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财政的公平与效率是密切联系的。从总体上看,它们是互为条件、互相促进的统一体。只有同时兼顾公平与效率的财政才是最优的财政。我国财政的特点是“以效率为主,兼顾公平”,因为从经济体制上来看,我国是社会主义公有制的国家。  相似文献   

黄雪峰 《兵团建设》2007,(10):38-38
当前,实现社会公平已越来越引起人们的重视,这是因为,社会公平是社会主义本质的要求,是衡量社会全面进步的重要尺度,也是构建社会主义和谐社会的深厚基础,关系到社会主义社会的稳定、和谐发展。  相似文献   

十四届三中全会通过的《中共中央关于建立社会主义市场经济体制若干问题的决定》中提出了“效率优先,兼顾公平”的原则,这为我们在今后改革开放,发展社会主义市场经济过程中深刻理解和正确处理公平与效率的关系指明了方向。 笔者认为,效率优先,兼顾公平反映了社会主义本质的要求,把效率优先兼顾公平二者结合起来进行研究,就能更加深刻地理解社会主义本质和效率优先兼顾公平原则的科  相似文献   

权衡公平与效率是经济学面临的基本课题。在经济建设中,追求地区经济结构合理化、产业结构优化、社会的利益分配结构优化与经济的高速增长,都与财政政策导向相联系,而公平与效率的权衡则贯穿于财政政策导向之中。解决地区经济结构优化、产业结构优化、社会利益分配结构优化与经济增长目标实现过程中财政政策导向权衡公平与效率的难题,是国家经济健康协调发展的重要保证。  相似文献   

李保忠  赵金莎 《国防科技》2018,39(6):088-095
公共政策,既是时代的产物,又为时代服务。新时代要求公共政策的创新必须更加聚焦,一切以调动广大人民群众的积极性,增强民族的凝聚力、创造力为出发点;要求公共政策的创新以人民为中心,一切以人民是否满意,是否具有获得感、幸福感、安全感、自豪感为落脚点;要求公共政策的创新,应当以社会问题为重点,以推动解决主要矛盾、化解社会各领域的主要问题为根本要求;要求公共政策的研究应当提高定位、开阔视野,跟上时代步伐,多出系统性、前瞻性研究成果和高质量研究人才,为党和国家的科学决策贡献更多的智慧力量。  相似文献   

教育公平是社会公平的重要基础;形成城乡劳动者平等就业制度;处理好效率和公平的关系;加快建立覆盖城乡居民的保障体系;建设覆盖城乡居民的医疗卫生体系。  相似文献   

经济学传统观点认为,社会再生产过程分为生产、交换、分配、消费四个环节,而分配环节的理性原则应该是公平与效率的兼顾。实践证明,这种观点有两个理论失误:一是社会再生产过程不是四个环节,而是五个环节,即包括生产、交换、分配、调节、消费;二是把公平和效率视为可以直接结合的分配过程的两个原则。市场经济条件下存在微观分配与宏观调节两个过程,前者强调效率原则,后者体现公平原则。公平与效率原则是在动态发展中从纵向上得到有机统一的。  相似文献   

税收是国家调节收入公平分配的重要手段。税收的公平调节功能决定了其与收入公平分配的正相关关系。在税收实践中,要不断强化税收与收入公平分配的正相关关系,以更好地发挥税收的市场公平功能、社会公平功能和伦理公平功能,从而实现收入公平分配。  相似文献   

构建和谐社会,公平是一个绕不开的话题。但是要给“公平”下一个没有争议的定义却十分困难,人们对公平的理解见仁见智甚至大相径庭。可谓“横看成岭侧成峰,远近高低各不同。”但无论人们对公平作何种意义上的理解,给出怎样的定义,公平对效率的影响都是一个不争的事实,对社会稳定和安全的影响也是一个客观存在。任何社会都必须做出恰当的选择。进一步说,如果公平与效率、公平与社会稳定的关系,反映了、包含了社会运动的某种规律,那么,这种规律并不会依据这一群人或那一群人的主观意志为转移。一如“庐山真面目”不依人的主观感受而发生变化一…  相似文献   

邓小平同志创造性地运用以矛盾分析法为核心的辩证法,科学地提出了社会主义本质观。在他的社会主义本质观中有以下几种矛盾的联结统一:生产力与生产关系的辩证统一;效率与公平的辩证统一;解放生产力与发展生产力的辩证统一;先富与共富的辩证统一。  相似文献   

This paper analyses public policy choices in the security economy from an economic perspective. It discusses the role of public goods for national and global security and identifies the importance of the first‐ and second‐order indirect effects of insecurity on economic activity, which include the behavioural responses of agents and the government to security measures, akin to such effects in insurance economics. Furthermore, key public policy trade‐offs are outlined, in particular between security and efficiency, globalisation, equity and freedom. The analysis identifies suitable policy options for raising security in the national and international contexts and in view of these trade‐offs. A balance between market and non‐market instruments in achieving security should be aimed for in order to minimise the adverse effects of aiming for higher security. In addition, the public good nature of security implies that international coordination of security policies is important, despite this process being fraught with enforcement problems.  相似文献   

US Army Major Paul Marks discusses the history of American advisory efforts during the Cold War and recommends that the concept and the use of advisors be revived as a tool of contemporary American foreign policy. The failure of American advisors to turn the South Vietnamese armed force into a viable entity and the lack of public knowledge about the success of advisors in El Salvador in the 1980s contribute to a bias against advisors in the public, the government, and the military. The article argues that in today's evolving security environment where the large scale commitment of US troops is neither feasible nor necessary, US national interests can still be advanced through the judicious use of advisors. The article proposes a Joint publication as the doctrinal basis for the employment of advisors.  相似文献   

社会主义核心价值体系在理论特征上深刻体现了社会主义本质,这必然在价值关系中为理解社会主义核心价值体系的价值本质奠定了基础。社会主义核心价值体系的价值本质不仅是一种真实的主客体关系,也是一种具有教育属性的价值旨趣与具有优先选择的公共价值。  相似文献   

列宁从俄国革命和现代化建设的具体实际出发,把马克思主义运用于俄国无产阶级革命、社会主义建设、国际共产主义运动的实践中,成功地实现了对于马克思主义本土化的实践诠释,极大地丰富并发展了马克思主义,形成了俄国化的马克思主义即列宁主义的理论体系和全新的马克思主义本土化模式——俄国模式。马克思主义本土化的俄国模式的精神实质,在于它回答了在帝国主义时代什么是社会主义以及如何建设社会主义这一根本问题,开创了一条"帝国主义时代——俄国农村公社——新经济政策"推进社会主义建设的新道路。  相似文献   

国民收入分配公平是发展社会主义市场经济,建设和谐社会、小康社会的内在要求,而不合理的户籍制度、市场竞争体制以及监管制度缺陷,导致了贫富差距日益扩大。要实现共同富裕的基本目标,就必须加大改革力度,促进社会公平竞争,不断缩小收入分配差距,让全体人民共享发展成果。  相似文献   

邓小平同志的文化理论作为其精神文明建设理论的重要组成部分,是对毛泽东文化思想的继承和发展,具有鲜明的时代性和创造性,体现了他与时俱进的风范。邓小平文化理论的主要内容是强调文化建设的重要性;文化建设要从人民大众的实际需要出发,要为人民群众服务;加强文化建设,建设高度的社会主义精神文明,物质文明和精神文明"两手抓,两手都要硬";坚决抵制意识形态领域里的资产阶级自由化思想,抵制拜金主义等商品经济的负面效应对社会主义文化事业的侵蚀;文化不能脱离政治,要坚持"双百"方针和"三不主义"对中外文化要批判地继承,综合创新等。  相似文献   

为了更好地打击消防违法、整治火灾隐患、维护公共安全,探索在消防执法中引入零容忍政策。介绍了零容忍政策的由来及理论依据,分析了消防执法引入零容忍政策的必要性,探讨了实施零容忍打击消防违法、消除火灾隐患的具体意见。  相似文献   

For most firms, especially the small‐ and medium‐sized ones, the operational decisions are affected by their internal capital and ability to obtain external capital. However, the majority of the literature on dynamic inventory control ignores the firm's financial status and financing issues. An important question that arises is: what are the optimal inventory and financing policies for firms with limited internal capital and limited access to external capital? In this article, we study a dynamic inventory control problem where a capital‐constrained firm periodically purchases a product from a supplier and sells it to a market with random demands. In each period, the firm can use its own capital and/or borrow a short‐term loan to purchase the product, with the interest rate being nondecreasing in the loan size. The objective is to maximize the firm's expected terminal wealth at the end of the planning horizon. We show that the optimal inventory policy in each period is an equity‐level‐dependent base‐stock policy, where the equity level is the sum of the firm's capital level and the value of its on‐hand inventory evaluated at the purchasing cost; and the structure of the optimal policy can be characterized by four intervals of the equity level. Our results shed light on the dynamic inventory control for firms with limited capital and short‐term financing capabilities.Copyright © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Naval Research Logistics 61: 184–201, 2014  相似文献   

A new devil has emerged to challenge Western values and public virtue, and ever so conveniently, the devil masqueraded in religious garb. Terrorism has become synonymous with Islamic fundamentalism if not with Islam itself, and a new iron wall has descended on the world, as Churchill said, separating East from West, Christendom from Islam. This study examines the question why US policy makers feel a persistent urge to draw foreign policy in moralistic terms and religious metaphor, often to their own detriment.  相似文献   

The UK's changing political and legal landscape since 2000 reflecting transformations in wider society have elevated equality and diversity (E&D) issues to prominence in the public sector, including in the British armed forces. This research highlights key developments in the British military in relation to E&D, focusing both on areas of progress, and on the challenges still confronting the Forces. The findings reveal that the Forces have made significant strides in advancing E&D through the implementation of a range of policy initiatives but the persistence of discrimination, developments in the wider environment and the dilemmas raised by the strands of age and disability pose challenges. The value of this research is to increase our understanding of diversity management in a public sector institution that has been under-researched and views itself as “different,” and will be of interest to policymakers, E&D practitioners and academics in the field.  相似文献   

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