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Since the end of the Cold War the process of nation building has become a priority in the attempt to maintain world order and security in the wake of the instability and devastation wrought by failed and war-torn states. The proliferation of nation-building missions has led to their diversification and the need to marshal a vast array of resources in order to attain substantial levels of success. This article deals with a new and important component of peacekeeping and nation-building missions, that of civilian policing. The article outlines the goals of using civilian police officers in nation-building missions and discusses a variety of problems (pragmatic, legal, and cultural) that policing may introduce to such missions. This discussion is focused around the civilian policing component of the United Nations Mission in Kosovo. It delineates the successes and hardships so far experienced during the mission in Kosovo and explores the insights that the mission may provide for similar projects in the future.  相似文献   
Let {Xi} be independent HNBUE (Harmonic New Better Than Used in Expectation) random variables and let {Yi} be independent exponential random variables such that E{Xi}=E{Yi} It is shown that \documentclass{article}\pagestyle{empty}\begin{document}$ E\left[{u\left({\mathop {\min \,X_i}\limits_{l \le i \le n}} \right)} \right] \ge E\left[{u\left({\mathop {\min \,Y_i}\limits_{l \le i \le n}} \right)} \right] $\end{document} for all increasing and concave u. This generalizes a result of Kubat. When comparing two series systems with components of equal cost, one with lifetimes {Xi} and the other with lifetimes {Yi}, it is shown that a risk-averse decision-maker will prefer the HNBUE system. Similar results are obtained for parallel systems.  相似文献   
The Face of Battle: by John Keegan. Jonathan Cape, London, 1976; Viking Press, New York, 1976; Penguin Books, Harmondsworth, 1978, 1983, 1984.  相似文献   
A basic problem in scheduling involves the sequencing of a set of independent tasks at a single facility with the objective of minimizing mean tardiness. Although the problem is relatively simple, the determination of an optimal sequence remains a challenging combinatorial problem. A number of algorithms have been developed for finding solutions, and this paper reports a comparative evaluation of these procedures. Computer programs for five separate algorithms were written and all were run on a data base designed to highlight computational differences. Optimizing algorithms developed by Emmons and by Srinivasan appeared to be particularly efficient in the comparative study.  相似文献   
This paper describes a method of solving aircraft service life problems. The particular application concerns aircraft in the Naval Advanced Jet Training Command. The method of solution is comparative present value analysis of alternative replacement policies. The likely risks of estimation errors are reflected in the comparisons of present values. Differences are noted in the benefits associated with each policy, but external to Naval Aviation. Since the values of these benefits can be determined only at a higher level of decision-making, the result of the study is not a conclusive selection among policies, but a schedule of present values on the basis of which, together with values of the external benefits, a decision can be reached. This paper discusses replacement policies for aircraft used in the Naval Advanced Jet Pilot Training mission. Taking engineering technology and the training syllabus as given, four feasible plans for introducing replacement aircraft into service are evaluated in terms of the present values of differential costs associated with the plans and in terms of the likely errors in cost estimates used in calculation of the present values. The trade-off between present value of costs and planning flexibility is emphasized in choosing a recommended time pattern of aircraft replacement. The specific aircraft mixes considered are the TF–9J/TAF–9J and the TA–4F/A–4B. The first is the currently employed mix; the second is the proposed replacement. The problem is to select an optimal time-pattern of replacement of F–9's by A–4's, given technological differences favoring the A–4 and increasing costs of maintaining squadrons of F–9's. Replacements by aircraft types other than the A–4 are considered impractical. Four feasible plans for introducing A–4's through a 5-year period are evaluated in terms of current best estimates of the related costs of the plans and in terms of the flexibility of modifying each plan given future better information concerning the relevant costs. The method of analysis is comparative present value of expected costs.  相似文献   
This paper considers the problem of computing optimal ordering policies for a product that has a life of exactly two periods when demand is random. Initially costs are charged against runouts (stockouts) and outdating (perishing). By charging outdating costs according to the expected amount of outdating one period into the future, a feasible one period model is constructed. The central theorem deals with the n-stage dynamic problem and demonstrates the appropriate cost functions are convex in the decision variable and also provides bounds on certain derivatives. The model is then generalized to include ordering and holding costs. The paper is concluded with a discussion of the infinite horizon problem.  相似文献   
A method is presented to locate and allocate p new facilities in relation to n existing facilities. Each of the n existing facilities has a requirement flow which must be supplied by the new facilities. Rectangular distances are assumed to exist between all facilities. The algorithm proceeds in two stages. In the first stage a set of all possible optimal new facility locations is determined by a set reduction algorithm. The resultant problem is shown to be equivalent to finding the p-median of a weighted connected graph. In the second stage the optimal locations and allocations are obtained by using a technique for solving the p-median problem.  相似文献   
The treatment of force-level constraints in time-sequential combat optimization problems is illustrated by further studying the fire-programming problem of Isbell and Marlow. By using the theory of state variable inequality constraints from modern optimal control theory, sharper results are obtained on necessary conditions of optimality for an optimal fire-distribution policy (in several cases justifying conjectures made in previous analysis). This leads to simplification of the determination of the domains of controllability for extremals leading to the various terminal states of combat. (Additionally, some new results for the determination of boundary conditions for the adjoint variables in optimal control problems with state variable inequality constraints have arisen from this work.) Some further extensions of previous analysis of the fire-programming problem are also given. These clarify some key points in the solution synthesis. Some important military principles for target selection and the valuation of combat resources are deduced from the solution. As a result of this work, more general time-sequential combat optimization problems can be handled, and a more systematic solution procedure is developed.  相似文献   
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