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A transportation system has N vehicles with no capacity constraint which take passengers from a depot to various destinations and return to the depot. The trip times are considered to be independent and identically distributed random variables. The dispatch strategy at the depot is to dispatch immediately, or to hold any returning vehicles with the objective of minimizing the average wait per passenger at the depot, if passengers arrive at a uniform rate. Optimal control strategies and resulting waits are determined in the special case of exponentially distributed trip time for various N up to N = 15. For N ? 1, the nature of the solution is always to keep a reservoir of vehicles in the depot, and to decrease (increase) the time headway between dispatches as the size of the reservoir gets larger (smaller). For sufficiently large N, one can approximate the number of vehicles in the reservoir by a continuum and obtain analytic experession for the optimal dispatch rate as a function of the number of vehicles in the reservoir. For the optimal strategy, it is shown that the average number of vehicles in the depot is of order N1/3. These limit properties are expected to be quite insensitive to the actual trip time distribution, but the convergence of the exact properties to the continuum approximation as N → ∞ is very slow.  相似文献   
New closure theorems for shock models in reliability theory are presented. If the number of shocks to failure and the times between the arrivals of shocks have probability distributions of phase type, then so has the time to failure. PH-distributions are highly versatile and may be used to model many qualitative features of practical interest. They are also well-suited for algorithmic implementation. The computational aspects of our results are discussed in some detail.  相似文献   
This article is concerned with the optimal location of any number (n) of facilities in relation to any number (m) of destinations on the Euclidean plane. The criterion to be satisfied is the minimization of total weighted distances where the distances are rectangular. The destinations may be either single points, lines or rectangular areas. A gradient reduction solution procedure is described which has the property that the direction of descent is determined by the geometrical properties of the problem.  相似文献   
Capacity expansion models typically minimize the discounted cost of acquisition and operation over a given planning horizon. In this article we generalize this idea to one in which a capital supply curve replaces the usual discount rate. A capital supply curve is a means to model financial outlook, investment limits, and risk. We show that when such a curve is included in a capacity expansion model, it will, under certain conditions, provide a less capital intensive solution than one which incorporates a discount rate. In this article, we also provide an algorithm that solves capacity expansion models that incorporate a capital supply curve. The attractive feature of this algorithm is that it provides a means to utilize the “discount rate” models efficiently. Throughout, we give applications in power generation planning and computational experience for this application is also presented.  相似文献   
This article addresses the problem of explicitly taking into account uncertainty about the demand for spare parts in making inventory procurement and stockage decisions. The model described provides for a unified treatment of the closely related problems of statistical estimation of demand and resource allocation within the inventory system, and leads to an easily implemented, efficient method of determining requirements for spare parts both in the early provisioning phase and in later periods of operations when demand data have accumulated Analyses of the model's theoretical foundations and of sample outcomes of the model based upon data on parts intended for use in the F-14 lead to conclusions of great importance to both support planners and operations planners Finally, of particular significance is the ability afforded the planner by this model to quantify the impact on inventory system costs of varying levels of system reliability or management uncertainty as to projected system performance. This will provide an economic basis for analysis of such alternatives as early deployment, operational testing, and equipment redesign.  相似文献   
A method is presented to locate and allocate p new facilities in relation to n existing facilities. Each of the n existing facilities has a requirement flow which must be supplied by the new facilities. Rectangular distances are assumed to exist between all facilities. The algorithm proceeds in two stages. In the first stage a set of all possible optimal new facility locations is determined by a set reduction algorithm. The resultant problem is shown to be equivalent to finding the p-median of a weighted connected graph. In the second stage the optimal locations and allocations are obtained by using a technique for solving the p-median problem.  相似文献   
Adequate prediction of a response variable using a multiple linear regression model is shown in this article to be related to the presence of multicollinearities among the predictor variables. If strong multicollinearities are present in the data, this information can be used to determine when prediction is likely to be accurate. A region of prediction, R, is proposed as a guide for prediction purposes. This region is related to a prediction interval when the matrix of predictor variables is of full column rank, but it can also be used when the sample is undersized. The Gorman-Toman ten-variable data is used to illustrate the effectiveness of the region R.  相似文献   
Some U.S. military leaders have asserted that the United States, Japan, Australia, and India and the Republic of Korea are developing multilateral defense cooperation to deter aggression and uphold norms much like North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) has in Europe. Frequent military exercises and China’s threats to freedom of navigation (FoN) and North Korea’s nuclear missiles comprise the motive force for such cooperation. However, cooperation thus far has been trilateral and minimal, given divergent national interests and dispersed geopolitical locations. Cooperation among Japan, Republic of Korea (ROK), and the United States is increasing given the threat, but ROK’s public opinion is divided about Japan. Australia, Japan, and India have increased cooperation with the United States but are reluctant to conduct FoN operations with the United States to challenge China’s expansionism in the South China Sea. If China becomes more aggressive and blocks FoN or seizes territory, development toward an Asian NATO is possible.  相似文献   
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