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In an earlier paper, it was shown that for the problem of testing that a sample comes from a completely specified distribution, a relatively small number of order statistics is asymptotically sufficient, and for all asymptotic probability calculations the joint distribution of these order statistics can be assumed to be normal. In the present paper, these results are extended to certain cases where the problem is to test the hypothesis that a sample comes from a distribution which is a member of a specified parametric family of distributions, with the parameters unspecified.  相似文献   
We consider the problem of scheduling n tasks on two identical parallel processors. We show both in the case when the processing times for the n tasks are independent exponential random variables, and when they are independent hyperexponentials which are mixtures of two fixed exponentials, that the policy of performing tasks with longest expected processing time (LEPT) first minimizes the expected makespan, and that in the hyperexponential case the policy of performing tasks with shortest expected processing time (SEPT) first minimizes the expected flow time. The approach is simpler than the dynamic programming approach recently employed by Bruno and Downey.  相似文献   
For each n., X1(n), X2(n), …, Xn(n) are IID, with common pdf fn(x). y1(n) < … < Yn (n) are the ordered values of X1 (n), …, Xn(n). Kn is a positive integer, with lim Kn = ∞. Under certain conditions on Kn and fn (x), it was shown in an earlier paper that the joint distribution of a special set of Kn + 1 of the variables Y1 (n), …, Yn (n) can be assumed to be normal for all asymptotic probability calculations. In another paper, it was shown that if fn (x) approaches the pdf which is uniform over (0, 1) at a certain rate as n increases, then the conditional distribution of the order statistics not in the special set can be assumed to be uniform for all asymptotic probability calculations. The present paper shows that even if fn (x) does not approach the uniform distribution as n increases, the distribution of the order statistics contained between order statistics in the special set can be assumed to be the distribution of a quadratic function of uniform random variables, for all asymptotic probability calculations. Applications to statistical inference are given.  相似文献   
A sample is taken from a continuous multivariate distribution. The problem is to test the hypothesis that the unknown joint cumulative distribution function is equal to a completely specified function. The observed data are transformed so that the hypothesis being tested is that the distribution is uniform over a unit hypercube. If only neighboring alternatives are considered, it is shown that the numbers of observations falling in a gradually increasing number of subcubes are asymptotically sufficient. It is shown that for all asymptotic probability calculations, we can assume that the joint distribution of the numbers of observations can be considered to be the distribution of slightly rounded off normal random variables. Tests based on these facts are constructed.  相似文献   
The classical Economic Order Quantity Model requires the parameters of the model to be constant. Some EOQ models allow a single parameter to change with time. We consider EOQ systems in which one or more of the cost or demand parameters will change at some time in the future. The system we examine has two distinct advantages over previous models. One obvious advantage is that a change in any of the costs is likely to affect the demand rate and we allow for this. The second advantage is that often, the times that prices will rise are fairly well known by announcement or previous experience. We present the optimal ordering policy for these inventory systems with anticipated changes and a simple method for computing the optimal policy. For cases where the changes are in the distant future we present a myopic policy that yields costs which are near-optimal. In cases where the changes will occur in the relatively near future the optimal policy is significantly better than the myopic policy.  相似文献   
Under certain conditions, a sample from a multivariate distribution can be grouped in such a way that asymptotically (as the sample size increases) no information is lost by grouping, and the joint distribution of the observed frequencies can be approximated by a multivariate normal distribution. © 1993 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   
The phenomenon of global warming has led to a revival of the prospects for increased nuclear energy production worldwide, yet such increased production carries with it the increased risk of proliferation. To mitigate this risk, various multinational arrangements have been proposed to provide reliable supply of nuclear fuel while at the same time discouraging the construction of national plants for nuclear enrichment and reprocessing. This article provides a brief history of some of these proposals and concludes that the likelihood of success for such schemes as effective tools for nonproliferation is not high at this time. A proposal from the World Council on Renewable Energy to expand the understanding of supplier obligations under Article IV of the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT) to include the development of non-nuclear energy technologies for NPT parties in good standing is potentially a much better nonproliferation tool. Such an approach tracks the ideas contained in Title V of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Act of 1978, which has recently received revived congressional interest.  相似文献   
In an earlier paper, it was shown that under certain conditions, if the number of classes in a multinomial distribution increases as the number of trials increases, the probabilities assigned to arbitrary regions by the multinomial distribution are close to the probabilities assigned by the distribution of slightly rounded-off normal random variables. A different method of studying the approximation of the multinomial distribution by a normal distribution is to use the multivariate Berry-Esseen bound. In this paper, these two methods are compared, particularly with respect to the class of multinomial distributions for which the bounds on the error remain useful.  相似文献   
Take n independent identically distributed (IID) observations from a continuous r-variate population, and choose some order statistics from each of the r variates. These order statistics are used to construct a grid in r-dimensional space. Under certain conditions, it is shown that as n increases we can choose an increasing number of order statistics in such a way that the asymptotic joint distribution of the chosen order statistics and of the frequencies of sample points falling in the cells of the grid can be assumed to be a normal distribution. An application to testing independence of random variables is given.  相似文献   
In this article we address the problem of scheduling a single project network with both precedence and resource constraints through the use of a local search technique. We choose a solution definition which guarantees precedence feasibility, allowing the procedure to focus on overcoming resource infeasibility. We use the 110-problem data set of Patterson to test our procedure. Our results indicate a significant improvement over the best heuristic results reported to date for these problems (Bell and Han [1]). Two major advantages of the local search algorithm are its ability to handle arbitrary objective functions and constraints and its effectiveness over a wide range of problem sizes. We present a problem example with an objective function and resource constraints which include nonlinear and non-continuous components, which are easily considered by the procedure. The results of our algorithm are significantly better than random solutions to the problem. © 1993 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   
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