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新德里的问题不在于缺少资金,而是缺乏战略想象。缺乏明确目标的国防领导层已经严重制约了印度在亚洲的战略姿态。  相似文献   
战争在不同的地区表现形式不同,所带来的挑战也是不一样的。随着美军于伊拉克进行的军事行动宣告结束.其于伊拉克获得的许多经验和教训可为驻阿富汗部队学习和应用。当然,美军所要采取的行动也要与不同的地域及环境相适应。  相似文献   
冲绳争议早在伊拉克战争前就已经存在了.而且建立更平等的同盟关系这一呼吁也是不可避免的。但是.美国的单边主义和其傲慢且笨拙的外交让日本深深地担心和失望。特别是在伊拉克战争的催化下,日本的这些情绪表现得更为明显和激烈。  相似文献   
上周,印度和俄罗斯最终敲定了一项防务合作计划,即在未来10年内俄向印交付250~300架双方联合开发的第五代战斗机和45架多用途运输机,对此,印度国防部长指出,这将成为印俄联合开发的旗舰级项目。作为这一模式的代表,印俄曾成功地联合研发布拉莫斯巡航导弹。  相似文献   
前不久,北约峰会于葡萄矛首都里斯本召开。显而易见,在此次峰会上,美国仍是主角,它与其他北约成员国就欧洲的导弹防御形势、美国曾经部署在部分欧洲国家的核武器的撤出、网络战争、于国际重点航线进行的巡航、部署于部分中东国家的军事力量等议题展开了讨论。总的来说,里斯本峰会的内容又一次由美国进行了主导,且美国主导欧洲的形势仍将继续存在。  相似文献   
印度军队的形象正在大打折扣:越来越多的军官被控腐败,这种上升势头令人警惕;高级将士受不了糟糕的服役环境,接二连三选择退伍;越来越多的蓄意谋杀事件在军营中上演,心怀不满的士兵们经常枪杀上级。这一切都在严重打击着印度国防力量的形象。  相似文献   
With increasing international and civilian conflicts, developing advanced body armor has become an emerging field in academia and industry. Nanotechnology, by means of, incorporating nanomaterials, is considered a highly effective technique to achieve this goal. It has been widely studied in defense applications owing to high strength-to-weight ratios and excellent energy absorption capability of nanomaterials. Hence, this review encompasses the latest application of nanotechnology involving nan...  相似文献   
The shielding and corrosion properties of the Alloy 709 advanced austenitic stainless steel have been investigated as a candidate canister material in spent fuel dry casks. The results revealed that the experimental and computational data of the linear and mass attenuation coefficients of the alloy are in good agreement, in which the attenuation coefficient values decreased with increasing photon energy.Alloy 709 was shown to exhibit the highest linear attenuation coefficient against gamma rays ...  相似文献   
In this paper, the blade is assumed to be a rotating variable thickness cantilever twisted plate structure,and the natural vibrations of variable thickness cantilever twisted plate made of metal porous material are studied. It is assumed that the thickness of the plate changes along spanwise direction and chordwise direction, respectively, and it changes in both directions. The classical thin shell theory, the first and second fundamental forms of surface and von Karman geometric relationship ar...  相似文献   
This paper investigates the effects of the physical properties on the microstructure and weldability of explosive welding by joining two metals with a significant contrast in thermophysical properties:stainless steel and copper. Sound welds between stainless steel and copper were obtained, and the interfacial morphology was wavy, regardless of the position of the materials. The weldability of dissimilar pairs was found to be more dependent on the relationship between the physical properties of t...  相似文献   
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