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《消防法》是消防工作的基本法律,完善的消防法律体系应当由消防法律、消防行政法规、地方消防法规、部门消防规章和地方消防规章组成。而目前我国的消防法律体系中却没有专门的消防行政法规。因此,制定《消防法实施细则》是完善消防立法体系、细化《消防法》、落实政府消防法律职责、拓展消防部队职能和借鉴其他法律的需要。  相似文献   

消防诉讼是消防生态的有机构成部分.消防事业社会化进程的加快,势必引发更多的涉消防诉讼案件.这些案件中既有因消防执法引起的消防行政诉讼,也有因灭火救援等引起的消防民事诉讼.对消防行政诉讼的类型、消防行政执法中易引发行政诉讼的问题、做好消防行政执法工作的措施等问题进行了探析.  相似文献   

当前我国消防警力严重不足,现有消防监督体制已不能适应新形势下消防监督的需要,存在着现役体制、大包大揽的监督方式,监督任务重、消防警力不足等问题。为此,迫切需要推进消防社会化的进程,变“公安消防”为“人民消防”,建议由设计、施工、监理、检测等单位分担公安消防监督机构的部分职能,提出推进消防职业化进程、发挥中介组织的作用、转变消防监督方法、强化宣传教育等消防监督管理机制改革的新方向。  相似文献   

针对我国目前消防行政执法的现状及存在的问题 ,提出消防行政执法体制、消防行政执法理念、消防行政执法范围、消防行政执法方式、方法等方面的改革思路  相似文献   

以调研为依据,分析了当前消防管理体系存在的问题。并从进一步建立和完善社会化消防管理体系、善消防力量体系、社会消防保障体系、消防宣传教育体系几个方面,提出了一系列健全和完善消防管理体系的方案。  相似文献   

我国消防标准化工作现状分析与展望   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从消防标准化组织、消防标准体系、消防标准化管理和标准化国际交流四个方面介绍了消防标准化工作的现状。指出在消防标准与规范的协调性、消防标准体系建设和采标工作等方面存在的不足,进而得出增强标准与规范的协调性,建立消防管理标准体系,完善标准修订和采标机制是我国消防标准化工作的重点。同时结合国外消防标准化发展趋势,提出在实现消防标准国际趋同的同时,加快我国标准向国际标准的转化是今后较长时期内我国消防标准化工作的发展方向。  相似文献   

发挥社会力量办消防,发展消防中介组织,是引入资金、引入科技、普及消防知识、提高全民消防意识的重要一环.  相似文献   

立足消防档案管理工作现状,结合实际工作经验,收集大量资料,剖析了当前消防部队在档案管理工作中存在的问题并介绍了郑州市消防支队开展此项工作的经验.着眼消防事业发展未来,提出了档案管理工作的发展思路,对推动消防部队正规化建设、加强消防基层基础建设、建立健全消防监督管理体系做了有益的探索.  相似文献   

对消防行政执法工作面临的形势和存在的问题进行分析,并从社会主义法制建设、消防行政执法环境、消防行政执法人员素质和消防行政执法效能四个方面分析了消防行政执法规范化建设的重要性,指出了从消防行政执法思想、制度、信息和监督体制四个方面的规范化建设内容,最后提出了加强消防行政执法规范化建设的建议.  相似文献   

消防行政行为浅论   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在我国消防界 ,常常把公共消防安全管理活动称为消防管理和消防监督或者是消防监督管理。近年来 ,消防行政执法的概念在实践中又被广泛使用。但“消防行政行为”一词 ,却很少使用。本文就消防行政行为的概念、分类和内容进行了讨论 ,并对消防学科建设提出了几点建议。  相似文献   

Energy continues to serve as the bedrock of modern economies and the main driver of modern society. For Africa, the production and supply of energy resources such as crude oil, natural gas, uranium, coal, biomass, biofuels and other renewables are an important source of employment, rents, taxes, royalties and profits. This sector brings in several tens of billions of dollars of revenue annually. The production and delivery of such resources, however, depend on critical infrastructures such as pipelines, refineries, processing plants, terminals, rigs, electrical energy pylons, substations, pump stations, vessels, and tankers. These infrastructures have been attacked by terrorists, insurgents, vandals and saboteurs, all of whom see them as targets against which to register their grievances and extract concessions from the state. This paper is a chronological account of some of the documented incidents of terrorism, insurgency, kidnapping, destruction, sabotage, and human casualties suffered in the oil and gas sectors in Africa between 1999 and 2012. It is based on data extracted from the databases of the RAND Database of World Terrorism Incidents and the University of Maryland's Global Terrorism Database (GTD).  相似文献   

新疆伊斯兰教建筑装饰艺术的特征是以一种特殊的造型、形式、色彩、材质,多种多样的装饰技巧以及独有的审美特征体现出来的。是新疆伊斯兰教建筑文化体系中取得最高成就的一部分,是集实用功能、审美功能、认识教育功能于一体的艺术形式,蕴涵着地域环境、民情风俗、审美价值等丰富的内容,呈现出浓郁的风格特点。这些装饰艺术的特征,影响着人们的情绪,净化着穆斯林们的心灵,给观赏者以建筑装饰艺术的造型、色彩、纹饰的美感,获得审美的愉悦。  相似文献   

This article demonstrates the inconsistent and wavering Soviet attitude towards national liberation movements in general and the Palestinian organizations in particular. Until the late 1960s, the Soviets viewed these organizations with suspicion, hesitating to engage in political dialogue with them. However, in the 1970s, political and military events in the region, as well as modifications in the Kremlin's Cold War strategies, led to a general shift towards the Middle East in Soviet foreign policy. Soviet leaders showed increased willingness to provide certain Palestinian organizations with arms with which to conduct terrorist activities against Israeli, pro-Israeli, Jewish and Western targets. The article explores the complex relations between Palestinian organizations and the USSR in the field of international terror. The study also exposes and analyzes the nature and content of Soviet–Palestinian arms dialogues and transactions. It provides clear evidence that Soviet policymakers and other luminaries were fully informed of, and sometimes directly involved in, these transactions and dialogues at the highest levels.  相似文献   

针对金属化膜脉冲电容器在实际使用中由于充电结束以后较长的保压时间而产生电压跌落和能量损失,并最终导致脉冲功率电源系统的实际有效储能和储能密度下降这一实际问题,基于一种高压大容量脉冲电容器电压跌落的实验数据,分别从电导特性、自愈特性、极化特性及其与能量损失的相关性出发,推导了介质薄膜电导率与电压跌落的定量关系并进行了电导率测量实验,推导了自愈能量与电压跌落的定量关系并进行了寿命实验,阐述了松弛极化与电压跌落的定量关系并进行了仿真。结果表明,介质泄漏、自愈以及松弛极化在电压跌落中所占比例分别为29.64%、11.75%及58.35%,导致所研究电容器电压跌落的主要因素是松弛极化。  相似文献   

Ian G.Crouch 《防务技术》2021,17(6):1887-1894
The ballistic performance, and behaviour, of an armour system is governed by two major sets of variables, geometrical and material. Of these, the consistency of performance, especially against small arms ammunition, will depend upon the consistency of the properties of the constituent materials. In a body armour system for example, fibre diameter, areal density of woven fabric, and bulk density of ceramic are examples of critical parameters and monitoring such parameters will form the backbone of associated quality control procedures. What is often overlooked, because it can fall into the User’s domain, are the interfaces that exist between the various products; the carrier, the Soft Armour Insert (SAI), and the one or two hard armour plates (HAP1 and HAP2). This is especially true if the various products are sourced from different suppliers.There are between 30 and 150 individual layers within a typical body armour system, and each of the interfaces between each of those layers will, in some way or another, contribute to the ballistic performance of the system. For example, consider the following interfaces/interlayers: (i) the frictional, sliding, inter-ply surfaces within a soft armour pack, and also between the pack and the carrier, (ii) the air-gaps that may develop within the soft armour pack, (iii) the interconnecting space between the soft armour pack and the hard armour plate, (iv) the nature of the interfaces between adjacent plies of a multiplied backing laminate, even in a highly compressed Ultra High Molecular Weight Polyethylene (UHMWPE) variant, (v) the interlayer between the ceramic and its substrate, within a HAP, and (vi) the geometrical fit between two hard armour plates within a stacked body armour system. This paper will provide a User-friendly overview of all such interfaces and provide unique guidance as to their criticality and influence.  相似文献   

在构建首都大周边维稳预警机制中,情报工作具有监测、预测和辅助决策功能。社情监测离不开情报的收集,维稳社情预测依赖于情报的分析、研判、传递与通报,危害社会安全稳定案件预控离不开情报支撑。做好首都周边地区维稳预警工作,需要健全和完善情报收集制度、情报分析和研判制度、情报送报制度、相关情报工作制度以及社会舆情信息汇集与分析制度。  相似文献   


The Soviet Union was able to develop a large military-industrial complex and become the world's second superpower despite deficiencies in its centrally planned economy because defence was given high priority status and special planning, rationing and administrative mechanisms were used to attain national security objectives. However, in the period 1976-85 the effectiveness of priority protection diminished and defence institutions experienced more of the problems typical of the shortage economic system. The heavy defence burden also created growing difficulties for the civilian economy. The attempts by the Gorbachev government to reform the defence sector and improve defence-economic relationships during perestroika (1985-91) uniformly failed. For most of the transition period, the Russian military-industrial complex has been adversely affected by its low priority status, cuts in defence spending, instability of the hybrid politico-economic system, and negative growth of the economy. The armed forces and defence industry have been reduced in size and their outputs of military services and equipment have fallen to low levels. Nevertheless, the Russian armed forces still have over one million troops, significant stocks of sophisticated conventional weapons, and a large nuclear arsenal. The government of President Putin has raised the priority of the defence sector, increased real defence spending, and adopted ambitious plans to revive Russian military power. It is likely, though, that tight resource constraints will hamper efforts to reform the armed forces and to upgrade weapons. By 2010 Russia will be an important, but not dominant, military power in Eurasia.  相似文献   

某底排火箭复合增程弹为分体式结构,战斗部与发动机壳体通过螺纹联接,一次试验中弹丸在火炮约束期和半约束期内发生解体现象,弹体在与发动机壳体螺纹连接的根部发生断裂,通过对参试弹丸的相关参数和弹道跟踪雷达测得速度-时间曲线研究,以1943年空气阻力定律和炮兵用标准气象条件为研究方法,对解体前、后级弹丸的弹道参数和飞行阻力特性进行分析计算,还原了解体弹丸的实际弹道参数和飞行阻力特性,通过对分析结果与试验结果进行对比,分析结果与试验测得结果吻合较好,文中提到的研究方法可为弹丸弹道解体或零部件脱落的故障归零提供理论依据,在工程实际应用中有一定的参考价值。  相似文献   

随着管道机器人应用领域与任务需求的不断增大,机器人设计中存在的问题日益突出,如输出功能相互耦合、定位精度不高以及复杂环境下可靠性低。针对石油水平井对于管道机器人的特殊应用需求,将公理化设计理论应用到机器人系统设计中,创新设计一种基于挠性支撑结构的全液压驱动管道机器人。概述公理化基本原理与设计过程,对全液压驱动管道机器人进行概念设计,完成设计耦合性分析。确定机器人机械系统与液压系统具体结构组成,并分析其工作机理。应用AMESim软件,对机器人运动原理方案进行仿真分析,结果表明:全液压驱动管道机器人可以实现自动往复运动,牵引力可以达到30 kN,运动速度可以达到0.12 m/s;机器人牵引能力与运动速度可以完成单独调节,从而实现解耦设计。  相似文献   

张伟年  蔡辉  范冰冰 《国防科技》2021,42(3):127-134
为了推进维和军事训练的创新发展,军队必须大力进行维和训练理念、模式、方法和手段的改革,有效提升维和官兵的实战能力。本文依据多模态理论、自主学习理论和建构主义学习理论的研究成果,根据网络环境实际提出构建以培训学习者岗位任职综合技能为目的、以强军网络学习环境为依托的基于浏览器/服务器(B/S)架构模式的军事维和多模态网络自主学习平台。该平台能够让学生自主选择学习内容、查看学习进度和效果反馈、访问优质数字资源、利用虚拟社区与教师和同学共同讨论学习内容、学习心得,并且通过智能化的推荐来合理制定适合自身认知结构的学习计划和方式。平台的建立为构建以学习能力、实践能力、创新能力培养为导向,与新型军事人才培养相适应的教学体系和教学模式提供了有益的探索。  相似文献   

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