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Environmentally friendly energy resources open a new opportunity to tackle the problem of energy security and climate change arising from wide use of fossil fuels. This paper focuses on optimizing the allocation of the energy generated by the renewable energy system to minimize the total electricity cost for sustainable manufacturing systems under time‐of‐use tariff by clipping the peak demand. A rolling horizon approach is adopted to handle the uncertainty caused by the weather change. A nonlinear mathematical programming model is established for each decision epoch based on the predicted energy generation and the probability distribution of power demand in the manufacturing plant. The objective function of the model is shown to be convex, Lipchitz‐continuous, and subdifferentiable. A generalized benders decomposition method based on the primal‐dual subgradient descent algorithm is proposed to solve the model. A series of numerical experiments is conducted to show the effectiveness of the solution approach and the significant benefits of using the renewable energy resources.  相似文献   
当前我国基础教育领域正在进行一场意义深远的课程改革,促进信息技术与课程整合成为其中的重要内容之一。信息技术与中小学数学学科的整合,使得中小学数学教学中学习内容和学习形式、教学观念和教学方式都产生了一系列的变化,本文通过在初中数学教学中进行的信息技术与课程整合实践尝试,总结了将信息技术有效地与中学数学课程整合,可以培养学生学习数学兴趣和实践能力。  相似文献   
针对军队干部交流分配常常采用定性方法的现状,结合每年都要交流大量干部的实际情况,在可行、合理交流的基础上,综合利用Delphi法、系统分解与协调法建立了干部交流分配模型,从而实现了干部在各种类别之间的交流,为军队干部的交流分配提供了定量依据.  相似文献   
针对常规潜艇柴油机排气系统集水箱,分别建立了不同管束结构集水箱的数值模型,并得到了各自内部流场及温度场的分布;分析了细管长度、细管转折形式和布置形式对其冷却降温性能和阻力特性的影响。结果表明:内层管长L1大于外层管长L2的结构比等管长的结构排气阻力小,降温冷却效果更明显;细管末端的弯管与折管相比,排气阻力小,降温性能更优越。  相似文献   
Under quasi‐hyperbolic discounting, the valuation of a payoff falls relatively rapidly for earlier delay periods, but then falls more slowly for longer delay periods. When the salespersons with quasi‐hyperbolic discounting consider the product sale problem, they would exert less effort than their early plan, thus resulting in losses of future profit. We propose a winner‐takes‐all competition to alleviate the above time inconsistent behaviors of the salespersons, and allow the company to maximize its revenue by choosing an optimal bonus. To evaluate the effects of the competition scheme, we define the group time inconsistency degree of the salespersons, which measures the consequence of time inconsistent behaviors, and two welfare measures, the group welfare of the salespersons and the company revenue. We show that the competition always improves the group welfare and the company revenue as long as the company chooses to run the competition in the first place. However, the effect on group time inconsistency degree is mixed. When the optimal bonus is moderate (extreme high), the competition motivates (over‐motivates) the salesperson to work hard, thus alleviates (worsens) the time inconsistent behaviors. © 2017 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Naval Research Logistics 64: 357–372, 2017  相似文献   
小城镇的社会管理不仅是城镇化发展的有机组成部分,而且对党的十六届六中全会上提出的“构建社会主义和谐社会”具有重要意义。而特殊体制下的兵团社会管理,与全国小城镇社会管理的基本要求既有相同之处,又有其独特之处。加强兵团小城镇建设的社会管理,推进和谐社区建设,不仅有利于兵团经济的发展,更有利于兵团更好地履行屯垦戍边的使命。文章通过对兵团小城镇现有模式的分析,针对当前兵团以人为本的社区建设情况,对兵团小城镇的社会管理的应对措施提出建议。  相似文献   
将资源环境约束视为装备可持续发展的阻力,从资源约束与环境约束2个方面建立了装备可持续发展能力的度量模型。采用因素分解法将资源约束与环境约束的影响因素逐层分解细化,得到了衡量资源约束与环境约束程度的指标体系;采用幂权重法将各级影响因素自底向上汇总,实现了对装备可持续发展能力的度量;并通过算例验证了度量模型的适用性。研究结果可为装备可持续发展量化分析提供方法支撑。  相似文献   
为研究钢管在弹体侵彻过程中的变形特点,基于ANSYS/LS-DYNA软件,采用Johnson-Cook模型,模拟了半球形弹体以不同速度正向冲击钢管时的非线性动力响应情况。结果表明:弹体速度越小,钢管的抗侵彻性能越好;弹体速度越接近临界破坏速度,钢管降低弹体速度的能力就越明显;弹体冲击钢管时,钢管上表面比下表面更容易产生大变形,消耗更多的弹体动能,并在抗侵彻过程中伴有局部凹陷、蝶形变形和贯穿现象。实验结果可为圆柱壳结构钢管在冲击荷载作用下的耗能分析提供参考。  相似文献   
学术期刊以刊发学术论文为主。由于近年来各类高校对教师职称评定,硕士、博士研究生毕业获得学位等,均有在学术期刊发表文章数量的硬性要求,使得各类学术期刊的发展速度普遍较快。但是,受各种因素的影响,学术期刊的质量却有所下降,令人担忧。必须着力从六个方面入手提高学术期刊的质量,增加其品牌竞争力。  相似文献   
造型技术是CAD/CAM的核心技术。本文较详细地介绍了几何造型、壳体造型及特征造型的理论与算法,分析了各种造型方法及形体表示方法的优缺点,最后探讨了造型技术的发展趋势。  相似文献   
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