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根据新刑法第十章的规定,军人违反职责罪中妨害作战秩序方面的犯罪,直接侵害军队的作战秩序,危害国家的军事利益,是军事刑罚的重点。 一、军人妨害作战秩序方面犯罪的认定 妨害作战秩序方面的犯罪,是指在战争情况下或者部队接受作战任务进行动员后,军人违反职责,妨害军队的作战秩序,依法应受刑罚处罚的行为。从犯罪构成看,妨害作战秩序方面的犯罪具有以下特征:  相似文献   

慎待“让功”徐立峰每到评功评奖时节,都能听到或看到许多让功的感人情景;听典型报告、看英模事迹,也常有让功的动人情节。让功,就是将应得的功奖让于他人。在众多让功者中,有"事业重如山,名利淡如水"的高姿态让功,有为了整体协调凝聚的顾大局让功,也有免于使问...  相似文献   

明知故犯者戒谢洪对于领导干部来说,"明知故犯"是一种严重违反政治纪律的表现.少数领导干部在执行上级的指示时,为了个人和"小团体"的利益,以本单位和个人情况特殊为借口,讲条件、搞变通和打折扣;有的甚至采取与上级指示相悖的做法,搞"上有政策,下有对策";...  相似文献   

军人违反职责犯罪,是指军人违反职责,危害国家军事利益,依照法律应当受刑罚处罚的行为。军人违反职责犯罪严重危害我军的战斗力建设,它不仅与我军“听党指挥、服务人民、英勇善战”的优良传统背道而驰,更与我军的宗旨和履行新世纪新阶段历史使命要求相违背。我们必须以科学发展观为指导,站在加强部队战斗力建设、高质量高标准做好军事斗争准备的战略高度,正确认识和把握预防军人违反职责犯罪的重要意义。  相似文献   

近读《叔向贺贫》一文,颇多感慨。叔向贺的对象是晋国重臣韩起,韩起虽位居高官,但心里总是不平衡,觉得"吾有卿之名,而无其实"。他很羡慕那些利用职权巧取豪夺、聚敛财富、奢侈堕落的权贵,觉得自己当官不发财,整日忧心忡忡。叔向却上门祝贺,他举出栾武子、鹆昭子作为借鉴,两相对比,对“骄纵奢侈,贪欲无艺”行为进行批评,说明了忧德不忧贫的道理。  相似文献   

幼儿角色游戏中教师指导身份研究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
在幼儿园角色游戏活动的指导中,教师主要表现出三种身份:一为教育者身份,二为教育者与游戏者揉合的身份,三为游戏者身份。教师在观念上认可并向往游戏者身份,在行为上却彰显教育者身份而忽视游戏者身份。为了使教师在角色游戏中更好实现游戏者身份的指导,需要确立游戏者身份规范。  相似文献   

被告人阿某吉某于1990年10月至1991年1月受聘任联防队员。在1992年9月至11月执行巡逻任务时追回、拾回犯罪分子盗窃的汽车轮胎、铝片等价值1万余元的运输物资。二被告人除将部分物品上交公安机关外,其余价值7381元的物品被两人私自卖给他人,并侵吞价款850元。 根据二被告人的行为特征符合刑法第155条关于贪污罪的规定,二被告的行为已构成贪污罪。 贪污罪,是指国家工作人员和受国家机关、企业、事业单位、人民团体委托从事公务的人员利用职务上的便利,侵吞、盗窃、骗取或者以其他方法占有公共财物的行为。犯罪主体具有特定的身份,属特殊主体。贪污的对象仅限于公共  相似文献   

1995年1月1日起,《中华人民共和国赔偿法》实施。 中国的老百姓吃冤枉官司的,或者“认裁”了,或者不知所以,甚至有的在被无罪开释后还感恩涕零地送上锦旗牌匾,谢“青天大老爷”。这不正常,这是我国公民民主与法制观念薄弱的悲哀,更相悖于宪法国家承担赔偿责任的原则精神。 我国宪法和行政诉讼法都规定了一个原则,即国家承担国家机关或工作人员由于非法执行职务而侵犯公民权益的赔偿责任。这里  相似文献   

大陆法系国家刑法和我国刑法典中都存在预备犯。但是 ,关于预备犯的构成特征、刑事责任的根据、刑事责任的基础与立法模式都有着显著的差异。其原因在于大陆法系国家和我国在刑法理论的着重点、法律文化本位、乃至整个社会传统文化渊源上都迥然不同。借鉴大陆法系国家的立法模式 ,改善立法技术 ,完善我国预备犯的相关立法 ,是适应世界刑罚宽缓化的潮流 ,加大人权保护力度的必然要求。  相似文献   

兵役法是军事法一个重要组成部分,明确违反兵役法应承担的法律责任,为促进公民履行兵役义务与国家兵役活动的顺利进行提供法律保障。  相似文献   

The Australian Army has adopted “respect” as a new addition to the existing trio of values, “courage, initiative and teamwork.” This article explores what respect may mean as an army value. The significance of respect surrounding two incidents involving Australian Defence Force personnel while on duty in Afghanistan is considered. The first is the so-called “green on blue” attack by an Afghan National Army soldier killing three Australian soldiers on 29 August 2012. The second concerns allegations of mutilation of suspected Afghan insurgents’ corpses by soldiers attached to an Australian Special Forces Unit on 28 April 2013. The incidents have resulted in internal military investigations: in the second incident, with a view to possible prosecution for breach of the law of armed conflict and related disciplinary offences; and in the case of the green on blue attack, leading to a civilian coronial inquest. This article discusses the training and modelling of behaviour required to instil such a value as respect.  相似文献   

《中华人民共和国人民武装警察法》(以下简称《人民武装警察法》)的有关规定实质上赋予了人民武装警察的职务防卫权。人民武装警察的职务防卫权与一般公民的正当防卫权在防卫的性质、手段、强度、程序和法律责任上有着很大的不同,人民武装警察的职务防卫权是一种公权力。人民武装警察在行使职务防卫权时要注意把握时机条件和限度条件。  相似文献   

The embellishment of a warrior biography has a long history but examples of veteran elaboration of traumatic experience have become increasingly apparent. Although legislative change in the UK has removed the penalties for fabrication and a progressive decline in the military footprint may have increased the likelihood of such false trauma narratives, a paradigm shift in explanations for mental illness underpins this phenomenon. The recognition of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) in 1980, followed by studies to identify risk factors, led to a greater appreciation of psychological vulnerability. As a result, the use of shame to discourage acts formerly labelled as “cowardly” or “lacking in morale fibre” is no longer considered appropriate. Recent conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan generated popular sympathy for service personnel, whilst media focus on PTSD has led the UK public to believe that most veterans have been traumatised by their tours of duty.  相似文献   

武警部队肩负着维护国家安全和社会稳定的神圣使命。《人民武装警察法》的颁布为武警部队履行使命提供了强有力的法律保障的同时,也对武警部队的建设提出了更高的要求。从《人民武装警察法》的若干条款和武警部队现行的相关规定为基点,探讨了此法对武警部队执勤、处突工作的积极影响。  相似文献   

指挥机构是战争中的头脑,结构优化、职责分明、衔接紧密是指挥机构首要的要求.为了使指挥机构在等级调整中仍然保持相对的稳定,确定合适的进入机构系统的人员比例,是需要解决的问题.依据机构人员级别调整运行的普遍规律,对进出机构系统的人员等级结构进行建模,分析机构人员等级结构达到稳定的条件,运用递推的方法,求得在稳定的条件下应调入机构的各个等级人员比例,并按达到稳定结构的顺序对机构进行评估.  相似文献   

This article provides a detailed look at the history of the Gambia Armed Forces (GAF), a military that has received very little academic attention within the study of African state security forces. It identifies key turning points in the GAF’s history, and highlights the vastly different roles the military played in the state under President Jawara (1965–94) and President Jammeh (1994–2017). Yet, it also highlights important similarities regarding internal patterns within the armed forces and shows the ways in which these continuities may challenge attempts to restructure the security sector. The article draws on archival research and interviews conducted with retired and active duty Gambian military personnel, government officials, and Gambian scholars.  相似文献   

This article argues that the Taliban's revolutionary war (RW) program is puritanical reform informed by the Islamic legal duty of al-amr bi'l-ma‘ruf wa'l-nahy ‘an al-munkar (‘commanding what is good and forbidding what is reprehensible’). It also examines the history of this duty with examples of puritanical reform movements emerging from Berber tribes in North Africa and tribes in Arabia. Furthermore, the importance of this duty in Wahhabi Saudi Arabia, and its exportation to Pakistan where Taliban leaders imbibed this ideology, are discussed. Finally the article shows that corruption and abuses by the Afghan regime have given impetus to puritanical reformers: the condition precedent for puritanical reform is pervasive wrongdoing in an Islamic society.  相似文献   

间歇采样转发假目标对CFAR检测影响分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
分析间歇采样转发形成的假目标干扰对雷达CFAR检测的影响和间歇采样转发假目标生成机理,给出间歇采样转发假目标产生方法。在此基础上,以雷达一次搜索周期内虚警、漏警造成的检测代价作为检测性能指标,分别分析单元平均恒虚警检测器、有序恒虚警检测器、剔除和平均恒虚警检测器在间歇采样转发假目标干扰下的检测代价。着重分析间歇采样转发干扰关键参数对检测代价的影响。仿真结果表明,间歇采样转发产生的多个假目标显著提高了雷达的检测代价,检测代价受转发占空比、转发功率的影响较大,而受转发频率影响较小。在三种恒虚警检测器的对比中,剔除和平均恒虚警检测器相对于另两种检测器的检测代价更大些。  相似文献   

Armed conflict on the African continent has witnessed increasing recruitment of child soldiers, often at the hands of non-state armed groups. Unfortunately this practice continues unabated in the face of legal obligations prohibiting the recruitment of child soldiers under international humanitarian law, and international and regional human rights law. While international condemnation of the practice has led to attempts to increase the minimum age for recruitment to 18, a disjuncture persists between the legal obligations states sign up to, and the actual enforcement of these prohibitions at a domestic level.

International criminal law jurisprudence emanating from the Special Court for Sierra Leone and the International Criminal Court is being monitored closely, as these courts seek to enforce the prohibition in all armed conflicts, and against both state actors and non-state armed groups. International humanitarian law only protects child soldiers who have been unlawfully recruited. In this piece, the authors take a closer look at what amounts to unlawful recruitment in light of customary international humanitarian law, since this body of law also binds non-state actors, even without further criminalising legislation at a domestic level. Moreover, the article briefly explores whether a child can ever void this protected status by volunteering to participate directly in hostilities.  相似文献   

保护军人合法权益研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
军人合法权益是军人依法享有的各种权利与利益 ;保护军人合法权益是国家和社会的优良传统 ,是维护国防安全的客观需要 ,是依法治军的必然要求 ;国家和社会应当通过立法、行政和司法的途径保护军人的合法权益  相似文献   

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