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隐性逃课是指学生上课时消极参与课堂教学的精神旷课行为,多被认为是越轨行为的一种表现。从社会学视角切入,对大学生隐性逃课问题进行分析,发现将隐性逃课视作越轨行为实际上是学术研究和教学实践过程中简单定性的结果,是对隐性逃课性质的片面反映。这种越轨定性导致了对隐性逃课功能认识、原因分析和应对路径设计的偏离。大学生隐性逃课具有社会根源,是多元社会与高校统一管理之间的张力以及大学无用论和信任危机的产物。在越轨属性之外,大学生隐性逃课还是一种去学校化的反抗和师生之间的默契妥协。因此,对于大学生隐性逃课,应将其置放在社会背景中加以思考,引发人们对社会根源和社会规则本身的关注。  相似文献   

对越轨功能的新认识   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对越轨功能的认识具有重要意义,但以往对越轨功能的认识仅停留在现象层面,深入到人类发展的内在过程和社会运行机制层次加以分析,可以发现越轨有若干独特的积极功能。由对越轨的这种认识,可以恰当地确定我们对越轨的态度和应对策略。  相似文献   

越轨行为是人类社会尤其是社会转型期普遍存在的一种社会现象.社会转型的含义和转型社会的特征;转型社会是越轨行为的高发期;转型期越轨行为的本质是对社会差别制度化的反叛及这种越轨行为的原因和特征;在社会转型期加强社会调控的重要性及转型期社会调控的方式和机制.  相似文献   

积极拓展军队政治工作学科建设的社会学视野   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
军队思想政治工作面临的新挑战和新机遇 ,要求军队政工教学和科研必须拓展社会学视野 ,吸收与借鉴社会学的基本理论、相关应用理论和基本方法 ,以深化对军人社会化、军人群体管理、军人社会流动、军人社会心理、军人家庭建设、军人越轨行为、军事社区建设、军事制度变迁等问题的认识  相似文献   

“法轮功”散布反科学、反人类、反社会、反政府的歪理邪说,策划组织围攻政府和新闻机构事件3000多起,唆使一些党员参与其中,对党的建设带来很大冲击。反思解决“法轮功”问题的过程,对做好党的纪律检查工作有不少启示:必须把加强思想教育,打牢党员干部的思想政治基础,加强政治敏锐性和政治鉴别力作为一项重要内容来抓;必须狠抓对党员干部的管理,确保党员干部的思想行为不越轨;必须提高纪检队伍的素质,增强政治嗅觉,加强对新形势下特点、规律的研究和探索。  相似文献   

袁彬 《政工学刊》2012,(1):31-32
一、针对基层党支部书记党龄较短、理论基础较薄弱的问题,要着眼部队"地处海空前沿、形势任务特殊"的特点,确保"列车"行驶不越轨,努力提高把方向、管大局的能力。雷达部队地处海空前沿,担负着国土防空预警和我机作战、训练飞行保障的重任。这就要求基层党支部书记必须及时解决因党龄较短、党性历练不足所带来的现实问题,始终把握好部队建设的正确方向,确保官兵任何时候都对党忠诚、信念坚定。  相似文献   

规范目录编制是推进装备竞争性采购的有效手段。针对当前装备竞争性采购目录不明确、不规范等问题,从目录编制原则、内容和方法等方面系统阐述装备竞争性采购目录编什么、怎么编等问题,并对目录编制中所应注意的问题进行了归纳和分析,明确了编制装备竞争性采购目录过程中,必须统筹考虑装备的类型、所处的层次和阶段,装备的特点以及组织竞争的单位等要素,从而使其更好地服务于装备竞争性采购工作。  相似文献   

新形势下加强高素质新型军事人才队伍建设,必须高度重视军事人才信息素质培养,在明确军事人才信息素质基本内涵基础上,准确把握不同类型军事人才信息素质的特征,实施差异化培养,为推进军队建设整体转型提供有力支撑.  相似文献   

在求真务实中推进党风廉政建设   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
深入开展党风廉政建设和反腐败斗争,是践行“三个代表”重要思想,保持党的先进性、纯洁性的必然要求。与时俱进地推进党风廉政建设,必须发扬求真务实精神,把求真务实贯穿于党风廉政建设各关键环节。教育要体现针对性。思想是行动的先导。实践证明,任何人违法违纪,都是因为思想上出了问题,才导致行为上越轨。纠正思想上的偏差,必须加强教育引导。当前,在廉政教育上,不少单位存在着重一般干部、轻关键部位干部,重基层部队、轻领率机关;专题性教育搞得多、经常性教育搞得少,正面灌输搞得多、一人一事思想工作做得少;出了问题抓得紧、不出问题抓…  相似文献   

胡洪武 《国防》2002,(9):36-37
目前,对于“城市民兵”所涵盖的范围,各级都没有一个明确的界定。诸如什么是“城市民兵”,城市民兵到底包括哪些地区、单位、类型的民兵等问题都没有明确的规定。尽管总部在年度《民兵组织实力统计》的说明中明  相似文献   

从用词方面,阐明了将火灾物证鉴定"结论"修改为火灾物证鉴定"意见",降低了火灾调查人员对其的迷信,在准确的认定火灾事实方面具有重要的意义,将推动我国现行火灾物证鉴定制度的完善和发展。此外,结合实际火灾情况,阐述了火灾物证鉴定的结论性意见采纳的客观性标准、关联性标准和合法性标准,最后,界定了火灾物证鉴定的范畴属于司法鉴定。  相似文献   

AHP在学生综合素质评价中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在素质教育中,学生管理者如何将多项评价指标综合起来,对学生素质进行 全面的评价是一个不易解决的问题。引入AHP对学生的综合素质进行评价,使学生管理 者在评价过程中思维一致,逻辑清晰,能快速准确地评价出学生的综合素质,有效地解决 了多指标综合素质评价这种复杂问题。并且这种方法也可以应用于其它领域人员综合 素质的评价。  相似文献   

近年来 ,我国公众聚集场所群死群伤恶性火灾时有发生 ,原因固然是多方面的 ,但是 ,公众聚集场所在监督和管理两个层面上存在的突出问题和薄弱环节 ,不能不引起我们的高度重视。结合多年来开展消防监督工作的实践 ,从消防法律法规、消防安全管理体制、技术标准等方面分析了公众聚集场所消防安全监督管理存在的问题 ,并提出了相应对策措施。  相似文献   

Global sourcing has made quality management a more challenging task, and supplier certification has emerged as a solution to overcome suppliers' informational advantage about their product quality. This article analyzes the impact of certification standards on the supplier's investment in quality, when a buyer outsources the production process. Based on our results, deterministic certification may lead to under‐investment in quality improvement technology for efficient suppliers, thereby leading to potential supply chain inefficiency. The introduction of noisy certification may alleviate this under‐investment problem, when the cost of information asymmetry is high. While allowing noisy certification always empowers the buyer to offer a menu to screen among heterogeneous suppliers, the buyer may optimally choose only a limited number of certification standards. Our analysis provides a clear‐cut prediction of the types of certifiers the buyer should use for heterogeneous suppliers, and we identify the conditions under which the supplier benefits from noisy certification. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Naval Research Logistics, 2013  相似文献   

在出入境管理的理论研究与实践中,对出入境管理行政强制种类的划分研究相对较少。在出入境管理行政执法过程中,对出入境管理行政强制的分类存在争议,而种类的划分是执法人员进行正确执法工作的基础,也是对出入境管理行政强制进行理论研究的基础。所以有必要对出入境管理行政强制种类进行剖析和梳理。  相似文献   

针对目前国内外仿真标准缺乏和零乱的现状对舰船综合仿真标准体系进行深入分析和研究,首先分析了国内外现状、我国舰船仿真领域的不足和仿真标准发展需求,接着对舰船综合仿真标准体系的技术思路、研究方法等做了初步性的探索,建立了舰船综合仿真技术参考模型,并据此初步建立了舰船综合仿真系统标准体系框架,用以指导制定具体的标准。  相似文献   

We consider the problem of assigning alternatives evaluated on several criteria into ordered categories C1,C2,…,Cp. This problem is known as the multi‐criteria sorting problem and arises in many situations such as classifying countries into different risk levels based on economical and socio‐political criteria, evaluating credit applications of bank customers. We are interested in sorting methods that are grounded on the construction of outranking relations. Among these, the Electre Tri method requires defining multidimensional profiles that represent the “frontier” separating consecutive categories Ch and Ch+1, and assigns an alternative to categories according to how it compares to each of the profiles. The explicit specification of the profiles of consecutive categories can be difficult for decision makers. We develop a new outranking based sorting method that does not require the explicit definition of profiles. We instead require the decision maker to assign a subset of reference alternatives to the categories. To assign the remaining alternatives, each such alternative is compared to reference alternatives, and assigned to categories accordingly. © 2008 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Naval Research Logistics 2009  相似文献   

Multiple regression analysis was used to analyze newly developed twenty year time series of first term reenlistment rates for nine major Navy occupational categories. Results indicate that there are significant differences among the occupational categories in the determinants of their reenlistment behavior. More importantly, it is apparent that reenlistment rates are highly sensitive to current unemployment and especially unemployment about the time of enlistment. By comparison, relative wages (measures of military versus private sector rates of compensation) are relatively insignificant and appear powerless to control reenlistment in the context of normal fluctuations in economic activity.  相似文献   

In September 2011, the Commander of the International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) in Afghanistan directed the Afghan Assessment Group to redesign the way in which ISAF was assessing the status of the war, and to be ‘revolutionary’ in so doing. The resulting assessment paradigm was novel, non-doctrinal, and effectively addressed the unique complexities of the counterinsurgency in Afghanistan and the needs of the ISAF Commander. It had a two-tier structure consisting of both strategic and campaign assessments. The former focused on answering a set of strategic questions in narrative, analytic form to address the strategic environment, while the latter used a set of standards and accompanying narrative responses to gauge accomplishment of campaign tasks. Both tiers captured the current state of the war while maintaining an eye on future challenges and opportunities. The two assessments and their associated processes were designed to stimulate discussions leading directly to decisions by senior leaders on actions they could take, direct, or request. While any assessment paradigm will have advantages and disadvantages, an examination of the pros and cons of this assessment paradigm makes clear that it should be considered a ‘best practice’ in the field of counterinsurgency assessment.  相似文献   

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