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In this article we study the quadratic assignment problem by embedding the actual data in a data space which satisfies an extension of the metric triangle property. This leads to simpler computations for the determination of heuristic solutions. Bounds are given for the loss of optimality which such heuristic solutions would involve in any specific instance. © 1993 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   
This article defines a class of univariate functions termed composite unimodal, and shows how their minimization admits an effective search procedure, albeit one not as efficient as is Fibonacci search for unimodal functions. An approximate Lagrangian approach to an important real-world logistics problem is seen to yield a surrogate problem whose objective function is composite unimodal. The mathematical form of this objective function is likely to be encountered in solving future real-world problems. © 1993 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   
An alternating renewal process starts at time zero and visits states 1,2,…,r, 1,2, …,r 1,2, …,r, … in sucession. The time spent in state i during any cycle has cumulative distribution function Fi, and the sojourn times in each state are mutually independent, positive and nondegenerate random variables. In the fixed time interval [0,T], let Ui(T) denote the total amount of time spent in state i. In this note, a central limit theorem is proved for the random vector (Ui(T), 1 ≤ ir) (properly normed and centered) as T → ∞.  相似文献   
Starting from a safe base, an Infiltrator tries to reach a sensitive zone within a given time limit without being detected by a Guard. The Infiltrator can move with speed at most u, while the Guard can only perform a restricted number of searches. A discrete variant of this zero-sum game played on a graph consisting of two vertices joined by n nonintersecting arcs is investigated. Optimal strategies and an explicit expression for its value are obtained. © 1996 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   
This article considers a general method for acceptance/rejection decisions in lot-by-lot sampling situations. Given arbitrary cost functions for sampling, accepting, and rejecting (where the cost can depend on the quality of the item) and a prior distribution on supplier quality, formulas are derived that lead to the minimal cost single-staged inspection plan. For the Bernoulli case, where each item is classified as acceptable or defective, the formulas simplify immensely. A computer code for solving the Bernoulli case is given.  相似文献   
The exact expression is derived for the average stationary cost of a (Q,R) inventory system with lost sales, unit Poisson demands, Erlang-distributed lead times, fixed order cost, fixed cost per unit lost sale, linear holding cost per unit time, and a maximum of one order outstanding. Explicit expressions for the state probabilities and a fast method of calculating them are obtained for the case of Q greater than R. Exponential lead times are analyzed as a special case. A simple cyclic coordinate search procedure is used to locate the minimum cost policy. Examples of the effect of lead time variability on costs are given.  相似文献   
The article considers a two-person zero-sum game in which a searcher with b bombs wishes to destroy a mobile hider. The players are restricted to move on a straight line with maximum speeds v and u satisfying v > u > 0; neither player can see the other but each knows the other's initial position. The bombs all have destructive radius R and there is a time lag T between the release of a bomb and the bomb exploding. The searcher gets 1 unit if the hider is destroyed and 0 if he survives. A solution is given for b = 1, and extended to b > 1 when the time lag is small. Various applications of the game are discussed.  相似文献   
Let X be a positive random variable. The distribution F of X is said to be “new better than used in expectation,” or “NBUE,” if E(X)E(Xt|X > t) for all t ⩾ 0. Suppose X1, …, Xn, is a random sample from an NBUE distribution F. The problem of estimating F by a distribution which is itself NBUE is considered. The estimator Gn, defined as the NBUE distribution supported on the sample which minimizes the (sup norm) distance between the NBUE class and the empirical distribution function, is studied. The strong uniform consistency of Gn, is proven, and a numerical algorithm for obtaining Gn, is given. Our approach is applied to provide an estimate of the distribution of lifetime following the diagnosis of chronic granulocytic leukemia based on data from a National Cancer Institute study.  相似文献   
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