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行政执法责任制是依法行政的重要保障。当前实施行政执法责任制存在着一些问题,应从行政执法责任制的本质和操作规程、依法界定执法职责、建立评议考核机制等三个方面进行改革。  相似文献   

对军事行政主体的理解应从广义上把握,在这个概念之下包括军内和军外两部分的行政主体。军事行政主体根据性质的不同可以划分为军队行政主体与国防行政主体;根据权力来源的不同可以划分为职权性军事行政主体和授权性军事行政主体。对军事行政主体资格的认定可以从组织要件和法律要件两个方面来把握。  相似文献   

在回顾现代远程教育发展的基础上,分析了在军内实施远程教育的必然性与可能性,并针对军内远程教育的主要特点提出了几点看法。  相似文献   

军人服务社作为军队事业部门与经营兼容的经济实体,在市场经济条件下也面临着经营竞争,原有得天独厚的经营环境和条件也面临着十分严峻的挑战。如何使军人服务社适应市场经济要求。跻身市场、参与竞争、求得发展?笔者认为,当前应突出把握以下几点:一是进一步办好军内服务。军内服务是军人服务社经营的主要市场,必须牢固树立为军为兵优质  相似文献   

冯培礼  贾海滨 《国防》2010,(6):75-77
新兵征集期间应征青年兵民身份转换时间如何界定,有何法律意义,出现急病死亡、意外伤害、刑事犯罪等特殊情况如何处理,地方政府、兵役机关和部队之间的责任怎样区分?由于目前相关法律法规不够明确,往往遇到情况比较棘手,军地配合不够协调,处理起来比较困难,不仅牵扯军地领导精力,处理不当还容易激化矛盾。本文结合征兵工作实践和现行法律法规,对这些问题作以下探讨。  相似文献   

市场作为商品交换的场所及交换关系的总和,越来越被人们重视。置身于社会主义市场经济大环境中的军内生产资料流通必然要受到市场机制的作用,同样需要完善的市场。建设军内市场应选择什么样的模式?本文认为,市场经济基础规律的作用性决定着军内生产资料市场必须与国内市场接轨;军队物资保障和地方生产资料的相关性决定着军内生产资料流通必须依托国家级生产资料市场;军队物资保障的特殊性决定着军内生产资料市场建设必须有独立的特色,保持“军”姓。因此,军内生产资料市场建设的取向应是“半独立半依附模式”。  相似文献   

本文主要介绍有关国防科技成果推广中的军工知识产权问题。明确产权、产权界定的基本概念。提出军工知识产权和军工知识产权界定原则:产权主体唯一原则,产权运行环境内部原则,产权结构合理原则。详细介绍军工知识产权的密级界定、权力结构界定和军工知识产权客体界定及其管理。作者指出,采用系统工程的理论和分析方法,进行国家(投资者)、军工科研生产单位(经营者)、武器装备部门(用户)三者之间受益和受损的界定  相似文献   

保险对我军来说,是一个既熟悉又陌生的概念。说其熟悉,它是一定的社会经济关系,人们必然会经常地置身其中;说其陌生,即这种经济关系尚未转化为军事经济活动的一种形式。因此,在社会主义商品经济条件下,认真研究军内保险问题,无疑有着十分重要的意义。一、军内保险的本质特征军内保险是为了应付特定的灾害事故或意外事件,通过必要的行政手段和订立合同,实现补偿或给付的一种经济形式。这就是说,由需要转嫁危险的军内单位或个人  相似文献   

大学语文教学的关键,是教师在施教过程中如何定位的问题.本文围绕这一核心问题,就教学主体的界定以及主体的特点与变化,大学语文课本体特性的凸显,现代意识在教学中的体现等问题,从静态理论和动态操作两个层面作以探讨,以期消解大学语文教学中长期沿袭的某些失范的教学方式.  相似文献   

人工智能在许多领域达到了世界领先的水平,科技发展的成果也同样取得了人们的认可和推崇,但如何界定人工智能生成物的可版权性和权利义务归属,始终未在法律界达成一致共识。人工智能是否能作为著作权主体成为作品来源,如何认定其生成物是否可以作为受著作权保护的作品,这是现今社会不得不面对的法律新难题。本文结合现行法律法规,从创作主体和作品独创性的角度对其进行分析探讨,试图构建人工智能生成物的著作权保护机制。  相似文献   

军事行政法基本原则是军事行政法的核心范畴,如何界定其概念,构建其体系,并探讨其与普通行政法相区别的特有原则及其具体内容,在军事法学界一直未有权威性定论。因此,研究上述问题对于完善军事行政法学学科体系及其内容无疑具有重要的理论意义。  相似文献   

军事行政执法行为论纲   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
军事行政执法行为是军事行政行为的一种 ,它是军事行政法的核心内容。以行政法学的基本原理为依托 ,结合军事行政法律规范和军事行政法律实践 ,努力廓清军事法学界在军事行政执法行为概念和特征方面的认识分歧 ,并初步勾画了军事行政执法行为的框架体系。  相似文献   

Modern peace enforcement missions are much more akin to historical constabulary missions than they are to traditional peace operations. As such, the underlying strategic and operational bases for these missions are both more complex and have more elements that can go wrong than does classic peacekeeping. At the operational level, such issues as relations with civilian organizations, coordination with other nations' forces, and command and control of highly disparate elements become critical. The area in which the most significant problems have occurred, however, has been in translating political goals into a realistic military strategy.  相似文献   

Debates about the relationship between women and the military have become common within Western societies. These debates primarily centre on the issue of the place, fitness and desirability of a female presence within institutions designed for national war making. There are those who claim that equality betwen the sexes demands the full integration of women into national militaries, including in combat roles, others however argue that women are ill‐equipped for the traditional tasks required of ‘warriors’. This article argues that these debates are increasingly irrelevant. Future wars are increasingly less likely to be fought only by clearly defined national combat forces and more likely to be ‘virtual’ wars involving the deployment of Western technologies against militarily inferior opponents. This too is an age in which Western states will be engaged not just in virtual wars but in ‘humanitarian intervention’, peacekeeping, enforcement and postwar reconstruction. This allows, even encourages, a rethinking of traditional notions and debates over the place of women within the military sphere.  相似文献   

信息化条件下作战对战争各要素提出了更多更高的要求,法律支持与保障作用凸显、不可或缺。作为军事行动法律保障的专业力量,军队律师唯有积极应对战场环境透明化、军事打击快速化、作战行动精确化的作战特点,坚持运用为主,做好平战转化,紧贴作战需求,提供及时、精准的全程化和全方位法律保障,才能充分发挥其职能作用,运用法律武器确保作战意图的最终达成。  相似文献   

消防联合执法工作中存在的问题及对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
阐述了当前消防联合执法的形式、作用和背景,深入分析了消防联合执法工作中存在的执法主体职责不明确、执法依据不准确、执法程序不合法、执法协调工作不到位等问题和不足,并从依法治理和长效管理的角度提出了明确执法权限、落实执法责任、严格按照法定程序开展消防联合执法活动、积极探索长效管理机制等进一步改进和完善消防联合执法的思路和措施。  相似文献   

The provision of Military Assistance to the Civil Powers (MACP) encapsulates the traditional approach towards countering terrorism on the British mainland, which emphasises minimum force, proportionality, police primacy and the rule of law, with the military retained as a supporting instrument, being employed only as a measure of last resort. Recent terrorist incidents in major urban centres do, however, question the effectiveness of these established methods. This analysis initially codifies the conceptual issues that underscore the tensions between civil policing and military anti-terrorist approaches in the UK, and proceeds to evaluate and compare a number of operations that indicate the nature of the challenges facing the MACP apparatus. In particular, potential shortcomings in the MACP provisions are identified in the form of threat perception and deployment and enforcement gaps. The assessment finds that there are facets of MACP that are of enduring relevance in the current era, yet a continuing need persists to reconcile police and military imperatives toward serious civil disorder contingencies and conditions of emergency.  相似文献   

随着院校教育转型改革的不断深入,武警院校的军事专业课教员队伍与承担的教学训练任务的矛盾愈显突出。从研究分析当前武警院校师资队伍建设存在的问题及原因入手,着重从实行“教官制”的必要性及途径对策进行了有益的探讨。  相似文献   

The privatization of activities previously performed by government has been a major characteristic of economic policies over the past two decades. This article examines the potential for privatization of military activities in the African context. Four categories in which this has or might occur are mercenaries employed by a government to provide for defence or to supplement its own military; private security company personnel employed to protect economic assets or to advise and train the local military; the contracting out of the provision of goods and services ranging from heavy weapons through to accounting services; and the transfer of non-core activities currently undertaken by the military to other government departments or civilian bodies. Of these, the last is of potential importance in Africa, given the wide range of activities which its militaries have come to perform. Three examples where private sector organisations or other government departments could play a much larger and probably more cost-effective role are peacekeeping, internal security and surveillance, resource protection and rescue activities.  相似文献   

Standard economic concepts of production and cost minimization subject to a production constraint are used to derive the conditions of optimal deployment of home and forward military forces for the production of home security. United States' participation in the NATO alliance is then analyzed in the context of a two‐ally (U.S. and Western Europe) optimal force deployment model of NATO. Next, U.S. force‐basing policy is adduced as an enforcement mechanism for the “transatlantic contract.” Lastly, statistical evidence on burden sharing within Western Europe, and the effectiveness of the U.S. contract enforcement policy, is presented.  相似文献   

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