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GJB 1051-90和GJB 1052-90在宣贯实施中与其他相关标准是有联系与区别的,新老榴弹产品的设计生产中要按具体情况执行该两项规范。文章对规范的技术内容中所参照的美军标的相关条文与我国原部标的规定作了对比分析,证明参照美军标相关条文的先进性和合理性。  相似文献   

建筑物安全出口的数量一般为两个,当建筑面积小到一定数值时,作为极限情况可以设一个安全出口,但现行规范对此规定并不十分明确。结合现行规范条文,对商住楼底层商业用房可以设一个安全出口的情况作了全面分析,并给不完善的规范条文提出了修改意见。  相似文献   

根据国家质量技术监督局质技监局标发(2000)36号文“关于印发《关于强制性标准实行条文强制的若干规定》的通知”,现将《关于强制性标准实行条文强制的若干规定》刊登于下。  相似文献   

(1)第2章标题“引用标准”下补充导语:“下列标准所包含的条文,通过在本标准中引用而构成为本标准的条文。本标准出版时,所示版本均为有效。所有标准都会被修订,使用本标准的各方应探讨使用下列标准  相似文献   

广大城乡民兵平时比较分散,法制教育难于开展。一旦集中,法制教育的照本宣科现象又比较普遍,内容单调,方法呆板。如何把民兵法制教育搞好?笔者认为有“六法”。 一是条文学习法。使广大民兵熟记法律、法规条文是搞好民兵法制教育的基础性工作。但是,我  相似文献   

分析目前托儿所、幼儿园在消防安全上存在的主要问题 ,对规范的相关条文进行置疑 ,并提出解决办法及对规范修改的一些建议  相似文献   

伊拉克战争,美国可说是弊大于利。正因为如此,针对这场战争中的利弊得失,美军开始通过新世纪“全球战略构想”,对军队有计划地进行战略调整,特别是对海外军力部署。并在2004年美军“军力转型”概念中,加上了“调整全球军力态势”的条文。该条文按美国防部的总体意见,不仅是对美国海外驻军人数实施大幅裁员,更重要的是对全球战略实施转型,将军力侧重点从欧洲向亚洲转移。下面,我们就美国驻日部队与基地,在这次“军力转型”中实施改组与调整的全面情况进行透视。  相似文献   

问:修改后的刑法共增加了多少条文?从什么时候开始实施?新刑法进一步明确了哪些基本原则? 答:第八届全国人民代表大会第五次会议对《中华人民共和国刑法》进行了修订。修订后的刑法条文由原来的192条增加为452条,共增加260条。修订后的刑法于1997年10月1日起施行。 修订后的刑法进一步明确规定了三个基本原则:(一)罪刑法定。即“法律明文规定为犯罪行为的,依照法律定罪处刑;法律没有明文规定为犯罪行为的,不得定罪处刑。”(二)法律面前人人平等。即“对任何人犯  相似文献   

GJB 2010-94《弹药数据卡》是参照MIL-STD-1167C《弹药数据卡》和DJ-MISC-80043《资料项目说明》的相关先进条文,结合我国弹药产品质量管理、质量可追踪  相似文献   

台湾修法重罚民众遇救护车不避让据台湾媒体报道,台湾地区立法院日前通过道路交通管理处罚条例部分条文,明确未来民众驾车遇救护车不避让,将吊扣驾照3个月。  相似文献   

D-S证据理论是对概率论的进一步扩充,在多传感器数据融合中,有着广泛的应用.当利用D-S合成公式进行融合时,由于需计算的项数较多且不易直接判定具体该有哪些项,容易造成漏项或错项,引起计算错误.提出了一种直观、简单的图解法,可使需计算的项一目了然.  相似文献   

D-S证据理论是一种比概率论确定性弱的不确定性理论,它能将"不知道"和"不确定"两个认知学上的主要概念区别开来,在多传感器数据融合中具有广泛的应用前景.D-S证据理论在实际应用中却存在一个困难,当目标的个数较多时,需要计算的项数太多,容易造成漏项,引起计算错误.提出了一种确定计算项数的算法,作为验证计算结果的必要条件,并通过图解的方法找出需要计算的项.  相似文献   

根据《中国人民解放军环境保护条例》,军事设施建设项目应进行环境影响评价。由于军事项目建设内容高度机密、国防需要迫切、建设时间紧迫等,再加上一些从事军事设施项目建设的管理人员对环境影响评价的理解还存在某些偏差,使许多军事设施建设项目未进行环境影响评价,影响了我军的环境保护工作。简要介绍了军事设施的范围及军事设施建设项目的环境影响评价概况,结合军事设施建设项目环境影响评价中出现的一些问题,提出了进行军事设施建设项目环境影响评价工作的几点建议。  相似文献   

In progressive censoring, items are removed at certain times during the life test. Commonly, it is assumed that the removed items are used for further testing. In order to take into account information about these additional testing in inferential procedures, we propose a two‐step model of stage life testing with one fixed stage‐change time which incorporates information about both the removed items (further tested under different conditions) and those remaining in the current life test. We show that some marginal distributions in our model correspond either to progressive censoring with a fixed censoring time or to a simple‐step stress model. Furthermore, assuming a cumulative exposure model, we establish exact inferential results for the distribution parameters when the lifetimes are exponentially distributed. An extension to Weibull distributed lifetimes is also discussed.  相似文献   

语用预设与图式理论   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文将语用预设与图式理论作对比性介绍与分析,探讨了它们在话语分析中的作用,通过明示的语项,激活相关的图式。经过演绎推理过程从百科图式知识中选择、获取最佳假设,从而恢复或再现语用预设含义,推导说话者真正的意图,达到对话语或语篇的理解。两个理论在语言学话语分析中的运用直接回答了“为什么有些事实在话语中被省略而可以被理解,并可以再现”的问题。  相似文献   

Industrial situations exist where it is necessary to estimate the optimum number of parts to start through a manufacturing process in order to obtain a given number of completed good items. The solution to this problem is not straightforward when the expected number of rejects from the process is a random variable and when there are alternative penalties associated with producing too many or too few items. This paper discusses various aspects of this problem as well as some of the proposed solutions to it. In addition, tables of optimum reject allowances based on a comprehensive model are presented.  相似文献   

We study a problem of scheduling products on the same facility, which is motivated by a car paint shop. Items of the same product are identical. Operations on the items are performed sequentially in batches, where each batch is a set of operations on the same product. Some of the produced items are of the required good quality and some items can be defective. Defectiveness of an item is determined by a given simulated function of its product, its preceding product, and the position of its operation in the batch. Defective items are kept in a buffer of a limited capacity, and they are then remanufactured at the same facility. A minimum waiting time exists for any defective item before its remanufacturing can commence. Each product has a sequence independent setup time which precedes its first operation or its operation following an operation of another product. A due date is given for each product such that all items of the same product have the same due date and the objective is to find a schedule which minimizes maximum lateness of product completion times with respect to their due dates. The problem is proved NP‐hard in the strong sense, and a heuristic Group Technology (GT) solution approach is suggested and analyzed. The results justify application of the GT approach to scheduling real car paint shops with buffered rework. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Naval Research Logistics 61: 458–471, 2014  相似文献   

结合工作实践,对《建筑设计防火规范》和《高层民用建筑设计防火规范》中关于民用建筑商业服务网点疏散及自动消防设施的确定、消防车道及其与建筑的距离、剪刀楼梯间的适用范围和正压送风系统、彩色镀锌钢板聚苯板夹芯板的使用问题、单元式住宅的安全出口及窗间墙宽度和窗槛墙高度的有关规定进行了重新分析探讨,并提出自己的建议和措施。  相似文献   

In this article we present a stochastic model for determining inventory rotation policies for a retail firm which must stock many hundreds of distinctive items having uncertain heterogeneous sales patterns. The model develops explicit decision rules for determining (1) the length of time that an item should remain in inventory before the decision is made on whether or not to rotate the item out of inventory and (2) the minimum sales level necessary for retaining the item in inventory. Two inventory rotation policies are developed, the first of which maximizes cumulative expected sales over a finite planning horizon and the second of which maximizes cumulative expected profit. We also consider the statistical behavior of items having uncertain, discrete, and heterogeneous sales patterns using a two-period prediction methodology where period 1 is used to accumulate information on individual sales rates and this knowledge is then used, in a Bayesian context, to make sales predictions for period 2. This methodology assumes that over an arbitrary time interval sales for each item are Poisson with unknown but stationary mean sales rates and the mean sales rates are distributed gamma across all items. We also report the application of the model to a retail firm which stocks many hundreds of distinctive unframed poster art titles. The application provides some useful insights into the behavior of the model as well as some interesting aspects pertaining to the implementation of the results in a “real-world” situation.  相似文献   

The fleet warranty guarantees the purchaser of a large population of like items that the mean life of the fleet will meet or exceed some negotiated mean μL. If the mean life is less than μL, compensation may be given in terms of a number of free replacement parts R. The expected number of replacements E[R] is studied based upon how the mean life of items in the field is determined and on whether the sampling window starts at time t = 0 (ordinary renewal process) or at some arbitrarily large time w (equilibrium renewal process). Properties of E[R] are compared and examples are given. © 1994 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

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