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The shielding and corrosion properties of the Alloy 709 advanced austenitic stainless steel have been investigated as a candidate canister material in spent fuel dry casks. The results revealed that the experimental and computational data of the linear and mass attenuation coefficients of the alloy are in good agreement, in which the attenuation coefficient values decreased with increasing photon energy.Alloy 709 was shown to exhibit the highest linear attenuation coefficient against gamma rays ...  相似文献   
In this paper, the blade is assumed to be a rotating variable thickness cantilever twisted plate structure,and the natural vibrations of variable thickness cantilever twisted plate made of metal porous material are studied. It is assumed that the thickness of the plate changes along spanwise direction and chordwise direction, respectively, and it changes in both directions. The classical thin shell theory, the first and second fundamental forms of surface and von Karman geometric relationship ar...  相似文献   
This paper investigates the effects of the physical properties on the microstructure and weldability of explosive welding by joining two metals with a significant contrast in thermophysical properties:stainless steel and copper. Sound welds between stainless steel and copper were obtained, and the interfacial morphology was wavy, regardless of the position of the materials. The weldability of dissimilar pairs was found to be more dependent on the relationship between the physical properties of t...  相似文献   
This study elaborates on the effects of matrix rigidity on the high-velocity impact behaviour of UHMWPE textile composites using experimental and numerical methods. Textile composite samples were manufactured of a plain-weave fabric(comprising Spectra? 1000 fibres) and four different matrix materials.High-velocity impact tests were conducted by launching a spherical steel projectile to strike on the prepared samples via a gas gun. The experimental results showed that the textile composites gradu...  相似文献   
The conventional case of patch repair involves bonding a patch over single damage/hole in the laminate.This work investigates the effect of interaction of two holes on the tensile behavior patch repaired carbon epoxy woven laminates. The specimens of [0°/45°/45°/0°] laminates were repaired with adhesively bonded two-ply [45°]2external patches. Three different cases of drilled specimens were produced with different hole arrangements viz. specimens with single central hole(SH), with two holes alig...  相似文献   
目前,英、法、德、意大利、荷兰、西班牙等老牌西欧海军强国,在水面战舰建造中具有三个明显特点:一是以6000吨以下的中、小型水面战舰为主,非常适于中、小国家海军使用;二是技术先进,作战能力不亚于美海军战舰;三是经济实用,可担负多种作战任务。而2002年2月开始海试的西班牙海军的F-100“宙斯盾”导弹护卫舰有幸成为实践新概念的先行者。  相似文献   
在一个正在开发建设中的市中心的黄金地段征用土地16.43亩,投入1500多万元用于人武部的整体搬迁新建,光凭这份胆识和气魄就足以令人折服;在此基础上,力争使人武部建设保持20年不落后,这自信与强烈的事业心,不得不让人敬佩与感动。与西昌市人武部部长甘友发、政委余明良一席谈之后,笔者深切感到,团结就是干事业的基础。 部长甘友发和政委余明良有着不同的任职经历,但有“共同的理想信念”。为适应“打赢”要求,部长甘友发决定将应急民兵  相似文献   
1月中旬以来,西南地区持续出现大范围的雨雪冰冻天气,200多个县(市、区)3500多万人受灾,特别是贵州省遭受了50年来最为严重的雪凝灾害,给广大人民群众生产生活造成严重影响。灾情发生后,军区党委坚决贯彻党中央、中央军委和胡主席重要指示,迅速对救灾工作作出部署,要求部队像打仗一样抓好抗灾救灾。军区救灾部队和民兵预备役人员以灾区为战场,一声令下冲锋在前,攻坚克难,与当地政府和人民群众一起在保交通、保供电、保民生的战斗中作出了突出贡献,再次展现了人民军队为人民的忠诚本色。截止2月26日,军区部队共出动官兵8.6万余人次、民兵预备役人员74万余人次,车辆1.5万余台次,直升机38架次,调拨救灾物资2064万余元,为灾区捐款1092万余元,捐赠救灾物资价值178.9万余元。目前,灾后重建工作正顺利展开。  相似文献   
在流经四川省雷波县135公里处的金沙江边上,有一个与江同名的村子——金沙村。声名远播的国优水果雷波脐橙有一半就是出自这里。借光生财迈上致富路金沙村地处雷波县城南10公里,在全村1440余亩的耕地面积中,脐橙种植面积就达到1210多亩,占全县脐橙种植面积的三分之一。放眼望去,郁郁葱葱,  相似文献   
小幽默不离本行对离婚后的再婚现象,各种职业的说法不一。知识分子叫"梅开二度,再结良缘",机械师称"设备更新",经营者说是"资产重组",炒股手称之为"高(年龄)抛低吸"。停在哪里一个农妇的子女们相聚,为老母亲庆贺80寿辰。谈到过去在困难中的生存奋斗,大姐说:"妈,都怨我们家子女太多,当然免不了受穷,你那时为什么生这么多孩子呢?"老妈挨个儿看过每个子女后说:"你们说,当时我该停在谁那里不生才好呢?"  相似文献   
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