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A novel method for estimation of an aerodynamic force and moment acting on an irregularly shaped body (such as HE projectile fragments) during its flight through the atmosphere is presented. The model assumes that fragments can be approximated with a tri-axial ellipsoid that has continuous surface given as a mathematical function. The model was validated with CFD data for a tri-axial ellipsoid and verified using CFD data on aerodynamic forces and moments acting on an irregularly shaped fragment.The contribution of this method is that it represents a significant step toward a modeling that does not require a cumbersome CFD simulation results for estimation of fragment dynamic and kinematic parameters. Due to this advantage, the model can predict the fragment motion consuming a negligible time when compared to the corresponding time consumed by CFD simulations. Parametric representation (generalization) of the fragment geometrical data and the conditions provides the way to analyze various correlations and how parameters influence the dynamics of the fragment flight.  相似文献   

射击指挥是防空兵作战指挥的重要组成部分,防空兵群的射击指挥能力,严重影响着整个防空兵群的作战能力。引入模糊评判模型,在分析评价射击指挥能力的各个指标的基础上,对防空兵群的射击指挥能力作出综合评价。  相似文献   

In this paper,a new method for determining the shell layout scheme is proposed,which can make the equipment damage data by the battlefield damage test resemble as close as possible the actual combat data.This method is based on the analysis of the impact point distribution and effective damage area of equipment.In order to obtain the position of the impact points,an impact point distribution model under artillery fire was established.Similarly,in order to obtain the effective damage area of equipment,the concepts of generalized damage area and task-based equipment functional damage probability were demonstrated,and the corresponding calculation model was established.Through case analysis,the shell layout scheme was effectively obtained,verifying the correctness of the proposed method.  相似文献   

在总结分析前人实验方法的优缺点基础上 ,在国内首次建成了超急速爆发实验台 ,其特点如下 :加热和测温信号互不干扰 ,温度测量频响快、精度高 ,且避免了测量滞后 ,温度测量动态响应时间小于 1μs ;采用高压电火花放电技术 ,高速照相速度快 ;采用了汽泡轮廓清晰并可以研究整个过程以及光源强度要求低的侧照方式 .照相最高放大倍数可达 10 0倍 ,研究范围为 1~ 90 0 μs .  相似文献   

The construction of lot sizes usually depends upon factors influencing homogeneity. When these factors are not a function of lot quantity, it is possible to determine an optimal lot size. The optimization process balances the cost of sampling against the expected cost of lot rejection for some specified procurement quantity. The rationale for balancing the two costs is contingent upon the fact that rejection criteria waivers frequently occur when the lot size is large. This concept implies that the lot size should be as small as possible, whereas the cost of sampling drives the lot size up. Hence, trade-offs may be made. The formulation is termed a semieconomic one because it combines a pure economic objective function with a pure statistical constraint. This constraint is necessary because the nature of the items under study dictates that the cost of accepting defective material cannot be explicitly stated. The paper presents the formulation, describes when it should be used, derives a good analytical approximation under certain assumptions and gives various ramifications when it is used.  相似文献   

针对多边形并行栅格化中的负载不均衡问题提出一种新的数据划分方法,主要包括:迭代计算划分线的位置,在每次迭代中保证分块间的计算量大致均衡,完成数据划分、实现负载均衡;提出基于二叉树的划分结果融合策略,以解决跨边界多边形的融合问题。在多核CPU环境下实现并行算法,选用多个典型土地利用现状数据集进行测试。结果表明:针对不同类型多边形数据集,所提方法较传统方法可获得更高的并行加速比和更好的负载均衡;针对大数据量数据集,以多边形节点数为度量标准可更精确地估算分块计算量,从而更好地实现负载均衡。  相似文献   

本文针对星载多通道高分辨宽测绘带合成孔径雷达系统,提出了一种地面运动目标检测和参数估计方法,该方法首先利用空时自适应处理进行杂波抑制,然后采用传统SAR成像处理得到模糊的运动目标图像,接着利用恒虚警检测技术检测出所有运动目标,包括真实目标和由于多普勒模糊引起的虚假目标,再根据模糊图像的空间位置关系从所有成像目标中检测出运动目标的真实成像位置,最后根据运动目标的斜距历程得到因运动目标速度引起的图像位置偏移,由此估计得到运动目标速度。该方法具有运算量小、检测精度高等优点,星载仿真数据验证了本文方法有效性。  相似文献   

针对传统单星二维干涉仪测向定位存在的设备量大、易受通道间幅度/相位不一致性影响等缺点,提出了在单颗自旋卫星上只安装两个接收通道构成一维干涉仪,测量相位差变化率的无源定位新方法,采用了基于粒子群优化(PSO)的定位算法,分析了干涉仪转速以及旋转平面对定位性能的影响.结果表明,增大干涉仪转速有利于提高定位精度,为了使星下点周围各个方向上都有较好的定位精度,干涉仪旋转平面应与初始观测时刻卫星位置矢量垂直,PS0算法的定位精度能够接近定位误差的克拉美罗下限(CRLB).  相似文献   

时标误差是K波段精密测距仪(KBR)的一个重要测距误差源,现有的时标误差校正方法依赖于对星间时标偏差的精确测量。针对目前我国星间时标偏差测量精度不能满足校正需求的问题,提出了基于双频优化组合的时标误差校正方法,推导了优化频率之间应该满足的定量关系。研究了双频优化组合的实现,指出原有的KBR系统无法实现频率优化,在此基础上设计实现了一种改进频率流程的KBR系统,并对新的时标误差校正方法进行了实验验证。实验结果表明,基于双频优化组合的时标误差校正方法和改进的KBR系统有效降低了对星间时标偏差测量精度的要求。  相似文献   

结合烟花爆竹、民用爆炸物品的生产、储存火灾危险性,探讨了公安机关消防机构如何对烟花爆竹、民用爆炸物品生产、储存场所进行消防设计审核验收,以起到加强烟花爆竹、民用爆炸物品生产、储存建筑消防安全的目的。  相似文献   

An effective hybrid optimization method is proposed by integrating an adaptive Kriging (A-Kriging) into an improved partial swarm optimization algorithm (IPSO) to give a so-called A-Kriging-IPSO for maxi-mizing the buckling load of laminated composite plates (LCPs) under uniaxial and biaxial compressions. In this method, a novel iterative adaptive Kriging model, which is structured using two training sample sets as active and adaptive points, is utilized to directly predict the buckling load of the LCPs and to improve the efficiency of the optimization process. The active points are selected from the initial data set while the adaptive points are generated using the radial random-based convex samples. The cell-based smoothed discrete shear gap method (CS-DSG3) is employed to analyze the buckling behavior of the LCPs to provide the response of adaptive and input data sets. The buckling load of the LCPs is maximized by utilizing the IPSO algorithm. To demonstrate the efficiency and accuracy of the proposed methodology, the LCPs with different layers (2, 3, 4, and 10 layers), boundary conditions, aspect ratios and load patterns (biaxial and uniaxial loads) are investigated. The results obtained by proposed method are in good agreement with the literature results, but with less computational burden. By applying adaptive radial Kriging model, the accurate optimal results-based predictions of the buckling load are obtained for the studied LCPs.  相似文献   

为有效计算基于方差的全局灵敏度指标尤其是非线性程度较高的响应函数的,将积分空间的可加性以及无迹变换结合起来,利用函数在子空间内非线性程度会降低以及无迹变换方法在概率空间内对低非线性函数性质具有强捕捉能力的特点,提出计算基于方差的全局灵敏度指标的高效方法。该方法只需产生一组无迹变换样本就可以近似求得各阶灵敏度指标,并且该近似解随空间分割个数的增加而收敛于真值。通过非线性程度较高的验证算例及工程算例验证了所提方法在处理非线性功能函数上的高效性和准确性。  相似文献   

为了去除直达波干扰,从强的直达波干扰背景中有效提取SISAR侧影成像的目标全息信号,提出了对接收的含有目标全息信号和强直达波的混合信号直接进行包络检波,然后通过对检波后的输出进行时域的正交分解,恢复目标的全息信号的新方法.仿真结果验证了理论分析的正确性.  相似文献   

A melt-cast Duan-Zhang-Kim (DZK) mesoscopic reaction rate model is developed for the shock initiation of melt-cast explosives based on the pore collapse hot-spot ignition mechanism. A series of shock initiation experiments was performed for the Comp B melt-cast explosive to estimate effects of the loading pressure and the particle size of granular explosive component, and the mesoscopic model is validated against the experimental data. Further numerical simulations indicate that the initial density and formula proportion greatly affect the hot-spot ignition of melt-cast explosives.  相似文献   

分析了单星观测模式下的天基测控系统的可行性,并针对该观测模式下轨道确定中法矩阵的特点,提出了一种基于压缩估计的定轨方法,该方法对法矩阵进行变换,避免了法矩阵奇异造成的误差传递。证明了当满足一定条件时,该压缩方法的估计精度要高于传统的定轨方法。并结合单星观测的特殊性,提出了误差传递因子,设计了单星观测下的压缩估计定轨算法。最后以单星模式下的天基测控系统作为仿真背景进行了仿真试验。结果表明,该压缩估计可有效提高单星观测模式下的轨道确定精度。  相似文献   

拖缆强度校核的随机模拟方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
建立了拖缆的动态拉力模型,应用蒙特卡罗随机模拟方法对已知方案中的拖缆强度进行了校核.结果表明,分析其失效概率能够对拖缆选型给出直观的评价,有利于提高拖航的安全性.  相似文献   

刀具状态监测技术一直是制约加工系统自动化和智能化水平提高的主要因素,本文采用模糊线性方程描述刀具状态与监测指标之间的关系,根据学习样本的可能分布和概率分布确定方程的参数,选用不同传感器信号特征组合进行对比实验,结果表明该方法可获得较高的识别率。  相似文献   

In view of that existing opening technologies of front cover for rocket launch canister have disadvantages such as causing damage on the ground equipment, not being reused and easily broken. A novel reusable non-separation spring-driven opening scheme is proposed to achieve rapid and reliable opening of the front cover. The mathematical model of the opening process of the front cover is established by the rigid body dynamics theory. To establish a response surface model to optimize the opening scheme, three main influencing factors of the opening process are obtained through the designed experiments, including the pre-compression, the stiffness of the thrust spring, and the thrust spring force arm length. In addition, the prescribed kinematic law was taken as constraint, and the smaller thrust spring preliminary pressure and angular velocity was taken as optimization expectations. The results show that the opening scheme meets the design requirements on opening process well. It also shows that the optimized scheme can reduce the kinetic energy of the front cover, and the impact on the canister effectively, achieving a reliable and rapid opening of the front cover.  相似文献   

针对影响网络中行动方案的优选问题,分析了现有方法存在的不足,提出了一种基于贪婪算法的行动方案优选方法。该方法采用自顶向下的搜索方式,通过分析行动组合对期望效果的整体影响来选择较优的行动方案。并进行实例验证。结果表明,与灵敏度分析法和穷举搜索法相比,该方法能够在较短时间内找到较优的可行行动方案集合,可有效支持行动方案的优选。  相似文献   

复合材料结构传热分析的新的高阶热层合理论研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
提出了新的高阶热层合理论及相应的有限元模型.新的高阶热层合理论比作者最初提出的一阶热层合理论[1]前进了一大步,它有效克服了一阶热层合理论中存在的计算缺陷.大量数值算例表明了高阶热层合理论的精确有效性.算例还对铺设角和纵厚比对层合板温度场的影响进行了分析,并得到了一些有意义的结论.  相似文献   

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