问题,为强化全军官兵的精神支柱提供了根本价值取向和行为准则。当前,培育当代革命军人核心价值观,必须着力抓好以下工作。  相似文献   

一、政治工作注重人文关怀,最根本的是要准确把握当代青年官兵的现实特点。当代青年官兵人生追求多姿多彩,价值取向更加现实;打过工、经过商、上过网的明显增多,社会阅历更加复杂;内心情感世界细腻丰富,对表扬批评非常敏感,心理问题更加突出;高度关注敏感问题处理的全过程,积极要求给予充分的知情权、参与权  相似文献   

迎接知识经济挑战,树立素质教育观念。(一)把教育的着眼点放在全面提高官兵的素质上。在着力提高官兵的政治素质的同时,把教育对象的道德素质、科学文化素质和身体、心理素质作为教育的重要内容,提倡进行广义上的政治教育,积极探索“为全体官兵着想,为官兵全面发展负责,为官兵终身受益奠定基础”的现代化教育模式。(二)充分挖掘政治教育内容的知识性,有意识地向官兵传授相关的科学文化知识。如在政治理论和党的路线、方针、政策教育中提高市场经济知识含量;在军队根本职能教育中提高高科技知识的含量;在经常性思想政治教育中提高政策、法规…  相似文献   

“听党指挥”是弘扬雷锋精神的永恒主题,加强部队思想政治建设。必须紧紧抓住坚定官兵理想信念这个根本。雷锋精神历经近半个世纪的洗礼,其历久弥新的永恒主题,集中反映在“听党指挥”这个最本质、最有生命力的内涵上。雷锋“听党话、跟党走”的行动启示我们,不管形势任务怎样变,坚持党对军队的绝对领导不能变,教育广大官兵坚定理想信念,始终高举旗帜、听党指挥这个根本不能变。要加强“知党、爱党”教育,坚定官兵对党的忠诚。  相似文献   

群众路线是党的生命线和根本工作路线。在开展第二批党的群众路线教育实践活动中,旅团党委机关既是具体组织实施者,又是受教育的积极参与者,还是接受一线官兵评判者。为取得实实在在的成效,必须始终坚持群众路线这一根本工作方法,不断强化党委机关为官兵服务理念,增强服务官兵本领,切实提高服务官兵的能力和水平。  相似文献   

Many contemporary academics and policy analysts have revisited the Anglo-German rivalry before 1914 to predict what may await China and the United States in the twenty-first century. However, few, if indeed any, have specified in what sense this comparison can be made. This paper attempts to fill this gap with a detailed analysis of the strategic parallels between the Anglo-German rivalry then and the China–US competition now through the lens of the Crowe Memorandum. The author argues that the basic parallel between the rise of Germany and the rise of China lies in the challenges they posed or pose to the dominant maritime power and system leader – Great Britain then and the United States today. This parallel also explains the similarity between the Triple Entente initiated by Great Britain prior to 1914 and the Rebalance to Asia launched by the United States in 2011. Furthermore, as in the case of the Anglo-German rivalry before 1914, the most crucial problem underlying the mounting China–US competition in recent years has been America’s deepening apprehension about the development of China’s anti-access/area-denial (A2/AD) and naval capabilities. This development, from the US perspective, is threatening to deprive the US of its most crucial instrument to influence the strategic equilibrium on the East Asian littorals. Based on the lessons of the Anglo-German rivalry prior to 1914, the essay also examines the potential for mitigating, if not eliminating, the mounting competition and misgivings between China and the United States.  相似文献   

This article explores the question of why so few insurgencies from the ancient world have ever made it onto the big screen. Many of these stories have been made into documentaries, but have been ignored by Hollywood. Even those events that have been made into Hollywood films, like the uprising of Spartacus, do not show any of the successful uprisings, only the defeats. Among the possible reasons may be Hollywood's fascination with big wars and big battles rather than small wars because they are more cinematic. Another reason is that American movies are reluctant to show successful slave uprisings or insurgencies against great powers. In the end, all movies are about the present, not the past, and thus Western bias will side with the imperial power, not the terrorist.  相似文献   

To many scholars and policymakers, ‘partition’ offers the most efficacious means of resolving ethnic-civil wars. Others reject partition as a solution, citing flaws (both logical and empirical) and harmful international implications should such an approach become commonplace. What has been missing from this debate is an understanding of how the process of partition unfolds. In this article we examine such a process, the case of the Krajina in the war in Yugoslavia, 1994–1995. The US aligned itself with Croatia against Serbs rebelling in the Krajina region of Croatia. The culmination of this alignment occurred in August 1995 when Croatian forces initiated ‘Operation Storm’ (Oluja) against Croatian Serb insurgents. Croatian forces effectively cleansed the Krajina of its Serbian population. Eager to initiate a diplomatic peace process, Washington welcomed the Croatian operation, and largely because of Operation Storm, negotiations at Dayton became possible.  相似文献   

朱亚宗 《国防科技》2011,32(4):1-17
二战及以后的冷战时期,国防科学家曾是西方发达国家最重要的科学家。自1955年中国原子能事业与核武器研制正式提上日程,及随后“两弹一星”工程的逐步展开,国防科技专家和军事技术专家开始成为中国当代科技殿堂的主角。中国主导科学家又一次发生历史性转变,从封闭的学院式科学家转换为国防科学家。鉴于中国的国情和科技水平,可以预期,国...  相似文献   

《Arms and Armour》2013,10(1):28-47
This paper introduces the Duke of Richmond’s Muskets and their precursors as made by Henry Nock and others. It particularly explores the development pathway for Nock’s Screwless locks by examining the production variants, the known prototype and experimental versions and in particular the prototype breech loading muskets. There are now known to be three breech loading prototypes, two very similar guns with locks marked by Henry Nock and a similar gun that appears by comparison to locks known to be by Walter Dick to have a lock made by Dick. This examination indicates that Nock was likely to have been instructed to make the production lock smaller than the prototype and that a key design step that enabled this was the use of a small double-ended mainspring linked to the cock and actuating the steel (frizzen) via a lever as developed by Dick.  相似文献   

提升《思想道德修养与法律基础》课的教学效果,应注重从三个环节入手。一是把握备课环节,实现教学的统一性;二是注重反馈环节,增强教学的主动性;三是强化实践环节,增强学生的自觉性。  相似文献   

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