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中华人民共和国国务院总理温家宝、中华人民共和国中央军事委员会主席胡锦涛6月23日签署第438号令,公布施行《中国人民解放军文职人员条例》。《条例》决定在全军实行文职人员制度,这是对我军力量构成和用人制度的重大调整改革,是推进军队现代化建设的重大战略举措。  相似文献   

张瑶 《政工学刊》2009,(8):55-55
为更好借助社会人才资源为军队建设服务,2005年我军建立并实行了文职人员制度。这是我军力量构成和用人制度的重大调整改革,是推进军队现代化建设的重大战略举措。建立一支编配相符、进出顺畅、结构合理、素质较高的文职人员队伍,要在三个方面下功夫。  相似文献   

Asia亚洲《中国人民解放军文职人员条例》施行中华人民共和国国务院总理温家宝、中华人民共和国中央军事委员会主席胡锦涛6月23日签署第438号令,公布施行《中国人民解放军文职人员条例》。《条例》决定在全军实行文职人员制度。这是对我军力量构成和用人制度的重大调整改革,是推进军队现代化建设的重大战略举措。《条例》共9章55条,对文职人员的性质地位等基本问题、聘用工作的主要环节以及文职人员制度与军地相关政策的衔接等作了规定。《条例》明确,文职人员是指按照规定的编制聘用到军队工作、履行现役军官(文职干部)同类岗位相应职责的非现役人员。文职人员应当履行聘用合同,根据军队需要参加作战、军事演习、军事训练和处置突发事件。  相似文献   

刘旭  李建康 《环球军事》2009,(23):40-41
实行文职人员制度,在外军中已有百余年历史,由于文职人员不受服役年限,军衔晋升等限制,可以灵活便捷地使用社会人才。因此,当今世界许多国家的军队建立了文职制度,在部队中大量使用文职人员,德国联邦国防军是其中的主要典型。  相似文献   

全军和武警部队实行文职人员制度以来,有效减少了现役编制员额,广泛吸纳了社会优秀人才,增强了军队人才队伍活力,降低了军队人力资源使用成本,在推动军队建设整体转型中发挥了重要作用。然而,在文职人员制度实行过程中,仍然存在认识不到位、重使用轻管理、重任务轻培养等问题。为此,要进一步完善文职人员管理使用制度,增强文职人员队伍活力,提供施展才华、建功立业的事业平台,增强文职人员集体荣誉感和奉献精神,营造拴心留人的良好氛围,使文职人员成为提高部队战斗力、增强“能打胜仗”本领的生力军。  相似文献   

<正>2023年1月1日,经国务院、中央军委批准,新修订的《中国人民解放军文职人员条例》以及相关配套政策正式施行,标志着深化文职人员制度改革取得突破性进展,基本构建起新时代中国特色军队文职人员制度体系,为推动文职人员队伍建设高质量发展、有效履行新时代人民军队使命任务提供了强有力的制度保障。制度的生命力在于执行,要把坚定贯彻与精准落实结合起来,尽快确立与新条例相适应的思想观念、运行机制和细化措施,通过高质量落实显现改革成效,全面提高文职人员队伍建设质量水平。  相似文献   

付健 《政工学刊》2015,(4):33-34
军队文职人员职业规划,是军队聘用单位与文职人员相结合,在对决定文职人员职业生涯的主客观因素进行综合分析的基础上,确定文职人员最佳的职业发展路线目标,制定相应的工作、培训和教育计划,并采取积极措施去实现职业生涯目标的过程。积极探索文职人员职业规划,既是理顺文职人员发展渠道、提高使用层次和范围的客观要求,也是文职人员制度改革发展的重要内容。一、文职人员职业规划的必要性一是有利于突破职业倦怠坚定理想信念。文职人  相似文献   

<正>十八届三中全会《决定》首次以党的文献的形式,明确提出要"健全完善文职人员制度"。坚持走中国特色军民融合式发展路子,建立健全寓军于民的军队人才体系,是中国特色军民融合式发展战略的一个重要方面。自从2005年《中国人民解放军文职人员条例》颁布以来,我军开始实行文职人员制度,文职人员队伍日益壮大,数万名"不穿军装的兵"活跃在绿色军营中,与军官、文职干部一起,成为军队人才体系建设一道亮丽的风景线。  相似文献   

四总部颁布的《军队文职人员管理规定》(以下简称《规定》)是适应干部人事和社会保障制度改革发展的现实需要,也是提高文职人员管理科学化规范化水平的实际步骤,对于激励文职人员献身国防、建功立业,推动我军现代化建设具有重要意义。军队院校文职人员数量较多,因此,有关部门要把贯彻落实《规定》作为一项重要任务,切实抓紧抓好。  相似文献   

美军文职人员制度,是美军人事制度的重要组成部分.1883年,美国《文职雇员法》的通过,标志着美军文职人员制度的正式建立,之后美军文职人员制度的基本原则得以进一步确立和完善.1978年,《文职人员改革法》的实施,表明美军文职人员制度进入一个新的时期.  相似文献   

文章就推动装备保障军民融合深度发展,提出应正确把握和领会其基本内涵,客观分析其发展现状,着力解决制约装备保障军民融合深度发展的深层次矛盾和问题,并从创新体制机制、构建管理系统、健全法规标准三方面提出了相关的对策思考。  相似文献   

Can peacekeeping participation help reform military institutions in democratizing states? Drawing on evidence from Nepal – one of the world's largest troop contributors to UN peacekeeping operations – this essay illustrates that participation in peace missions can sometimes undermine security sector reform and deteriorate civil–military relations. Furthermore, this analysis shows that peacekeeping participation will not necessarily reorient troops away from their conventional internal roles (such as counterinsurgency) or improve civilian control over the armed forces. Hence, civilians can lose control over soldiers just as frequently when they are deployed overseas as when they are at home.  相似文献   

我国军民融合深度发展的内涵研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
徐辉 《国防科技》2014,35(4):95-98
如何理解军民融合深度发展,做好军民融合这篇大文章,各方面尚未形成统一共识。文章从历史沿革角度回顾分析了我国军民融合演变的过程、民融合深度发展的内涵,并在此基础上对当前存在的主要矛盾进行了研究总结,从国家战略部署层面提出了下一步发展建议。  相似文献   

以新时期军事斗争准备为牵引,改革与创新军事基础课程体系,是我院"4+1"模式新型军事人才对军事基础教学与训练的客观要求.通过重点阐述我院围绕加强学员的素质教育,深化军事基础课程体系改革与研究的思路,为新形势下军事基础课程体系深层次的改革与发展,提供了若干参考.  相似文献   


This paper examines the impact of civil war on military expenditure. We employ two measures of military expenditure: the share of military expenditure in general government expenditure and the logarithm of military expenditures. We would reasonably expect a priori that military expenditure as a share of general government expenditure increases during a civil war and that such increases would taper off over the duration of a civil war. We also explore whether the termination of a civil war induces a decline in the share of military expenditure as a share of the general government expenditure in the short-run. We find evidence the of share of military expenditure increases during a civil war and falls in the year succeeding the end of a civil war, and, in particular, if a war ends in a peace treaty. The level of military expenditures, however, rises during civil wars and does not appear to decline in the short-term after the end of a civil war.  相似文献   

Since President Jacques Chirac's 1996 decision to professionalise the armed forces, many political and military leader expressed concerns about its potential consequences on civil–military relations. Will the shift to an all-volunteer force create a gap in civil–military relations? The goal of the article is to provide a preliminary assessment of civil–military relations in France before the full professionalisation of the armed forces. Using the results of existing polls conducted annually, I lay out a basis of comparison to evaluate the future evolution of civil–military relations on several dimensions: image of the military, perception of civil–military relations, social and political values, and the legitimacy of the use of force. Although civil–military relations in France have never been as harmonious since the Second World War as they are today, the article argues that these relations are not as rosy as they may seem.  相似文献   

Building upon a far-reaching reform movement carried out during the administration of Andres Pastrana (1998–2002), the Colombian military emerged in the Alvaro Uribe first term (2002–06) as a powerful, flexible organization capable of implementing a national strategy for successful counterinsurgency. Sweeping organizational change was accompanied by advances in operational art and tactics, as well as the promotion of new leadership tested in combat. A growing maturity in civil–military relations enabled national advances in democratic politics, economic progress and state integration, the latter to a degree unprecedented in Colombian history.  相似文献   

宋阔益  赵希庆 《国防科技》2014,35(6):105-108
落实强军目标要求,培养"能打仗,打胜仗"的新型军事人才,是院校教育、部队训练和军事职业教育"三位一体"人才培养体系的根本任务。军事高科技培训作为军事人才培养的重要组成部分,贯穿于院校教育、部队训练和军事职业教育的全过程。文章以培训要坚持"面向部队、面向战场"为切入点,在分析现有培训与"两个面向"的差距基础上,对如何推进人才培养改革、创新军事高科技培训发展的方法途径进行了探讨。  相似文献   

The debate on the civil–military gap and especially the TISS findings are viewed with a focus on Germany. After outlining the historical development of civil–military relations, the question of a civil–military gap is explored with data from 2001. The study finds similarities and differences in the attitudes of the civilian and the military population on several issues. Overall, there is a broad overlap of attitudes, yet differences do exist, especially on issues of foreign policy and things military. It is argued that at the beginning of the twenty-first century, civil–military relations in Germany are largely uncontested, but will become more strained.  相似文献   

军队科研机构推进国防知识产权转化运用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
军队科研机构作为国家科技创新体系的重要组成部分,承担了大量科技创新任务,产生了许多具有自主知识产权的高水平科技成果,推动军队科研机构国防知识产权转化运用,是贯彻军民融合发展战略的必要途径。分析了军队科研机构国防知识产权转化的现状及制约转化的现实障碍,并结合实际探讨了推进军队科研机构国防知识产权转化的建议举措。  相似文献   

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