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In this study, high velocity impact behaviour of friction stir welded AA7075-T651 25 mm thick plates were investigated using a 7.62 mm × 51 mm lead core and 7.62 mm × 39 mm steel core projectiles. Prior to ballistic trails, mechanical and metallurgical properties of friction stir welded AA 7075-T651 25 mm thick plates were studied. Microstructural and hardness studies revealed that friction stir welds constituted three distinct regions namely Weld Nugget(WN), Thermo-Mechanically Affected Zone(TM...  相似文献   
Unexploded ordnance(UXO) poses a threat to soldiers operating in mission areas, but current UXO detection systems do not necessarily provide the required safety and efficiency to protect soldiers from this hazard. Recent technological advancements in artificial intelligence(AI) and small unmanned aerial systems(sUAS) present an opportunity to explore a novel concept for UXO detection. The new UXO detection system proposed in this study takes advantage of employing an AI-trained multi-spectral(MS...  相似文献   
As an innovative propulsion technique, laser augmented chemical propulsion(LACP) seems superior to the traditional ones. However, the corresponding combustion theories have still to be ascertained for LACP. Burning rate of 5-aminotetrazole(5-ATZ) propellant has been studied by testing pressed samples under different combustor pressures and laser powers. Based on micro computed tomography(Micro CT),an advanced thickness-over-time(TOT) method to characterize the regression of the produced nonplana...  相似文献   
The paper explores the possibilities of using carbonyl iron in the form of a powder for the manufacture of radar-absorbing paints-reducing the radar signature of the objects that they cover. The attenuation values in the range of 4-18 GHz for various coating thicknesses, ranging from 0.5 to 2.00 mm with 0.5 mm increment, and for different absorber content-75% and 80%, as well as the use of two different binders in the form of epoxy resins with hardeners, were investigated. For the frequency of 1...  相似文献   
五十年屯垦戍边,新疆生产建设兵团在祖国西部的戈壁荒滩上,开垦出一片片绿洲。兵团人半个世纪屯垦戍边的伟大实践活动,提升了兵团屯垦戍边的综合实力,其中凸现的具有鲜明屯垦特色的兵团文化,成为兵团事业继往开来、生生不息的动力源泉。年初,本刊推出王运华同志撰写的《实践"三个代表"推进文化戍边》,系统阐述了兵团"文化戍边"的内容、特点、意义、作用以及加快推进"文化戍边"工程建设等问题。文章刊出后,一石激起千层浪,在社会各界引起广泛反响。本刊日前举办《践行"三个代表"重要思想推进兵团先进文化建设》座谈会,与会专家、学者就兵团文化的历史、现状及未来发展畅所欲言,其真知灼见,触及兵团文化许多深层面的问题,而由文化建设所引发的话题,似乎已超越文化层面,关系兵团所肩负的历史使命,关系兵团屯垦戍边事业的继承,关系兵团的明天……  相似文献   
便整天捧着法律书埋头苦读。一个男同事见了,就逗她说:"律师行业竞争很厉害,你这么漂亮,干吗那么辛苦,不如找个好老公嫁了,在家做个贵夫人多好!"姑娘白了他一眼,叹了口气说:"唉,你可不知道,那个行业的竞争更激烈!"保护现场由于电费、水费涨价,妻子在家三令五申,上班前要注意关水关灯。一天中午,妻子回到家中,见客厅吊灯亮着,厨房水龙头开着,丈夫却悠闲地坐在沙发上看书。妻子十分心疼,厉声斥责丈夫。丈夫却不慌不忙地说:"今天早晨是你最后离开家的,我这样做是为了保护现场。"  相似文献   
结婚贺词小李结婚,机关里的人都来祝贺。小李准备了一本留言簿,凡是到场的客人均要在上面写句祝福的话。陈秘书第一个提笔:早生贵子;王处长接着写:举案齐眉;办公室刘主任随后也写适:白头偕老;轮到齐局长了,只见他大笔一挥,飞龙走风:同意。一语中的上农艺课时,老师提问道:"什么时候摘西瓜  相似文献   
"十星级文明户"莫泛滥前不久,笔者参加某团场组织的思想政治工作观摩现场会,连续跑了几个连队,见到的十星级文明户评比台上,几乎是季季挂"小红旗",家家评"十星",真是全连上下"一片红"。其实,一个单位出现一些不文明现象也是难免的,关键是能否及时发现问题,解决问题。如果确实达到了星级标准,就挂一颗"星",得了十颗星,就评十星级文明户。不能为了应付上级检查,弄虚作假,报喜不报忧,不该挂红旗的也挂上,这就失去了评比的意义。(刘明成)  相似文献   
跳伞新兵跳伞。老班长把他们一个个拉到舱门口,然后推出舱门。有个家伙死命抓着门边不肯跳。班长二话没说,一脚把他踢了出去。后面新兵大笑起来。班长怒道:"这个胆小鬼有什么可笑的?"一个新兵道:"他不是胆小鬼,是这架飞机的驾驶员。"追求一天,一个没读多少书的厂长在台上进行生产动员:"同志们,我们要各司其职,没完成指标的,将追求他们的责任!"一个女工在下面忍不住笑出了声:"是追究……"厂长听了,一脸严肃地说:"笑什么,如果你没有完成指标,我就追求你!"  相似文献   
2月17日凌晨,木里县三桷桠乡,熊熊燃烧了36个小时的特大森林山火终于被扑灭。凉山州1500多名疲惫不堪的民兵灭火队员,奉命转入监控和清理余火。  相似文献   
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