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老旧小区改造工作将因住户不迁出居住场所及施工中出现的断水、断电、断气等改造过程,产生临时电气线路使用、液化石油气罐入户、生活用火等问题,具有现实火灾危险性.针对老旧小区改造工程施工现场消防安全隐患,从施工现场管理、规章制度落实、消防安全技术措施、消防产品质量监督、宣传培训等方面提出了消防安全管理对策.  相似文献   

重点单位实行消防安全"户籍化"管理,是我国创新社会消防管理、完善消防监督管理制度、强化落实单位消防安全主体责任、提升单位消防安全"四个能力"的积极探索,也是一项长远的消防基础建设。结合实践,对重点单位实行"户籍化"管理的作用、内容以及推进措施进行了论述。  相似文献   

对正在建设或改造工程施工中的高层建筑的火灾隐患及消防管理方面存在的问题进行分析和研究,提出了在建高层建筑的消防安全管理措施和使用保温材料的消防安全对策.  相似文献   

社会单位消防安全主体责任不落实是导致各类火灾事故发生和影响社会消防安全环境的根本原因。依据现行消防法规,围绕预防火灾和减少火灾危害,提升人员消防安全综合素质,概括总结了单位消防安全管理的职责内容,系统阐述了落实单位消防安全主体责任的具体措施。  相似文献   

随着经济发展方式转变和经济结构调整,社会消防安全保障能力相对滞后,目前火灾尤其是亡人火灾多发,消防安全形势十分严峻。从抓住工作重点,整合社会消防资源,完善工作举措,前移火灾防控关口几个方面,对筑牢社会消防安全"防火墙"工程作了全面阐述。  相似文献   

以菏泽市构筑社会消防安全"防火墙"工程为例,分析构建社会消防安全"防火墙"工程所面临的问题,提出构建社会消防安全"防火墙"工程的对策,创新消防安全管理,筑牢消防安全群防群治基础,推进消防安全"防火墙"工程建设,全面提升城乡防控火灾的能力,确保火灾形势持续稳定,为全市经济更好更快发展提供良好的消防安全保障。  相似文献   

近五年来,我国火灾形势总体平稳,但随着城镇化建设步伐的加快,居民火灾呈高发态势。介绍了我国近五年来居民火灾的形势,分析了居民火灾高发并容易导致人员伤亡的原因,提出了开展消防宣传教育提升居民消防安全意识、落实责任提升居民小区消防安全管理水平、完善消防设施提升小区消防安全环境、配备疏散逃生器材提升灾害应对水平等防范对策。  相似文献   

随着城乡"一体化"不断加快融合,消防安全管理中存在的问题随之扩大,"网格化"消防安全管理模式是解决目前消防安全管理问题的突破口,需采取"345"模式整合社会资源,发动全社会力量共同参与消防安全网格化管理。"345"模式即强化"三项机制",确保消防责任无盲区;依托"四支队伍",确保消防工作有人管;推行"五化措施",确保火灾防控全覆盖。  相似文献   

随着经济快速发展和城市化步伐的进一步加快,城中村问题应运而生。从探求城中村产生的原因出发,分析了城中村存在的多种消防安全问题,并就如何改造城中村的消防安全隐患提出了建议,旨在有效预防和控制城中村火灾事故发生。  相似文献   

结合西藏拉萨市屋顶简易建筑治理情况,分析研究了屋顶简易建筑消防安全特点和消防安全管理面临的困境,提出了屋顶简易建筑消防安全治理的措施。  相似文献   

Standard approaches to classical inventory control problems treat satisfying a predefined demand level as a constraint. In many practical contexts, however, total demand is comprised of separate demands from different markets or customers. It is not always clear that constraining a producer to satisfy all markets is an optimal approach. Since the inventory‐related cost of an item depends on total demand volume, no clear method exists for determining a market's profitability a priori, based simply on per unit revenue and cost. Moreover, capacity constraints often limit a producer's ability to meet all demands. This paper presents models to address economic ordering decisions when a producer can choose whether to satisfy multiple markets. These models result in a set of nonlinear binary integer programming problems that, in the uncapacitated case, lend themselves to efficient solution due to their special structure. The capacitated versions can be cast as nonlinear knapsack problems, for which we propose a heuristic solution approach that is asymptotically optimal in the number of markets. The models generalize the classical EOQ and EPQ problems and lead to interesting optimization problems with intuitively appealing solution properties and interesting implications for inventory and pricing management. © 2003 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Naval Research Logistics, 2004.  相似文献   

21世纪是高新技术不断爆发的时代,就出版业而言,以多媒体技术为基础的数字、网络出版物日益多样化、个性化,基于网络出版和电子商务的普及,按需编辑出版、即时印刷的网络编辑出版模式冲击着传统的编辑出版模式,出版业市场的新变化对编辑出版人才提出了新的要求。本文结合出版业市场对编辑出版人才的新要求,分析了现在编辑出版人才的培养方式存在的问题,提出了新时期编辑出版人才培养的战略选择。  相似文献   

大型地下公共建筑的出现带动了地下商业的发展,在地下公共建筑内部和周边设置商业设施的情况已不断出现。该类地下商业设施的设置增加了公共建筑的火灾危险性,必须限制商业设置方式以降低火灾风险。针对地下商业的设计难点,总结提出诸如防火舱、防火隔离区、"安全岛"等多种商业设置方式,分析了其用于地下公共建筑内部及周边商业区域的火灾控制的安全性,从而保障人员的安全。  相似文献   

Pirate attacks against commercial vessels in the Western Indian Ocean and nearby seas reached an unprecedented level in 2011. Despite concerted efforts by the international community and shipping companies to address this threat by conducting naval patrols and equipping commercial vessels with non-lethal defenses, the frequency of pirate attacks continues to increase. The general ineffectiveness of existing anti-piracy measures has sparked interest in expanding the use of armed private security contractors to protect commercial vessels from pirate attacks. This article argues that armed private security contractors can, indeed, enhance the security of commercial vessels because these actors can provide onsite protection for commercial vessels, which should allow them to respond very quickly to pirate attacks, and because these actors are willing to use deadly force against pirates. However, this article also argues that expanding the use of these actors may increase the degree of violence used during pirate attacks, pose threats to the safety of innocent civilians, and violate a number of domestic and international laws.  相似文献   

The gas turbine engine is used to power many different types of commercial and military aircraft. During the scheduled maintenance of these engines, many of the turbine components are replaced. Of particular importance to us is the replacement of nozzle guide vanes in the nozzle assembly section of the engine. Individual vanes are selected from inventory to make up sets, and each set must meet certain characteristics in order to be feasible. The vanes in each set must then be sequenced in order to meet additional criteria. In this article, we give heuristics for the above partitioning and sequencing problems. Empirical analyses, using actual data from a branch of the armed services and a major engine manufacturer, are used to evaluate the proposed heuristics. The results of these analyses indicate that the heuristics are effective.  相似文献   


In this paper we examine the effects of irreversibility on foreign trade in the case where there are two sources of uncertainty. The two sources considered in this paper are uncertainty arising from business risk and uncertainty arising from military tension. The resulting insights are then used to model the import markets of Greece and Turkey. These models are then empirically estimated, in order to ascertain, on the one hand whether there is evidence that irreversibility is indeed a factor on the supply side of these markets, and on the other hand, the direction of the incidence of military tension on foreign trade. An index of military tension is used for the two countries, based on the number of airspace violations by Turkish military aircraft of Greek airspace.  相似文献   

The reformulation‐linearization technique (RLT) is a methodology for constructing tight linear programming relaxations of mixed discrete problems. A key construct is the multiplication of “product factors” of the discrete variables with problem constraints to form polynomial restrictions, which are subsequently linearized. For special problem forms, the structure of these linearized constraints tends to suggest that certain classes may be more beneficial than others. We examine the usefulness of subsets of constraints for a family of 0–1 quadratic multidimensional knapsack programs and perform extensive computational tests on a classical special case known as the 0–1 quadratic knapsack problem. We consider RLT forms both with and without these inequalities, and their comparisons with linearizations derived from published methods. Interestingly, the computational results depend in part upon the commercial software used. © 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Naval Research Logistics, 2010  相似文献   

近年来,大型商业性建筑火灾事故时有发生,造成了重大损失,火灾发生时如何提高人员的疏散效率是降低伤亡率的要素.通过对大型商业性建筑火灾危险性和疏散中存在的问题进行分析,结合实际从设置消防救援窗,严格划分防火分区,合理设置疏散楼梯和安全出口,制定安全疏散预案,加强消防安全培训,充分利用声光报警等方面论述了优化大型商业性建筑人员疏散效率的策略.  相似文献   

This study — which is a country survey — deals with basic problems of the functioning of the Polish arms industry in the conditions of systemic transformation, that has taken place in Poland since 1989. It also reflects new political and military conditions and changes in the economic system, commonly called marketization. The study is focused on reasons for the bad economic state of the enterprises engaged in military production, which include a drastic drop in demand on home and foreign markets. The study discusses the main direction of activities that are planned to reshape and adjust military production to the new, changed conditions covering such problems as ownership and organization changes as well as prospects for conversion.  相似文献   

旨在以世界的眼光观察中国的问题,借鉴国际经验,解决中国问题。不仅介绍了美国、德国和日本的反商业贿赂立法,而且对《联合国反腐败公约》——联合国向世界推荐的反腐败指南的相关规定做了详细介绍。在此基础上,提出了一些可资我国借鉴的立法经验。  相似文献   

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