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旋转弹体入水弹道的计算方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
借助已有的实验资料与经验 ,给出了弹体入水空泡的数学模型 ;分析了旋转弹体与空泡壁相互作用引起的弹体上的流体动力特性 ,提出了一种预测旋转弹体入水弹道的计算方法  相似文献   

旋转弹体高速入水水中弹道的模拟方法   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
针对旋转弹体高速入水特点,从弹体运动的动力学方程和相似理论出发,提出了模拟旋转弹体高速入水水中弹道的马赫相似实验方案.该方案在大气环境条件下,能够实现原型和模型两系统的主要相似准数相等.  相似文献   

针对目前对大型弹体高速(200~300 m/s)入水现象研究的不足,首先建立了基于多介质任意拉格朗日-欧拉(Multi-material ALE)方法的大型弹体高速入水有限元模型,并用入水空泡轮廓经验公式对该模型的准确性进行了验证;然后,分析了头型变化对弹体总体入水载荷的影响,以及入水角变化对弹体总体入水载荷及弹道稳定性的影响。结果表明:弹体入水载荷峰值随着头部等效底升角的增大而减小,随着入水角的增大而增大;在一定范围内,入水角越大,弹道稳定性越好。  相似文献   

基于CFD计算获得了柱体大攻角入水过程流体动力特性,进而建立了大攻角入水弹道模型,使用流场-弹道耦合计算结果验证了模型的适用性和精度,然后仿真分析了入水攻角和速度对入水弹道的影响规律。该模型能较准确地预测柱体大攻角入水弹道,对研究发射平台安全性问题和空投鱼雷等入水攻击性武器的入水弹道预测问题等有较强的指导意义。  相似文献   

为了研究运动参数和弹头外形对弹体斜入水过程的影响规律,采用气液两相流体积分数和水汽空化模型,通过嵌套网格实现刚体三自由度运动学和动力学耦合,模拟了弹体以80~100 m/s速度倾斜入水开空泡阶段的运动过程。经文献实验验证,入水弹体速度与位移的误差为0~6%和-8%~0,转动角度误差为-6%~0。通过对入水速度和入水角度的多工况模拟研究,发现入水速度增大,弹体轴向冲击载荷增大,最大载荷与速度的平方呈线性关系,弹体速度非线性衰减率大;入水角增大,弹体转动角速率减小,运动稳定性强,速度衰减率不受入水角影响。与圆锥头部弹体相比,采用头部阶梯状修型后的弹体的平均速度衰减率、转动角速率和最大轴向冲击载荷分别降低到66.7%、40%和77.2%,显著提高了运动稳定性。  相似文献   

首先对比弹体压心位置变化对火箭增程弹道和末制导炮弹名义弹道的不同影响,重点分析弹体压心位置变化对末制导炮弹末导段弹道的影响特点,得出弹体压心位置变化对末导段弹道的捕获域和有效攻击区有着重要影响的结论。该结论对末制导炮弹的射表编拟以及新型末制导炮弹的设计都具有重要指导意义。  相似文献   

空投鱼雷入水点影响因素研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
航空自导鱼雷具有命中精度高、威力大、攻潜效果好等特点。针对反潜直升机空投鱼雷作战使用的特点,深入分析了空投鱼雷的空中弹道、直升机的运动态势和风速风向等影响空投鱼雷入水点位置的关键因素,并得到了各要素的数学描述,进而通过仿真分析得到了直升机运动态势和风速风向对空投鱼雷入水点的影响。  相似文献   

弹道修正弹综述   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
弹道修正弹是一种全新的常规弹药,本文介绍了它的基本概念和发展历史及现状,概述了弹道修正弹的分类方法及其关键技术,结合国内情况探讨了弹道修正弹的在国内发展方向。  相似文献   

为了更好地研究射弹倾斜入水时流体的动力特性和弹体水动力冲击载荷的变化规律,基于雷诺平均的Navier-Stokes方程,结合STAR-CCM+软件的重叠网格技术,建立了圆柱弹体斜入水计算模型,利用欧拉多相流模型中的流体体积法计算分析了射弹斜入水时的流体动力特性和弹体受力规律,获得了弹体初始入水速度对入水深度的影响规律....  相似文献   

Production of ceramic armour solutions on-demand/in-theatre would have significant logistical and military advantages. However, even assuming that such technologies could be successfully deployed in the field, such near net-shape manufacturing technology is relatively immature compared to conventional sintering of ceramics. In this study, the ballistic performance of a series of additively manufactured (AM)/rapidly-prototyped (RP) alumina tiles of 97.2% of the density of Sintox FA™ were investigated using both forward- and reverse-ballistic experiments. These experiments, undertaken with compressed gas-guns, employed the depth-of-penetration technique and flash X-ray as primary diagnostics to interrogate both efficiency of penetration and projectile-target interaction, respectively. The RP alumina was found to exhibit useful ballistic properties, successfully defeating steel-cored (AP) 7.62 × 39 mm BXN rounds at velocities of up-to c.a. 850 m/s, while exhibiting comparable failure modes to conventionally sintered armour-grade Sintox FA™. However, where a <1% by vol. Cu dopant was introduced into the RP material failure modes changed dramatically with performance dropping below that of conventionally sintered alumina. Overall, the results from both sets of experiments were complimentary and clearly indicated the potential of such RP materials to play an active role in provision of real-world body armour solutions provided quality control of the RP material can be maintained.  相似文献   

The depth of penetration (DOP) method is a well-known ballistic test method for characterisation and ranking of ceramic armour materials. The ceramic tile is bonded to a backing material of semi-infinite thickness, and the penetration depth of the projectile gives a measure of the performance of the ceramic. There is, however, an inherent variability in the results from this test method. In this work, the accuracy and the variability of the DOP method has been investigated in a round robin exercise. Six ballistic test centres took part in the exercise. A test protocol was developed, in which the threat type (projectile and impact conditions) and a procedure on how to prepare the targets were specified. The targets consisted of alumina tiles of two different thicknesses that were bonded to polycarbonate backing cubes. Two different 7.62 mm armour piercing projectiles were employed; one with a hard steel core and one with a tungsten carbide core. The projectiles and the other materials all came from single material batches in order to avoid batch-to-batch variations in material properties. These materials were distributed between the ballistic test centres. The test results of the different ballistic test facilities were collected and compared. There was not a lot of variation between the average DOP values obtained at each laboratory, but the variation in penetration depth between shots was high. The consequence of this variation may be less confidence in the test results, and a statistical method was used to evaluate the required number of tests that are sufficient to obtain an average result with high confidence. In most cases, the required number of tests is much higher than what is practically feasible. This work was conducted as part of the European Defence Agency-project CERAMBALL.  相似文献   

The objective of the paper was to compare values of the muzzle brake efficiency coefficient for a rifle with active or inactive automatics systems. Special laboratory stand designed for investigating the recoil process was used. The motion of the rifle was detected by the use of the laser interferometer and the optical camera. The recoil velocity time courses were determined by smoothing and differentiation of experimental position records. The results of the experiments indicated that in the case of an active automatics system two values of the recoil velocity can be used for calculation of the energetic efficiency coefficient: the maximum recoil velocity and the final recoil velocity at the end of the automatics action cycle. The values of the coefficient, calculated using these two values of the recoil velocity, distinctly differ. However, it was shown that their values indicate the same relation between the efficiency of various muzzle brakes. The value of the efficiency coefficient, determined on the basis of the final recoil velocity value, is practically the same as that determined on the basis of the final recoil velocity value for the rifle with an inactive automatics system.  相似文献   

浓缩富集+基因芯片快速检测水体中致病菌   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了实现对水体致病菌的快速检测和监控,研究开发了一套预浓缩富集配合基因芯片检测的方法,对模拟和实际水样进行了检测,并与传统检测方法进行了比较。结果表明,通过对水样的浓缩集菌,基因芯片对致病菌的检出率(以肠炎沙门氏菌为单一检测对象)达到1.0×10^3cfu/mL,较原来提高了100倍;可以在8h内同步完成13种对人类有重大危害的致病菌的快速检测。  相似文献   

旋转自稳定末敏子弹运动特性分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
为研究某型旋转自稳定末敏子弹运动特性,充分考虑末敏子弹的结构强非对称特点和其初始抛撒条件,引入动不平衡弹体模型,推导超大攻角条件下子弹的空间6自由度弹道方程,计算分析子弹的稳态扫描运动特性。结果表明:子弹体的质量分布非对称和初始抛撒角速度是子弹药实现稳态扫描运动的必要条件;子弹扫描频率只由抛撒角速度ω_(σ0)决定,且和ω_(σ0)正相关;初始俯仰角φ_(a0)≥0°时,扫描角整体呈增大趋势,初始俯仰角φ_(a0)0°时,扫描角整体变化趋势为先减小后增大;扫描面积与配重-全弹质量比、初始俯仰角、初始偏航角和初始角速度呈正相关,与均质圆柱体转动惯量比呈负相关。  相似文献   

抗战相持阶段国民党军队发动的规模宏大的冬季攻势 ,沉重地打击了日本侵略军的嚣张气焰 ,对保障滇缅国际交通线的安全都起到了很好的作用。日本侵略军慑于国民党军队的强大攻势 ,被迫增兵 ,从而在一定程度上减轻了敌后战场的压力  相似文献   

湘鄂战争是北洋军阀统治时期为数不多的具有正义成分的局部战争。这场战争虽仅局限于湖北一省,但涉及湘、鄂、直、鲁、豫等省,范围十分广阔,其结果也对当时和其后的中国政局产生了非常深远的影响,并间接地成为第一次直奉战争的前奏和导火索。  相似文献   

水体富营养化危害、成因及防治   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
水体富营养化严重影响人类健康、可用水量、水体经济价值和水体寿命,而大量污水超标排放、农业面源污染、水产养殖业失当、周边环境恶化和底泥氮磷溶出是其形成主因。在治理和恢复富营养化水体的实践中,必须强化污染预防意识,从源头上削减污染负荷,同时选用切实可行、系统协调、针对性强的政策和措施并长期坚持实施,才能起到事半功倍的效果。  相似文献   

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