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Book reviews     
British Military History: a Supplement to Robin Higham's Guide to the Sources.. Edited by Gerald Jordan. Garland, New York (1988), xii + 586 pp., $75.00

Red Duster at War. By John Slader. William Kimber, London (1988), 352 pp., £15.50

Armed Services and Society. By Martin Edmonds. Leicester University Press, Leicester (1988), 226 pp., £25.00  相似文献   
A transportation system has N vehicles with no capacity constraint which take passengers from a depot to various destinations and return to the depot. The trip times are considered to be independent and identically distributed random variables. The dispatch strategy at the depot is to dispatch immediately, or to hold any returning vehicles with the objective of minimizing the average wait per passenger at the depot, if passengers arrive at a uniform rate. Optimal control strategies and resulting waits are determined in the special case of exponentially distributed trip time for various N up to N = 15. For N ? 1, the nature of the solution is always to keep a reservoir of vehicles in the depot, and to decrease (increase) the time headway between dispatches as the size of the reservoir gets larger (smaller). For sufficiently large N, one can approximate the number of vehicles in the reservoir by a continuum and obtain analytic experession for the optimal dispatch rate as a function of the number of vehicles in the reservoir. For the optimal strategy, it is shown that the average number of vehicles in the depot is of order N1/3. These limit properties are expected to be quite insensitive to the actual trip time distribution, but the convergence of the exact properties to the continuum approximation as N → ∞ is very slow.  相似文献   
This paper discusses a class of queueing models in which the service time of a customer al a single server facility is dependent on the queue size at the onset of its service. The Laplace transform for the wait in queue distribution is derived and the utilization of the server is given when the arrival is a homogeneous Poisson process.  相似文献   
Mathematical models of tactical problems in Hntisubmarine Warfare (ASW) are developed. Specifically, a game of pursuit between a hunter-killer force. player 1, and a possible submarine, player 2 is considered. The game consists of a sequence of moves and terminates when player 2 is tcaught or evades player 1. When the players move they observe the actual tactical configuration of the forces (state) and each player choosa-s a tactical plan from a finite collection. This joint choice of tactical plans determines an immediate payoff and a transition probability distribution over the states. Hence an expected payoff function is defined, Formally this game is a Terminating Stochastic Game (TSG). Shapley demonstrated the existence of a value and optimal strategies (solution), An iterative technique to approximate the solution to within desired accuracy is proposed. Each iteration of the technique is obtained by solving a set of linear programs. To introduce more realism into the game several variations of the TSG are also considered. One variation is a finite TSG and linear programming techniques are employed to find the solution.  相似文献   
This article is concerned with the optimal location of any number (n) of facilities in relation to any number (m) of destinations on the Euclidean plane. The criterion to be satisfied is the minimization of total weighted distances where the distances are rectangular. The destinations may be either single points, lines or rectangular areas. A gradient reduction solution procedure is described which has the property that the direction of descent is determined by the geometrical properties of the problem.  相似文献   
This paper investigates the effect on the optimum solution of a (capacitated) transportation problem when the data of the problem (the rim conditions-i. e., the warehouse supplies and market demands-the per unit transportation costs and the upper bounds) are continuously varied as a (linear) function of a single parameter. An operator theory is developed and algorithms provided for applying rim and cost operators that effect the transformation of optimum solution associated with changes in rim conditions and unit costs. Bound operators that effect changes in upper bounds are shown to be equivalent to rim operators. The discussion in this paper is limited to basis preserving operators for which the changes in the data are such that the optimum basis structures are preserved.  相似文献   
This paper describes a linear programming model used to perform cost-effectiveness analysis to determine the requirements for military strategic mobility resources. Expenditures for three classes of economic alternatives are considered: purchase of transportation resources; prepositioning of material; and augmentation of port facilities. The mix of economic alternatives that maximizes the effectiveness of the resultant transportation system is determined for a given investment level. By repeating the analysis for several levels of investment, a cost-effectiveness tradeoff curve can be developed.  相似文献   
This paper considers a logistics system modelled as a transportation problem with a linear cost structure and lower bounds on supply from each origin and to each destination. We provide an algorithm for obtaining the growth path of such a system, i. e., determining the optimum shipment patterns and supply levels from origins and to destinations, when the total volume handled in the system is increased. Extensions of the procedure for the case when the costs of supplying are convex and piecewise linear and for solving transportation problems that are not in “standard form” are discussed. A procedure is provided for determining optimal plant capacities when the market requirements have prespecified growth rates. A goal programming growth model where the minimum requirements are treated as goals rather than as absolute requirements is also formulated.  相似文献   
Multicollinearity and nonnormal errors are problems often encountered in the application of linear regression. Estimators are proposed for dealing with the simultaneous occurrence of both multicollinearity and nonnormality. These estimators are developed by combining biased estimation techniques with certain robust criteria. An iteratively reweighted least-squares procedure is used to compute the estimates. The performance of the combined estimators is studied empirically through Monte Carlo experiments structured according to factorial designs. With respect to a mean-squared-error criterion, the combined estimators are superior to ordinary least-squares, pure biased estimators, and pure robust estimators when multicollinearity and nonnormality are present. The loss in efficiency for the combined estimators relative to least squares is small when these problems do not occur. Some guidelines for the use of these combined estimators are given.  相似文献   
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