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Multi-echelon logistic systems are essential parts of the service support function of high technology firms. The combination of technological developments and competitive pressures has led to the development of services systems with a unique set of characteristics. These characteristics include (1) low demand probabilities: (2) high cost items; (3) complex echelon structures; (4) existence of pooling mechanisms among stocking locations at the same echelon level; (5) high priority for service, which is often expressed in terms of response time service levels for product groups of items: (6) scrapping of failed parts; and (7) recycling of issued stock due to diagnostic use. This article develops a comprehensive model of a stochastic, multi-echelon inventory system that takes account of the above characteristics. Solutions to the constrained optimization problem are found using a branch and bound procedure. The results of applying this procedure to a spare parts inventory system for a computer manufacturer have led to a number of important policy conclusions.  相似文献   
In this paper, the mathematical model for the allocation of resources among a general mix of percentage vulnerable and of numerically vulnerable weapon systems is presented and solved. Percentage vulnerable systems consist of mobile weapons which are difficult to locate, but relatively easy to destroy once located; numerically vulnerable systems comprise easily located fixed base weapons which are difficult to destroy. The distinguishing feature of this analysis is the inclusion of development costs. The theory of max-min is extended as necessary to solve this problem. References are provided to a sequence of earlier versions of this problem.  相似文献   
This paper is concerned with the problem of simultaneously setting price and production levels for an exponentially decaying product. Such products suffer a loss in utility which is proportional to the total quantity of stock on hand. A continuous review, deterministic demand model is considered. The optimal ordering decision quantity is derived and its sensitivity to changes in perishability and product price is considered. The joint ordering pricing decision is also computed and consideration of parametric changes of these decisions indicates a non-monotonic response for optimal price to changes in product decay. Issues of market entry and extensions to a model with shortages are also analyzed.  相似文献   
This paper presents the results and the method of analysis for an attack-defense game involving allocation of resources. Each player is assumed to have several different types of resources to be divided in optimal fashion among a fixed set of targets. The payoff function of the game is convex. The “No Soft-Spot” principle of M. Dresher, and the concept of the generalized inverse of a matrix are used to determine optimal strategies for each player and the value of the game.  相似文献   
Many organizations providing service support for products or families of products must allocate inventory investment among the parts (or, identically, items) that make up those products or families. The allocation decision is crucial in today's competitive environment in which rapid response and low levels of inventory are both required for providing competitive levels of customer service in marketing a firm's products. This is particularly important in high-tech industries, such as computers, military equipment, and consumer appliances. Such rapid response typically implies regional and local distribution points for final products and for spare parts for repairs. In this article we fix attention on a given product or product family at a single location. This single-location problem is the basic building block of multi-echelon inventory systems based on level-by-level decomposition, and our modeling approach is developed with this application in mind. The product consists of field-replaceable units (i.e., parts), which are to be stocked as spares for field service repair. We assume that each part will be stocked at each location according to an (s, S) stocking policy. Moreover, we distinguish two classes of demand at each location: customer (or emergency) demand and normal replenishment demand from lower levels in the multiechelon system. The basic problem of interest is to determine the appropriate policies (si Si) for each part i in the product under consideration. We formulate an approximate cost function and service level constraint, and we present a greedy heuristic algorithm for solving the resulting approximate constrained optimization problem. We present experimental results showing that the heuristics developed have good cost performance relative to optimal. We also discuss extensions to the multiproduct component commonality problem.  相似文献   
In this paper, a statistical analytic model for evaluation of the performance of a standard electric bomb fuze timer is presented. The model is based on what is called a selective design assembly, where one item, namely, a resistor, is used to time the circuit. In such an assembly, the remaining components are chosen a priori from predetermined distributions. Based on the analysis, a general numerical integration scheme is utilized for assessing performance of the timer. The results of a computer simulation are also given. In the last section of the paper, a theory for evaluation of the yield of two or more timers designed to operate in sequence is derived. To appraise such a scheme, a numerical quadrature routine is developed.  相似文献   
Consider the problem of estimating the common location parameter of two exponential distributions when censored samples are taken. The unique minimum variance unbiased estimator (UMVUE) is found along with an expression for its variance. The asymptotic distribution is given for a special case and a generalized Bayes property is exhibited. Extensions include the case of k > 2 populations. Also the UMVUE is found for P(Y > X) and certain reliability functions.  相似文献   
This paper deals with a periodic review inventory system in which a constant proportion of stock issued to meet demand each period feeds back into the inventory after a fixed number of periods. Various applications of the model are discussed, including blood bank management and the control of reparable item inventories. We assume that on hand inventory is subject to proportional decay. Demands in successive periods are assumed to be independent identically distributed random variables. The functional equation defining an optimal policy is formulated and a myopic base stock approximation is developed. This myopic policy is shown to be optimal for the case where the feedback delay is equal to one period. Both cost and ordering decision comparisons for optimal and myopic policies are carried out numerically for a delay time of two periods over a wide range of input parameter values.  相似文献   
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