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坚持理论联系实际,是我们党一贯倡导的优良学风,是把理论学习引向深入、提高理论学习质量的关键。抓好理论学习,必须认真积极探索理论联系实际的科学方法,切实掌握理论联系实际的基本要领,努力促进理论向实践的有效转化。  相似文献   

自中国共产党成立之日起,以毛泽东为代表的中国共产党人就把马克思主义理论作为指导思想,把科学理论武装作为党领导人民取得革命斗争胜利的重要法宝,实现了马克思列宁主义理论的中国化,形成了毛泽东的理论武装思想.这一思想,系统地阐述中国共产党理论武装的必要性和紧迫性;深刻总结了中国共产党理论武装的理论基础和一般原则;强调要发挥理论的创造性,建立马克思主义的理论队伍,根据时代发展变化及时跟进理论武装.  相似文献   

科学构建信息时代我军舆论战基本理论,主要包括基础理论、指挥理论、法规理论和战法理论,对我军加强军事斗争准备、打赢未来信息化战争具有重要的理论价值和现实意义。  相似文献   

抗日战争全新的战争环境和战争实践推动中国共产党积极进行军事理论创新在抗日战争中,中国共产党提出了军事战略转变理论,将游击战提高到战略地位,构建了人民战争理论大厦,丰富了人民战争的战略战术,深化了人民军队建设理论,并初步提出了国防建设理论,取得了丰硕的理论成果,为夺取抗日战争的最后胜利提供了强大的理论武器。  相似文献   

近代弹性稳定性理论的几个重要分支   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
简要综述了近代弹性稳定性理论的发展,围绕轴压柱壳稳定性理论与试验结果的巨大差别,分别描述了各种弹性稳定性理论对该问题的解释。重点阐述了3大稳定性理论——非线性大挠度理论、非线性前屈曲一致理论和初始后屈曲理论的基本方程和基本思路,并简要评述了各理论的适用性。  相似文献   

目标选择理论方法   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
针对现代战争特点和要求,给出了适合不同目标系统的6种打击目标选择理论,即重心效应理论、链条效应理论、瓶颈效应理论、连累效应理论、层次效应理论和组合理论。并运用这些理论,针对不同类型目标,给出了6种方法,即非线性规划方法、集合论方法、矩阵方法、群落型方法、网络型方法和塔型方法,基本涵盖了远程攻击武器目标选择理论与方法。  相似文献   

推进党的创新理论大众化,很重要的是加强基层理论骨干队伍建设。要着眼理论武装新要求,切实健全理论骨干队伍;紧跟创新理论新发展,着力提高理论骨干素质能力;紧贴建连育人新实践,充分发挥理论骨干的桥梁和引导作用。  相似文献   

推动部队理论武装大众化,架起马克思主义中国化的最新成果通向官兵的桥梁,士兵理论骨干是一支重要力量。深化理论武装,盘活师资力量很重要,既需要各级领导和基层干部组学领学,也需要士兵理论骨干助学促学。一定程度上讲,士兵理论骨干具有不可替代的作用。充分发挥士兵理论骨干作用,对用党的创新理论建连育人具有积极影响。  相似文献   

团一级部队党委工作头绪和事务性任务比较多,其中心组成员的理论功底并不厚实。抓好团级党委中心组理论学习,应着力加强党的创新理论的武装,增强理论学习的自觉性,采取得力措施确保理论学习经常化制度化,使科学理论更好地进入思想、进入工作、进入决策。  相似文献   

王建飞 《国防》2006,(6):1-4
历史证明,先进理论深入人心的过程,就是高层次理论形态和低层次实践形态有机统一的过程。因此,注重创新和形成科学理论是必须的,但决不能止步于此,还要努力探寻理论的实践化之路。当前,要在国防建设中更好地贯彻科学发展观,使之真正成为指导我国国防领域各项建设实践的强大武器,也必须坚持理论与实践相统一。一、国防是国家重要而特殊的领域,贯彻科学发展观首先要深刻把握其特征和规律,这是坚持理论与实践相统一的思想指导前提理论具有较强的“普适性”,贯彻理论却具有鲜明的针对性。领域不同,如何应用理论必然不同,这是学习和应用理论的基…  相似文献   

临近空间高超声速滑翔飞行器的弹道特性主要受滑翔段初始状态和飞行器控制律影响。在飞行器控制律确定的情况下,研究了滑翔段初始状态对高超声速滑翔飞行器弹道特性的影响规律。按照滑翔弹道的不同形式,在纵向平衡滑翔条件下,通过理论推导得出飞行器状态变量的解析式,结合平衡滑翔条件分析平衡滑翔弹道滑翔段初始状态的唯一性;在纵向跳跃滑翔条件下,构建弹道性能评价指标,利用群智能算法,寻找弹道性能最优时的滑翔段初始状态。利用单因素敏感性分析方法,分别对两种滑翔弹道的滑翔段初始状态进行敏感性分析,初始状态中初始速度对弹道特性的影响最大。对高超声速滑翔飞行器初始状态唯一性与最优性的分析,可为高超声速滑翔飞行器的弹道设计、弹道跟踪、轨迹预测和轨迹优化提供借鉴。  相似文献   

行政主体理论自行政法成为公法重要组成部分时便成为行政法几个核心理论之一。自《中华人民共和国行政诉讼法》实施以来,行政主体理论研究成为我国行政法理论研究的重点之一。我国关于行政主体的内涵及外延,学术界各抒己见,至今缺乏统一的论断。境外一些行政法理论发达国家和地区的行政主体制度对于我们具有借鉴意义。  相似文献   

含孔洞铜板复合材料修复疲劳寿命数值分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
用ANSYS有限元软件对复合材料修复含中心圆孔钢板的疲劳寿命进行了数值分析。研究了孔洞大小、补片长度、宽度和厚度对钢板疲劳寿命的影响;分析了复合材料胶接修补的效果,并对修复所用的复合材料补片的大小及厚度进行了优化设计。研究结果表明,利用复合材料胶接修补带中心圆孔的钢板可以使其疲劳性能提高1.6~18倍。修补时,增加补片宽度和厚度都可增加结构疲劳寿命;补片宽度为孔径8倍以上时,增加宽度对疲劳寿命影响不大;补片的长度为孔径的3~4倍时,修复效果最佳。  相似文献   

《Arms and Armour》2013,10(2):103-123
The Royal Armouries of Leeds preserves a rare example of an early fifteenth-century German tournament high saddle that is also one of the earliest complete western medieval saddles preserved. It bears witness to an extreme form of tournament which stood very far from the real practice of war: the Hohenzeuggestech. Impact marks of lances and swords, visible on the saddle, reveal the violence of the blows exchanged during these meetings, a violence often hard to observe in the contemporary but conventional representations of jousters and tourneyers. Thus, by the means of its excellent state of preservation, the Leeds high saddle sheds some light on the jousts and tourneys on high saddles, once so popular and plentiful in what remains of the civilian iconography of the late fourteenth- and the fifteenth-century Germanic world.  相似文献   

Recently, in July 2012, the high-profile and bitterly fought nine-month race for the post of Chair of the African Union (AU) Commission, between Dr Jean Ping of Gabon, and his main challenger, Dr Nkosazana Dlamini-Zuma, culminated in the latter's victory. Her victory came after the deadlock at the Eighteenth AU Summit in January 2012. Borne out of the considered need for a quick fix through reliance on a vote of expediency, the election of Dr Dlamini-Zuma represented a political resolution to the crisis that arose due to the earlier ongoing electoral deadlock. Far from being a competitive election by design, the 2012 AU Commission election by default became transformed into an intensely fought campaign that put the AU in the limelight. This article briefly introduces the electoral process, explains in detail the voting behaviour of AU member states, and offers five specific reasons for the victory of Dr Dlamini-Zuma. On the surface the election looks very competitive, but the article explains why this is not the case. To create greater competition for these posts, the AU needs to overhaul the nomination process and the voting procedure. In this regard, the article proffers detailed analysis and proposes a radical revision of the existing criteria for the nomination. The article also proposes specific recommendations for the amendment of the rules of procedure of the AU Assembly to allow for a qualified majority as a deadlock breaker in the fifth round. It also assesses whether the integrity of the AU Commission election was damaged during the campaigning and voting process. In this regard, it recommends the development of a code of conduct for future elections at the AU.  相似文献   

This essay outlines a theory of land power. After explaining the absence of such a theory, the article establishes the modern context for such a theory, specifically within the concept of joint interdependence. The analysis defines key terms and premises behind the theory, to include a definition of land power. The argument then outlines the national elements of power that contribute to a theory of land power. The analysis next applies the theory to the fundamental purposes of military power: defeat, deter, compel, assure, shape and support to the nation. The analysis then tests key definitions, supporting premises, and utility of the theory. The essay argues that historical experience validates the applicability and utility of the theory, and offers a solid basis for extrapolating the validity of the theory into the near future.  相似文献   

鉴于数据在装备活动中的重要地位,必须考虑建立覆盖范围广、综合性强的装备数据环境。分析了装备模块化制造理论与S1000D规范中CSDB(Common Source Data-Base)的概念,并根据二者的共性,提出了利用CSDB技术建设装备数据环境的构想,结合实例说明了基于CSDB技术的装备数据环境在装备活动中的具体应用。  相似文献   

市场、企业、政府是社会主义市场经济条件下的三个收入分配主体,现实中这三个收入分配主体的分配行为均存在诸多不规范、不合理的因素。究其原因,主要是制度缺位和制度乏力。鉴于此,必须采取相应的对策。  相似文献   

Since Mali achieved independence from France, the marginalised Tuareg population of Mali has sought independence and the right to form their own nation, ‘Azawad’. These efforts have continuously been frustrated by the Tuaregs' neighbours, due to competing nationalist pride and interests in the mineral resources believed to lie under the northern Malian soil. Thus far, the Tuaregs of northern Mali have been largely neglected and denied both inclusive and effective governance by the various Malian governments from the southern Malian capital of Bamako. When negotiations have failed, Tuareg attempts to seize their own independence through violence have been brutally crushed by the Malian government. The Malian government will neither advance the interests of the Tuaregs nor allow them the freedom to pursue their own path in the world. The advent of the ‘Arab Spring’ in Libya provided another opportunity for the Tuaregs to pursue their dreams of an independent Azawad. Tuareg fighters returning from Libya carried with them both considerable combat experience and stockpiles of arms that they used to temporarily free their homeland. Unfortunately, the Tuaregs' whirlwind conquest of northern Mali was undone by the emergence of a new transnational threat in the Sahel. Al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM) supplanted the previously victorious Tuaregs and attempted to turn Azawad into a Taliban-esque caliphate. French intervention defeated AQIM, but set the stage for a continuation of the cycle of violence and instability borne from the unwillingness of the international community to support the Tuaregs' legitimate right to self-determination.  相似文献   

This article provides an in-depth examination and analysis of the 2006–2009 Tuareg rebellion in Mali and Niger. It identifies the underlying reasons behind the rebellion, explores contrasting counter-insurgency (COIN) strategies employed by the two governments, and presents some lessons learned. While both COIN approaches ultimately produced similar peace settlements, the article argues that the Malian strategy of reconciliation combined with the selective use of force was far more effective than the Nigerien iron fist approach at limiting the size and scope of the insurgency and producing a more sustainable peace. It concludes by looking at the role of external actors, particularly the United States, and how the failure to internationalize the conflict was actually more beneficial to the local COIN effort, as well as to the longer strategic interests of the United States in the region.  相似文献   

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