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We first present a survey on the theory of semi-infinite programming as a generalization of linear programming and convex duality theory. By the pairing of a finite dimensional vector space over an arbitrarily ordered field with a generalized finite sequence space, the major theorems of linear programming are generalized. When applied to Euclidean spaces, semi-infinite programming theory yields a dual theorem associating as dual problems minimization of an arbitrary convex function over an arbitrary convex set in n-space with maximization of a linear function in non-negative variables of a generalized finite sequence space subject to a finite system of linear equations. We then present a new generalization of the Kuhn-Tucker saddle-point equivalence theorem for arbitrary convex functions in n-space where differentiability is no longer assumed.  相似文献   
The system to be controlled produces n products simultaneously in fixed proportions every time it is activated. Demands for the products in any period are components of an n dimensional vector random variable with known distribution function. Cases of excess demands backlogged and excess demands lost are considered. In the former the notion of k convexity can be generalized to guarantee relatively simple form for the optimal policy in an n decision problem. In the latter, this generalization was not successful although when there is no setup cost, a convexity argument can be used to show that the optimal policy has a simple form.  相似文献   
This paper describes a method of solving aircraft service life problems. The particular application concerns aircraft in the Naval Advanced Jet Training Command. The method of solution is comparative present value analysis of alternative replacement policies. The likely risks of estimation errors are reflected in the comparisons of present values. Differences are noted in the benefits associated with each policy, but external to Naval Aviation. Since the values of these benefits can be determined only at a higher level of decision-making, the result of the study is not a conclusive selection among policies, but a schedule of present values on the basis of which, together with values of the external benefits, a decision can be reached. This paper discusses replacement policies for aircraft used in the Naval Advanced Jet Pilot Training mission. Taking engineering technology and the training syllabus as given, four feasible plans for introducing replacement aircraft into service are evaluated in terms of the present values of differential costs associated with the plans and in terms of the likely errors in cost estimates used in calculation of the present values. The trade-off between present value of costs and planning flexibility is emphasized in choosing a recommended time pattern of aircraft replacement. The specific aircraft mixes considered are the TF–9J/TAF–9J and the TA–4F/A–4B. The first is the currently employed mix; the second is the proposed replacement. The problem is to select an optimal time-pattern of replacement of F–9's by A–4's, given technological differences favoring the A–4 and increasing costs of maintaining squadrons of F–9's. Replacements by aircraft types other than the A–4 are considered impractical. Four feasible plans for introducing A–4's through a 5-year period are evaluated in terms of current best estimates of the related costs of the plans and in terms of the flexibility of modifying each plan given future better information concerning the relevant costs. The method of analysis is comparative present value of expected costs.  相似文献   
A method is given for finding those solutions of a transportation problem which minimize the total time necessary for transporting goods from the suppliers to the consumers. Several extensions of the model are presented.  相似文献   
The authors extend the generalized von Neumann model they developed (with J. G. Kemeny) in 1956 to an open model by assuming that there are exogeneously determined export and import prices and that any amount can be exported or imported at these prices. The open model is then characterized by means of seven axioms. It is shown, by applying the theory of linear programming, that if four economically reasonable assumptions hold, the open model has at least one solution in which at least one good with positive export price is exported and at least one good with positive import price is imported. It is also shown that, in general, a continuum of expansion rates can be achieved by varying certain control variables. The choice of these expansion rates gives indirectly the choice of a suitable sub-economy and also determines the exports and imports of the economy. Other results and examples are discussed.  相似文献   
The paper treats the output process of a service center that has a large number of independent exponential channels in parallel. Initially all channels are working and there is a fixed backlog of items awaiting service. The moments are derived and central limit theorems are developed. Problems of computation are discussed and suitable formulae are developed. The joint distribution of the output of the center with the center's total busy time and total idle time are derived. Normal approximations to these distributions are presented.  相似文献   
Under a free-replacement warranty of duration W, the customer is provided, for an initial cost of C, as many replacement items as needed to provide service for a period W. Payments of C are not made at fixed intervals of length W, but in random cycles of length Y = W + γ(W), where γ(W) is the (random) remaining life-time of the item in service W time units after the beginning of a cycle. The expected number of payments over the life cycle, L, of the item is given by MY(L), the renewal function for the random variable Y. We investigate this renewal function analytically and numerically and compare the latter with known asymptotic results. The distribution of Y, and hence the renewal function, depends on the underlying failure distribution of the items. Several choices for this distribution, including the exponential, uniform, gamma and Weibull, are considered.  相似文献   
Sufficient conditions are given for stochastic comparison of two alternating renewal processes based on the concept of uniformization. The result is used to compare component and system performance processes in maintained reliability systems.  相似文献   
Inventory systems with returns are systems in which there are units returned in a repairable state, as well as demands for units in a serviceable state, where the return and demand processes are independent. We begin by examining the control of a single item at a single location in which the stationary return rate is less than the stationary demand rate. This necessitates an occasional procurement of units from an outside source. We present a cost model of this system, which we assume is managed under a continuous review procurement policy, and develop a solution method for finding the policy parameter values. The key to the analysis is the use of a normally distributed random variable to approximate the steady-state distribution of net inventory. Next, we study a single item, two echelon system in which a warehouse (the upper echelon) supports N(N ? 1) retailers (the lower echelon). In this case, customers return units in a repairable state as well as demand units in a serviceable state at the retailer level only. We assume the constant system return rate is less than the constant system demand rate so that a procurement is required at certain times from an outside supplier. We develop a cost model of this two echelon system assuming that each location follows a continuous review procurement policy. We also present an algorithm for finding the policy parameter values at each location that is based on the method used to solve the single location problem.  相似文献   
The classical Economic Order Quantity Model requires the parameters of the model to be constant. Some EOQ models allow a single parameter to change with time. We consider EOQ systems in which one or more of the cost or demand parameters will change at some time in the future. The system we examine has two distinct advantages over previous models. One obvious advantage is that a change in any of the costs is likely to affect the demand rate and we allow for this. The second advantage is that often, the times that prices will rise are fairly well known by announcement or previous experience. We present the optimal ordering policy for these inventory systems with anticipated changes and a simple method for computing the optimal policy. For cases where the changes are in the distant future we present a myopic policy that yields costs which are near-optimal. In cases where the changes will occur in the relatively near future the optimal policy is significantly better than the myopic policy.  相似文献   
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