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在抗日战争中,毛泽东集中全党智慧,对抗战战略思想作了科学的理论概括,形成了具有中国特色的游击战战略理论.在这一战略理论形成的过程中,作为党的第一代领导集体成员之一的刘少奇,以其丰富的理论和大量的实践作出了突出贡献.本文拟从三个方面对刘少奇的历史贡献进行初步论述.  相似文献   

项英是中国共产党和人民军队早期重要领导人之一,为中国革命作出了卓越的贡献。南方三年游击战争时期,是项英一生中极其重要的时期,如何评价他在这一时期中的地位与作用,在历史上不同时期曾经有过不同的评价。在1941年皖南事变前,中共中央及其主要领导人对于项  相似文献   

庹平 《军事历史》2004,(4):23-29
抗日战争开始后不久,国民党军在正面战场上节节败退。上海、太原失陷后,在华北,以国民党为主体的正规战争已经结束,以共产党为主体的游击战争进入主要地位。这时,国民党军最高指挥机构也提出“以游击战配合正规战”的新战略,并指挥其在华北敌后的军队打游击战。总的来讲,与中国共产党领导的八路军在华北敌后战场的游击战相比较,国民党军在华北敌后的游击战,其规模和成绩都不大。本文拟就以下五个方面对华北敌后国民党军的游击战及其失败作一探讨,略陈管见。一、国民党军“以游击战配合正规战”的新战略国民党军在华北敌后的游击战,是国民党…  相似文献   

陈毅研究游击战争的思想方法论,主要有:界定研究对象及其相关概念的内涵;马克思主义的历史主义方法;系统分析方法;历史比较研究方法;唯物辩证方法。其主要特点:目光远大,放眼全局;深入调查,广搜资料;紧接地气,依靠民众;好学深思,力求创新。陈毅研究游击战争的思想方法论、特点,内涵丰富,地位很高,是一座不朽的丰碑;不仅具有非常重要的历史价值和当代价值,而且具有很重要的将来价值。  相似文献   

谭文芳 《国防科技》2008,29(4):78-81
心理战在经过历次战场的磨练以及血与火的洗礼后,从侧重攻击人的意识转向无意识层面。无意识层面的心理战旨在发送不被对方官兵所感知到、觉察到的信息,以此改变人的心理和行为。在心理战的发展历程中.较之意识层面的心理战相比,无意识层面心理战通过信息的反复实施与渗透,攻心信息传递的高科技化,达到预期的攻心目标。这种新的心理战作战方式不仅丰富了心理战的作战理念,而且极大地提升了心理战“不战而屈人之兵”的作战效能。  相似文献   

The Moro insurgency in the Philippines represents an interesting case of Islamically‐based insurgency with very differing roots and developments from the more widely studied Islamic movements in the Middle East. The Moro groups in the Philippines have displayed the difficulties in combining ethnic and religiously based ideologies of insurgencies. The insurgent groups have been marked by considerable factionalism and defections, but the government's counterinsurgency operations have been largely ineffective. Although neither the government nor the insurgent groups have ‘won’ the war, the Moros have gained significant autonomy from government control.  相似文献   

海湾战争是一场高技术战争。本文对海湾战争中的电子战进行了综述,介绍了电子侦察、电子干扰的使用情况,并对这次电子战的特点进行了分析。  相似文献   

The roots of the information technology Revolution in Military Affairs (RMA) can be traced to the mid-1970s, when the West capitalized on scientific-technological developments to neutralize the threat posed by Soviet second echelons. However, the cultivation of the technological seeds of the American RMA preceded the maturation of the conceptual ones. Although it was the US that was laying the technological groundwork for the RMA, Soviet, rather than the American military theorists, were the first to argue that the new range of technological innovations constituted a fundamental discontinuity in the nature of war, which they dubbed the ‘Military-Technical Revolution’ (MTR). About a decade later, this fundamental Soviet approach to the transformations in military affairs was analyzed, adapted and adopted by the US, and designated the RMA. This article deals with the intellectual history of the Soviet MTR and the American RMA.  相似文献   


This article discusses the origins and development of the Sanga insurgency of the 1890s with a view to demonstrating that, contrary to commonly held stereotypes, pre-colonial warfare was neither simple nor unchanging. Its tactics, it is argued here, repay the sort of close analysis commonly reserved for other typologies and theatres of war. The Yeke, against whose exploitative system of rule the Sanga and their allies rose up in 1891, survived the onslaught by entering into a strategic alliance with Lofoi, a newly established station of the Congo Free State, and its limited contingent of regular Force Publique troops. An in-depth examination of the joint Yeke-Force Publique counterinsurgency campaign leads to the conclusion that the novelty of the ‘small wars’ that accompanied the Scramble for Africa should not be overstated. In southern Katanga and, by implication, elsewhere, these confrontations were shaped by processes of mutual borrowing in which African military practices and even political aims were not necessarily subordinate to European ones.  相似文献   

坦克会战中动态武器—目标分配问题求解方法   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
动态武器-目标分配(DWTA)是坦克会战中取得战斗胜利的关键.建立了坦克战中DWTA模型,并提出了它的一种简单求解方法.实验结果表明求解方法是有效的.  相似文献   

东北抗日联军在东北抗日游击战争中所建立的密营 ,实际上是一种特殊形式的根据地。它是抗联游击战争战略战术运用的重要依托 ;是抗联储备战略物资 ,从事后勤补给的基地 ;是抗联安置伤病员、培训干部的后方。当然它与八路军、新四军在关内所建立的抗日根据地无法相提并论 ,但具有一些共同的基本特征。  相似文献   

阐述了网络中心反潜战与平台中心反潜战指挥与控制的区别,分析了网络中心反潜战中指挥控制需要解决的问题,并提出了解决的方法.  相似文献   

The United States has returned to Iraq, this time to combat the Islamic State. President Barack Obama’s strategy to ‘degrade, and ultimately destroy the terrorist group’ faces serious problems due to political obstacles in obtaining Congressional Authorization for the Use of Military Force (AUMF) and more importantly because of neglect of the crucial role of private contractors. Although the narrative has changed, and there is no public mention of contractors, they remain central to all that the Department of Defense does in the US and abroad. Suggestions are offered on how their performance can be improved to support President Obama’s strategy.  相似文献   

1945年1月21日,美国驻华第14航空队第23战斗机队第118战略侦察队中尉飞行员托勒特(Horold B ToIIet)与战友们驾驶26架野马式P-51战斗机,从江西赣州起飞,经两个多小时飞至上海上空,向日寇机场连续扫射两次后,日寇即纠集92架飞机予以还击.  相似文献   

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