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介绍了防空武器系统伪装技术和发展现状,分析了防空武器系统伪装的发展趋势,并对我军在未来高技术条件下局部战争中的伪装方法提出了一些建议。  相似文献   
随着高新技术的迅猛发展和我军一大批高新技术装备陆续配发部队,如何发挥新装备的使用效能,使之真正形成战斗力,已成为军队装备建设中一个亟待解决的问题。结合装备建设实际,以系统的观点,阐述了搞好装备人才训练的途径和基本做法,旨在从根本上保证新装备迅速形成战斗力。  相似文献   
Environmentally friendly energy resources open a new opportunity to tackle the problem of energy security and climate change arising from wide use of fossil fuels. This paper focuses on optimizing the allocation of the energy generated by the renewable energy system to minimize the total electricity cost for sustainable manufacturing systems under time‐of‐use tariff by clipping the peak demand. A rolling horizon approach is adopted to handle the uncertainty caused by the weather change. A nonlinear mathematical programming model is established for each decision epoch based on the predicted energy generation and the probability distribution of power demand in the manufacturing plant. The objective function of the model is shown to be convex, Lipchitz‐continuous, and subdifferentiable. A generalized benders decomposition method based on the primal‐dual subgradient descent algorithm is proposed to solve the model. A series of numerical experiments is conducted to show the effectiveness of the solution approach and the significant benefits of using the renewable energy resources.  相似文献   
靶场试验与鉴定项目风险管理探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
靶场试验与鉴定中的风险发生可能会对试验与鉴定目标的实现造成较大的负面影响,要求管理者主动采取有效的风险管理方法来减少风险发生的概率或降低风险带来的损失。鉴于靶场试验与鉴定的项目特性,将项目风险管理的方法应用于靶场试验与鉴定风险管理中,分别从风险管理组织构建、风险识别与评估、风险应对处理策略、风险管理总结评价几个方面进行探讨,为靶场试验与鉴定管理提供借鉴。  相似文献   
本文从武器装备技术创新管理的概念入手,归纳总结出武器装备技术创新管理的主要特点;然后找出我军在武器装备技术创新过程中存在的薄弱环节,进而说明加强武器装备技术创新管理的必要性;最后提出加强武器装备技术创新管理的对策与建议。  相似文献   
无人直升机辨识的一种新方法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
针对无人直升机的辨识建模问题,提出了把频率响应辨识法和遗传算法相结合的一种新的辨识方法.该方法充分结合了频率响应辨识法抗噪声能力强、对输入信号通用性强、以及遗传算法的全局寻优特性的优点,极大地提高了辨识的准确性.与最小二乘法、Levy方法的对比仿真结果表明,这种方法辨识精度更高,具有重要的工程使用价值.  相似文献   
军史编研人员是传承历史续写文明的"播火者".在培育和践行当代革命军人核心价值观活动中,必须以身作则、率先垂范、努力学习、躬身践行.一是要深刻理解精髓要义,切实增强模范践行的责任感;二是要充分认清职责使命,切实提高模范践行的高标准;三是要严格落实规章制度,切实塑造模范践行的好形象.  相似文献   
90后大学生是一个极具特色的群体,文化多元与社会转型给他们的德育教育带来了很大的冲击与影响。本文结合多元文化影响下的90后大学生思想特征,提出相应的对策,以期为深入开展大学生德育教育提供依据。  相似文献   
We consider a finite horizon periodic review, single product inventory system with a fixed setup cost and two stochastic demand classes that differ in their backordering costs. In each period, one must decide whether and how much to order, and how much demand of the lower class should be satisfied. We show that the optimal ordering policy can be characterized as a state dependent (s,S) policy, and the rationing structure is partially obtained based on the subconvexity of the cost function. We then propose a simple heuristic rationing policy, which is easy to implement and close to optimal for intensive numerical examples. We further study the case when the first demand class is deterministic and must be satisfied immediately. We show the optimality of the state dependent (s,S) ordering policy, and obtain additional rationing structural properties. Based on these properties, the optimal ordering and rationing policy for any state can be generated by finding the optimal policy of only a finite set of states, and for each state in this set, the optimal policy is obtained simply by choosing a policy from at most two alternatives. An efficient algorithm is then proposed. © 2010 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Naval Research Logistics, 2010  相似文献   
DSP系统中WatchDog与UART的FPGA实现   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
卫星话音通信设备广泛采用了DSP+FPGA的系统结构。为了保证话音通信的工作模式随业务变化作自适应切换,需要和UART监控信道随时交换信息;同时,为保障系统安全可靠工作,还需采用故障监控WatchDog电路。文中研究了WatchDog和UART的FPGA设计实现过程,区别于传统方案中使用专用芯片MAX6701、TL16C550分别实现WatchDog、UART功能,直接利用声码板上现成的FPGA芯片Lattice 4256V-10T100I实现上述两功能,并在话音处理系统中进行了硬件测试。结果表明:与传统方案相比,文中方案具有资源利用率高、体积轻便、功耗低、系统配置方便等优点。  相似文献   
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