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Multivariable elimination algorithms, which may be regarded as generalizations of various one-dimensional search procedures, have not found wide application. A probable reason may be the generally very irregularly shaped regions of uncertainty that evolve iteratively in the procedures. Hence hope for practical salvage of this class of algorithms seems to lie in controlling the shape of the successively smaller regions of uncertainty. In this article an extension of Bolzano search to rectangles which preserves rectangular iterates is given. Since the result is essentially geometrical in nature, a geometric proof of this procedure is given. Hopefully the proof procedure will be of independent interest. A numerical illustration of the procedure is given for a game problem, such problems lending themselves to this method.  相似文献   
The flow-shop scheduling problem with sequence-dependent additive setup times is considered as a special case of the general problem, and a polynomially bounded approximate method is developed to find a minimum makespan permutation schedule. The approximate algorithm is shown to yield optimal results for the two-machine case. A version of Sule's model is defined that produces the first approximation of the optimal solution for this problem. Computational experience along with numerical examples are provided to test the effectiveness of the method.  相似文献   
The article examines ways of computing cumulative probabilities for a constrained Poissonian binomial distribution arising from a model of a weapon defense system.  相似文献   
The problem is to protect a set of t targets by n perfect interceptors against an attack by m perfect weapons. If the defender solves for an optimal preallocated preferential defense and associated game value assuming m1 attackers, and the attacker knows the assumption of the defender and utilizes m2 attackers, he may be able to achieve significantly more damage than had the defender assumed that there would be m2 attackers. The article treats the robustness of preallocated preferential defense to assumptions about the size of the attack and presents results of an alternative approach.  相似文献   
The general problem we are concerned with here is the estimation of Pθ(C) where C is some fixed event and Pθ is unknown in some class. The various available estimation procedures seem to involve the choice of some random probability measure. In particular we consider this problem when C is a disk in R2 centered at o and Pθ is restricted to be bivariate normal. Details concerning the implementation of the estimation procedures and a Monte Carlo study are discussed for this case. This particular problem arises when we are concerned with assessing the accuracy of a targeting procedure.  相似文献   
Calculations for large Markovian finite source, finite repair capacity two-echelon repairable item inventory models are shown to be feasible using the randomization technique and a truncated state space approach. More complex models (involving transportation pipelines, multiple-item types and additional echelon levels) are also considered.  相似文献   
In an endeavor to broaden the application of scheduling models to decisions involving the use of a manager's time we use simulation to investigate the performance of a number of simple algorithms (including eight priority rules and a construction heuristic) in a dynamic setting with tasks arriving (randomly) and scheduling decisions being made, over time. We compare these simple methods relative to a bound that uses an adjacent pairwise interchange algorithm. We model uncertainty in task durations, and costs being incurred for early and tardy task completion (representative of JIT settings). In addition to evaluating the efficacy of the scheduling rules and various preemption strategies (using ANOVA), we highlight the managerial implications of the effects of eight environmental parameters. © 1996 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   
This article develops a robust, exact algorithm for the maximal covering problem (MCP) using dual-based solution methods and greedy heuristics in branch and bound. Based on tests using randomly generated problems with problem parameters similar to those in the existing literature, the hybrid approach developed in this work appears to be effective over a wide range of MCP model parameters. The method is further validated on problems constructed from three real-world data sets. The extensive computational study compares the new method with other existing exact methods using problems that are as big, or larger than, those used in previous work on MCP. The results show that the proposed method is effective in most instances of MCP. In particular, it is shown that bounding schemes using Lagrangian relaxation are effective on MCP as a method of obtaining both exact and heuristic solutions. © 1996 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   
We consider sequencing n jobs on a single machine subject to job completion times arising from either machine breakdowns or other causes. The objective is to minimize an expected weighted combination of due dates, completion times, earliness, and tardiness penalties. The determination of optimal distinct due dates or optimal common due dates for a given schedule is investigated. The scheduling problem for a fixed common due date is considered when random completion times arise from machine breakdowns. The optimality of a V-shaped about (a point) T sequence is established when the number of machine breakdowns follows either a Poisson or a geometric distribution and the duration of a breakdown has an exponential distribution. © 1996 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   
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