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赤桦 《军事历史》2007,(3):11-15
20世纪六七十年代,新中国面对严峻的国家安全形势,曾进行了一场大规模的战备.这次战备以"早打、大打、打核战争"为指导思想,将战备工作在一个相当长的时期内摆在全党、全军乃至全国各项工作的中心地位,并制约国家各项工作的安排和开展,与一般意义上的战备相比显示出特殊的复杂性.因而,这一时期的战备备受争议,可谓众说纷纭、褒贬不一.  相似文献   

高新技术在军事上的广泛应用,特别是西方军事强国大力推进新军事变革,对印度的军事发展产生了重要影响.印度一直认为军队是实现国家战略目标的主要手段之一,军队建设的指导方针必须为其国家战略、军事战略服务.印度的军事战略目标是:以实力为后盾,控制弱小邻国,遏制东北部邻国,排挤大国对南亚和印度洋事务的干涉,巩固其在西亚的既得利益,积极争当世界军事强国.为实现这一战略目标,印度在20世纪90年代制定了"适当控制数量,重点加强质量,进一步提高战斗力"(转引自尹承魁、刘映国:<新军事革命对印度军事发展的影响>,载<教学研究资料>1999年第12期)这一未来军队建设的指导方针,积极迎接新军事变革的挑战,大力加强军队现代化建设,全面提高打赢未来战争的能力.20世纪90年代印度军事变革的经验,值得汲取和借鉴.  相似文献   


No issue deserves more scrutiny than the mechanisms whereby popular unrest unleashes civil wars. We argue that one institution – two-tiered security systems – is particularly pernicious in terms of the accompanying civil war risk. These systems’ defining characteristic is the juxtaposition of small communally stacked units that protect regimes from internal adversaries with larger regular armed forces that deter external opponents. These systems aggravate civil war risks because stacked security units lack the size to repress widespread dissent, but inhibit rapid regime change through coup d’état. Regular militaries, meanwhile, fracture when ordered to employ force against populations from which they were recruited.  相似文献   

坦克履带的应用及其发展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
坦克,集攻防优势于一身,自第一次世界大战中登上人类战争舞台,便显示出它的无比威力,被人们冠以“陆战之王”的美誉。第二次世界大战中,坦克成为纵横全球战场的骄子。英国的“小游民”坦克是世界上最早出现的坦克。1943年7月的库尔斯克苏德坦克大战,不但以6000余辆坦克参战成为人类历史上最大规模的坦克战,而且成为第二次世界大战的转折点,改变了世界历史的进程。坦克是具有直射火力、高度越野机动性和坚强装甲防护力的履带式装甲战斗车辆,它是地面作战的主要突击兵器,主要用于与敌方坦克和其他装甲车辆作战,也可以压制、消灭反坦克武器,摧…  相似文献   

在苏俄与共产国际积极推动国共合作的历史背景下,早期的中国共产党致力于群众运动和政党建设,没有对军事工作投入必要的力量。大革命失败后,中共在万分危急的形势下开展武装斗争,进入创建人民军队新时期。党对军队绝对领导的根本原则和制度,在南昌起义时发端,在三湾改编中奠基,在古田会议后定型。  相似文献   

In the finite-horizon stochastic (s, S) inventory model with periodic review the parameters of the optimal policy generally vary with the length of the horizon. A stationary policy, however, is easier to implement and may be easier to calculate. This paper studies optimal stationary policies for a finite horizon and relates them to optimal policies through their relation to optimal stationary policies for an infinite horizon.  相似文献   

《Whitehall Papers》2017,89(1):viii-x

This paper considers the contribution of military publishing to the nineteenth-century military revolution leading to the Great War. The subject is addressed in four contexts. The first is informational, analyzing the role of military publications in making available data and ideas that increased military effectiveness. The second is syncretic, evaluating the effect of military publications on cohesion within increasingly large, complex armies, and between armies and their societies. The third is internal. It discusses the contributions to professional insecurity generated by print, and by its electronic extensions the telegraph and the telephone. Finally, the paper considers the print revolution's influence on actual war-fighting  相似文献   

20世纪50年代,经过十年的探索和调整,人民解放军逐步建立起了与当时战争形态和军队建设条件相适应的军队领导指挥体制,为新中国军事领导体制的发展奠定了制度基础。本文回顾了这一时期人民解放军对领导指挥体制改革的探索过程。  相似文献   

20世纪50~60年代毛泽东依据中国国防工业的现状和所面临的国际形势的严峻挑战,提出了独立自主建设现代国防工业、常规武器与尖端武器并举、正确处理基础工业与国防工业关系、合理安排国防工业战略布局等重要思想,这些重要思想及其实践对于改变中国国防工业落后面貌、促进人民军队现代化正规化、提高国家防卫能力产生了深远影响。  相似文献   

以飞航式助飞鱼雷为例,在分析助飞鱼雷攻潜过程的基础上,针对机动目标提出了在无指令修正情况下助飞鱼雷的机动区域射击法,并运用解析法对射击诸元进行解算。在建立助飞鱼雷作战能力仿真模型时,围绕捕获概率、鱼雷仿真和目标仿真等方面进行模型的构建,并采用蒙特卡罗方法进行仿真计算,分析采用机动区域射击方法时影响助飞鱼雷攻潜能力的主要因素及其规律,为更好发挥武器对机动目标的打击能力提供理论参考。  相似文献   

曹庭 《国防科技》2017,38(4):063-067
2016年年初以来,朝鲜先后进行了第四次、第五次核试验,在此背景下,韩国国防部宣布,韩美同意在韩国部署末段高空区域防御系统——"萨德"导弹防御系统,朝鲜半岛地区风云再起。美韩此举使原本不安的东北亚局势更加紧张,诱发并恶化着东北亚地区大国家间潜存的"安全困境"。韩国决定部署"萨德"不仅严重僵化了中韩的国际关系,使得原本对峙局面下的朝韩两国局势更加紧张,更破坏了东北亚军事战略均衡,地区"新冷战"格局逐步形成。  相似文献   


Over the last five decades, India’s nuclear and space programs have gone through several phases, from collaboration to divorce to supportive. An interplay of two factors determined the nature of the relationship. One was the state of India’s nuclear-weapon program. The second was international conditions, especially India’s relationship with the nuclear-nonproliferation regime. In the early decades, because of the rudimentary nature of India’s nuclear and space programs, the relationship was collaborative, since the rocket technology being developed was a necessary adjunct to the nuclear-weapon program. Subsequently, as India’s rocketry capabilities and nuclear-weapon program began to mature and concerns about international sanctions under the non-proliferation regime began to grow, the two programs were separated. The Indian rocketry program was also divided, with the civilian-space and ballistic-missile programs clearly demarcated. After India declared itself a nuclear-weapon state in 1998 and the programs matured, the relationship has become more supportive. As the two programs mature further, this relationship is likely to deepen, as the nuclear-weapon program requires space assets to build a robust and survivable nuclear deterrent force.  相似文献   

红军长征的胜利,不仅挽救了濒临绝境的中国革命,而且在党和军队,在国家和民族精神等方面,都实现了历史性飞跃,奠定了中国抗日战争胜利的坚实基础,开创了中国革命事业的崭新篇章。  相似文献   

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