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From 1964 to 1975 a small group of British officers, advisors, and trainers guided the forces of the Sultanate of Oman to victory in their conflict with the Marxist insurgents of the People's Front for the Liberation of the Occupied Arabian Gulf (PFLOAG). This campaign provides a clear example of how to effectively support an ally's counterinsurgency efforts with a minimal commitment of men and material. In particular, the critical assistance provided by the British consisted of experienced leadership and skilled technical support personnel as well as a viable strategy for victory. However, more important for the ultimate success of the counterinsurgency campaign was the emergence of new progressive leadership with the accession of Sultan Qaboos. The most important lesson from this study is that while security assistance can reinforce positive political efforts, it is not enough on its own to bring about a victory in an unfavourable political environment.  相似文献   
We consider a container terminal discharging containers from a ship and locating them in the terminal yard. Each container has a number of potential locations in the yard where it can be stored. Containers are moved from the ship to the yard using a fleet of vehicles, each of which can carry one container at a time. The problem is to assign each container to a yard location and dispatch vehicles to the containers so as to minimize the time it takes to download all the containers from the ship. We show that the problem is NP‐hard and develop a heuristic algorithm based on formulating the problem as an assignment problem. The effectiveness of the heuristic is analyzed from both worst‐case and computational points of view. © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Naval Research Logistics 48: 363–385, 2001  相似文献   
This article shows how to determine the stationary distribution of the virtual wait in M/G/1 queues with either one-at-a-time or exhaustive server vacations, depending on either service times or accrued workload. For the first type of dependence, each vacation time is a function of the immediately preceding service time or of whether the server finds the system empty after returning from vacation. In this way, it is possible to model situations such as long service times followed by short vacations, and vice versa. For the second type of dependence, the vacation time assigned to an arrival to follow its service is a function of the level of virtual wait reached. By this device, we can model situations in which vacations may be shortened whenever virtual delays have gotten excessive. The method of analysis employs level-crossing theory, and examples are given for various cases of service and vacation-time distributions. A closing discussion relates the new model class to standard M/G/1 queues where the service time is a sum of variables having complex dependencies. © 1992 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   
Derivatives (or gradients) are important for both sensitivity analysis and optimization, and in simulation models, these can often be estimated efficiently using various methods other than brute‐force finite differences. This article briefly summarizes the main approaches and discusses areas in which the approaches can most fruitfully be applied: queueing, inventory, and finance. In finance, the focus is on derivatives of another sort. © 2008 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Naval Research Logistics, 2008  相似文献   
The objective of this article is to describe heuristic solutions to the problem of modeling inventories at each node of a large network in the context of a computer simulation model of that network. The heuristic solutions are compared with the mathematical solution which is too unwieldy for use in a simulation model. The Weibull cumulative distribution is used as an approximation for the heuristic models. We question whether the good performance of the Weibull is coincidence or perhaps mathematically justifiable.  相似文献   
In this journal in 1967. Szware presented an algorithm for the optimal routing of a common vehicle fleet between m sources and n sinks with p different types of commodities. The main premise of the formulation is that a truck may carry only one commodity at a time and must deliver the entire load to one demand area. This eliminates the problem of routing vehicles between sources or between sinks and limits the problem to the routing of loaded trucks between sources and sinks and empty trucks making the return trip. Szwarc considered only the transportation aspect of the problem (i. e., no intermediate points) and presented a very efficient algorithm for solution of the case he described. If the total supply is greater than the total demand, Szwarc shows that the problem is equivalent to a (mp + n) by (np + m) Hitchcock transportation problem. Digital computer codes for this algorithm require rapid access storage for a matrix of size (mp + n) by (np + m); therefore, computer storage required grows proportionally to p2. This paper offers an extension of his work to a more general form: a transshipment network with capacity constraints on all arcs and facilities. The problem is shown to be solvable directly by Fulkerson's out-of-kilter algorithm. Digital computer codes for this formulation require rapid access storage proportional to p instead of p2. Computational results indicate that, in addition to handling the extensions, the out-of-kilter algorithm is more efficient in the solution of the original problem when there is a mad, rate number of commodities and a computer of limited storage capacity.  相似文献   
In the finite-horizon stochastic (s, S) inventory model with periodic review the parameters of the optimal policy generally vary with the length of the horizon. A stationary policy, however, is easier to implement and may be easier to calculate. This paper studies optimal stationary policies for a finite horizon and relates them to optimal policies through their relation to optimal stationary policies for an infinite horizon.  相似文献   
This paper considers the problem of defending a set of point targets of differing values. The defense is proportional in that it forces the offense to pay a price, in terms of reentry vehicles expended, that is proportional to the value of the target. The objective of the defense is to balance its resources so that no matter what attack is launched, the offense will have to pay a price greater than or equal to some fixed value for every unit of damage inflicted. The analysis determines which targets should be defended and determines the optimal firing doctrine for interceptors at defended targets. A numerical example is included showing the relationship between the total target damage and the size of the interceptor force for different values of p, the interceptor single shot kill probability. Some generalizations are discussed.  相似文献   
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