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用微波来传输同步轨道上太阳能收集器所收集的太阳能到地面接收站可能是经济、安全和环境可接受的。前几年提出过各种能源方案,其中许多曾刊登在本刊物上。由于任何独立能源都不能满足未来能量的需要,加上每项能源潜在的不稳定性,从而导致迄今为止的一种最大胆的建议:用地球同步轨道——地面上空36000公里的高度——上的卫星太阳能发电站在空间进行大规模的太阳能转换。  相似文献   
2004年2月23日,美国陆军参谋长建议中止“科曼奇”作战直升机项目,将腾出来的资金转用在其他航空项目上。至此,美国最大的未来军用直升机项目在历时21年之后宣告寿终正寝。  相似文献   
在美国研究界,很少有与解放军相关的课题像C^4I(指挥、控制、通信、计算机和情报)系统那样讳莫如深。与解放军C^4I系统相关的信息是美国情报系统中保护最为严密的数据之一。本文是兰德公司专家的观点,仅供读者参考。  相似文献   
Chemical warfare agents (CWA) are stockpiled in large quantities across the globe. Agents stored in inaccessible facilities need to be destroyed rapidly without dispersing the compounds to surrounding areas. Metal-based energetic formulations are used in such prompt defeat applications to rapidly decompose the CWA by generating a high temperature environment. An alternate, and possibly a more effective decomposition pathway could be provided by chemicidal action of aerosolized condensed combustion products, which typically consist of metal oxides. Toxic fumes that escape the high tem-perature blast zone can be neutralized by smoke generated during combustion, depending on the par-ticle size, surface characteristics, chemical properties, and concentration of this smoke. This review considers relevant experimental and modeling studies quantifying decomposition of CWA comprising organophosphorus compounds and their surrogates on the surface of various metal oxides. Dimethyl methylphosphonate (DMMP), a sarine surrogate, was used most commonly for such experiments. Many reported efforts focused on the mechanisms of adsorption of DMMP to various metal oxides and initial reaction steps cleaving various bonds from the chemisorbed molecules. For selected oxides, these ex-periments were supported by quantum-mechanical calculations. In other studies, the capacity of oxide surfaces to adsorb and decompose DMMP was quantified. In most cases, porous catalysts were used although limited experimental data are available for aerosolized nonporous oxide particles. The reported experimental data applicable to scenarios involving prompt decomposition of CWA are summarized. It is noted that information is lacking describing respective heterogeneous reaction kinetics. Preliminary estimates of aerosolized smoke particle concentrations required to destroy CWA are made considering gas phase diffusion rates and reported values of the oxide capacity to decompose CWA or their surrogates.  相似文献   
国际恐怖主义的第一次浪潮开始于1968年。当时这一浪潮波及世界许多国家,主要针对航线和班机。自从各国政府和商业航空公司为保护民航飞机采取了种种措施以后,恐怖分子的攻击目标转向了地面:机场、外交官、商业集团和政治集团的某些要员,这些同样也是大多数国家安全部门所注意的目标。尤其是在2001年的“9·11”事件后,打击地面和空中恐怖主义力度的加强使得恐怖分子不得不寻找新的、防护更薄弱的攻击目标。许多西方评论家认为,目前和不久后国际恐怖主义的破坏活动很可能集中于更易得手的海上目标——商业水运、海洋货运和客运船舶等。  相似文献   
10月10日,阿富汗巴格达姆空军基地,美国陆军第10山地师正在使用一处新的城市战训练场施训。该训练场旨在模拟阿富汗居民区真实场景,以帮助美军训练在阿富汗城市地区的作战行动。  相似文献   
Suitability of S-Glass/carbon fiber reinforced polymer composite for submarine hull subjected to hydrostatic pressure has been investigated in the present study. Metallic materials have raised concerns owing to their decomposition due to low resistance towards salinity and hence polymer composites have been explored to showcase their mechanical stability to withstand transverse and impact loads. To this end, the mechanical properties of S-Glass/carbon fiber reinforced polymer composite were expe...  相似文献   
Protecting occupants or payloads in crashes and blasts is of utmost importance in both moving and immobile structures. One way of achieving this is by using a sacrificial energy absorber. Composite tubes have been studied as potential energy absorbers due to their ability to fail progressively under axial compression. In this study, the energy absorption capability of these tubes is enhanced by adding hollow glass particles to the matrix. Drop-weight tests are performed on composite tubes, and a...  相似文献   
在俄罗斯,有一种地方很“神秘”——一经来到此地,就意味着与世隔绝,不能再见亲人,就连说话也要使用暗语,它不是地处深山老林,就是远在边防海岛,不是备受荒蛮与酷寒折磨,  相似文献   
本文分析了近几年西方军事经济领域所发生的变化,揭示了在可以预见的未来西方军事经济最可能的发展趋势,估计了它对各国军事活动的作用,及其对整个经济发展的影响。  相似文献   
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