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企业最重要、最基础的工作在工作现场,是对把蓝图变成产品的设备和员工的工作。近年来,伊力特实业股份有限公司通过推行“6S”管理—整理、整顿、清扫、清洁、素养和安全,逐步深化现场管理,改善了工作环境,提高了工作效率,提高了员工素质,确保了安全生产,保证了产品质量。  相似文献   

随着多媒体应用的发展 ,网络 Qo S保证问题日益突出 ,各种 Qo S服务的策略和算法也层出不穷。如何适应不同应用的特点 ,提出统一的 Qo S框架模型 ,在此基础上根据不同应用需求进行 Qo S策略变换、算法更新 ,是值得深入研究问题。文中提出一种 Qo S管理框架模型—— IQo SM ( Integrated Qo SModel)。 IQo SM模型提供完整的 Qo S管理框架结构 ;各模块相互独立 ,协调合作 ,便于开发。它独立于具体 Qo S算法、策略 ,具有高度的灵活性、可构造性 ,便于算法更新与改造。最后还给出 IQo SM在 CORBAA/ V STREAM机制上的实现设计  相似文献   

<正>12月6日,航空工业昌飞与美国SRSG公司S300项目合作签约仪式在景德镇举行。仪式上,SRSG公司首席执行官Brian Nerney,SRSG公司总裁David Horton,UZ公司总裁李思绮与昌飞公司董事长周新民共同签署了《战略合作框架协议》《S300系列直升机TC许可协议》,并就套件采购等相关合作事宜进行了沟通,达成了一致意见,标志着S300系列直升机项目正式开始。按照合作协议,昌飞公司将在SRSG公司的协助下完成S300系列直升机的总装和试飞,并取得CAAC颁发的生产  相似文献   

武向荣 《国防》2002,(6):34-34
2002年4月15日,洛克希德·马丁公司向美空军第9侦察大队交付了第一架经过改进的U-2S侦察机.根据U-2S侦察电子系统可维护性计划(RAMP),此次改进主要是针对U-2S的座舱显示与控制系统,主要项目包括安装3块6×8英寸的多功能显示器、前视控制与显示装置、独立的飞行显示系统等.  相似文献   

核动力攻击型潜艇美国“洛杉矶”级“洛杉矶”级攻击型核潜艇是目前美国核潜艇部队的绝对主力,多达50余艘。该级艇的特点是航速高、噪声相对较低,也就是说美国海军在这级艇上实现了高航速与低噪声的较好统一。“洛杉矶”级潜艇使用 S6G 压水堆,输出功率3.3万千瓦,水下最大航速达32节,有助于水下迅速占领有利阵位和追踪目标,并增加敌反潜的难度。S6G 压水堆可以采用自然循环进行巡航,因此降低了反应堆的机械噪声;艇上  相似文献   

<正>2017年6月7日,S-76D首架机交付仪式在江西景德镇举行。此次S76D交付是该型直升机在中国的首次生产交付,标志着S76D项目合作取得了巨大成功,航空工业昌飞具备了加工生产世界先进直升机的能力,极大地提升了航空工业昌飞直升机生产管理水平和质量控制水平,培养和锻炼了一批直升机管理、技术人才队伍,为昌飞加速融入国  相似文献   

中航第二集团公司十分重视从企业文化层面来强化质量管理的基础,通过宣传、教育和培训来提高广大干部职工的质量意识和保证产品质量的技能。2000年,集团公司组织编印了《质量启示录》,收集了大量设计、生产、交付、服务等过程发生的质量案例,作为培训教材发到了企事业单位。2001年,集团公司召开了现场管理经验交流会,推广5S管理和“改善”,并组织编印下发了《改善  相似文献   

高光谱遥感图像识别在民用和军事领域有着广泛的应用。在缺乏定标信息、缺乏同步观测大气光学参数情况下,对高光谱图像进行地物识别尚没有系统有效的方法,制约了其在定量遥感方向的应用。对此提出了一种利用粒子群算法优化6S模型参数基础上的高光谱遥感数据校正方法,并将其应用于定标缺失情况下的目标识别中。实验表明:在对遥感图像利用少许先验信息选择参数进行校正后,分类准确率为76.25%。而利用粒子群算法优化参数的6S校正后,分类准确率提高到91.58%,目标识别准确率得到了有效提高。  相似文献   

S1000D中IETM数据模块管理分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
IETM本质上是一种综合技术信息系统。引入S1000D标准制作IETM,可以满足IETM技术信息的模块化组织和管理,增强技术信息系统的共享性和互操作性。本文分析了S1000D中数据模块的结构、编码,以及数据模块的逻辑关系组合,提出结合不同的装备保障需求主题合理组合数据模块,以此为创作编辑具有高度共享性和互操作性的综合技术信息系统奠定基础。  相似文献   

以一个实际应用软件系统为例,从系统分析、总体设计、数据库设计、程序编制等方面介绍了办公自动化系统的设计开发过程。本系统采用两层C/S结构,visualc++6.0下开发完成。  相似文献   

Comments that Donald Trump made while campaigning to be U.S. president have raised concerns that his administration will pull back from U.S. alliance commitments and encourage countries such as Japan and South Korea to acquire nuclear arms. The new article by Frühling and O’Neil outlines an institutional framework that can be helpful in assessing the risks that Trump administration policies will lead to nuclear proliferation. An institutional perspective shows that important elements of U.S. security assurances will continue to function, and this reduces the chances that President Trump’s actions or statements will trigger proliferation by U.S. allies. The greatest risk to global non-proliferation efforts posed by a Trump administration in fact lies elsewhere, in the possibility that President Trump will seek to abrogate the Iran nuclear deal.  相似文献   

奥巴马对联合国政策的调整,反映出奥巴马政府全球外交和安全战略的需要,体现了实用主义外交风格。较之于其前任,奥巴马将更加重视联合国维和行动,并让联合国更多地参与解决包括伊拉克和阿富汗在内的热点问题。奥巴马的联合国政策面临挑战,联合国仅仅是奥巴马实现美国国家利益的手段之一。  相似文献   

U.S. nuclear export policy has undergone major transformations since 1945, and the most recent change, as expressed in the July 18, 2005, India-U.S. Joint Statement, represents an especially significant shift in policy. The document reverses more than a quarter century of U.S. declaratory policy, suggesting that the current U.S. administration regards nuclear proliferation to be both inevitable and not necessarily a bad thing. This article investigates this policy shift, looking at the history of U.S. nuclear export policy and the potential ramifications of the new policy on the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT). The author also touches on the potential effects of the Joint Statement on Indian-Pakistani relations. Finally, it is suggested that it is not too late for India and the United States to change the new policy with more consideration for the NPT and the Nuclear Suppliers Group Initiative.  相似文献   

消防产品召回制度是有效预防和消除消防产品缺陷可能引起的人身伤害和财产损失的行政管理制度。在汇总大量美国消防产品召回案例的基础上,介绍了美国消费品安全委员会对缺陷消防产品召回的基本模式、召回方式和程序等内容,以期能对建立符合我国国情的相应制度发挥一定的借鉴作用。  相似文献   

作为重要的全球公域范围与全球治理对象之一,太空既面临着日益严峻的资源、环境与安全问题,又不断彰显着其极具地缘政治意义的战略地位,攸关国家利益与安全。自进入太空时代以来,争夺和维持太空领域的领先地位一直是美国不懈追求的目标。美国的经济、军事等国家实力越来越依赖太空,同时其太空资产的脆弱性也愈发凸显。面对新的国际国内形势与外空态势的复合挑战,奥巴马政府适时调整了美国的太空战略。文章以全球公域和全球治理为切入视角,在分析太空领域全球治理现状的基础上,从太空活动行为准则的制定、太空国际合作的深入、太空军备竞赛的规制三个层面解读奥巴马政府的新版太空战略,并探讨其深层次的动因与影响,进而为中国参与太空领域的全球治理提供有益的理论支撑与现实参考。  相似文献   

在最新颁布实施的《中华人民共和国人民武装警察法》中,共有3条6处规定了武警部队在执行国内安全保卫任务时对其他机关的“协助”,但是这些协助性任务的性质并不是很明确。本文通过对行政协助构成关键点的剖析,探究该法律中的“协助”是否是真正意义上的行政协助。  相似文献   

Post-Cold War “lab-to-lab” collaborations on unclassified scientific issues between U.S. and Russian nuclear weapons laboratories set the stage for bilateral cooperation in materials control and other nuclear areas. They also became the major element in a cooperative process initiated by a Presidential Decision Directive to ensure Russia's compliance with the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty. These collaborations have always been highly favored by leaders of the Russian nuclear weapons complex—the same leaders who oversee Russia's participation in various government-to-government programs. This article reviews these collaborations and examines the possibility that U.S. rebuffs of Russian proposals and the U.S. failure to keep promises of expanded collaboration could contribute to Russia's reluctance in major programs and even lead to a return to nuclear testing by Russia. The author argues that a renewed U.S. commitment to the process should be an immediate goal of the Obama administration and is an essential step in re-engaging Russia to solve the nuclear problems remaining from the Cold War. Steps for doing so are recommended.  相似文献   

The efforts of President Barack Obama and his administration to restore the United States as a driving force of multilateral arms control and nonproliferation negotiations are commendable, yet the lack of progress on such issues over the last eight years has ensured that U.S. policy has not kept pace with changes in the geostrategic environment and the evolving security agenda. Meanwhile, an alternative agenda has been articulated by non-Western countries. This article focuses on the arms control perspectives of Non-Aligned Movement states and others that have begun to embrace the idea of “disarmament as humanitarian action.” It explores this idea in the context of recent initiatives and argues that if the Obama administration wants to make progress on its arms control and nonproliferation priorities, it should consider a multifaceted approach that incorporates this emerging alternative agenda.  相似文献   

Systems analysis office titles have permeated both government and business organization charts in recent years. Systems analysis as a discipline, however, even though increasingly accepted, has eluded precise definition. For the most part, it has been loosely described as “quantitative common sense” and “the general application of the scientific method.” Emphasis is placed upon the application of eclectic disciplines to a wide variety of problems. Concepts and techniques have been drawn heavily from economics, mathematics, and political science. In the Department of Defense, systems analysis has been used extensively in the evaluation of weapon systems during the last 9 years. During the 1960's, it provided the underlying concepts for the control system PPBS (Planning-Programming-Budgeting System). This article traces the origins of systems analysis within the Department of Defense and describes and analyzes the application of the technique. Although there always exists disagreement, it is generally accepted that the origin of systems analysis coincided with the inception of R. S. McNamara's administration of the Department of Defense. McNamara organized the Systems Analysis office under Mr. Charles Hitch, who had previously developed many basic systems analysis concepts at project RAND. From Hitch's basic concepts, the approach became increasingly sophisticated in evaluating complex weapons systems. Coincidently, the organizational procedures for implementing systems analysis also evolved. Under the current Department of Defense administration, the new organizational procedures emerging are contrasted with the old.  相似文献   

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