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In this article we present an all-integer cutting plane algorithm called the Reduced Advanced Start Algorithm (RASA). The technique incorporates an infeasible advanced start based on the optimal solution to the LP relaxation, and initially discards nonbinding constraints in this solution. We discuss the results of computational testing on a set of standard problems and illustrate the operation of the algorithm with three small examples.  相似文献   
In this article, we describe a new algorithm for solving all-integer, integer programming problems. We generate upper bounds on the decision variables, and use these bounds to create an advanced starting point for a dual all-integer cutting plane algorithm. In addition, we use a constraint derived from the objective function to speed progress toward the optimal solution. Our basic vehicle is the dual all-integer algorithm of Gomory, but we incorporate certain row- and column-selection criteria which partially avoid the problem of dual-degenerate iterations. We present the results of computational testing.  相似文献   
A series of independent trials is considered in which one of k ≥ 2 mutually exclusive and exhaustive outcomes occurs at each trial. The series terminates when m outcomes of any one type have occurred. The limiting distribution (as m → ∞) of the number of trials performed until termination is found with particular attention to the situation where a Dirichlet distribution is assigned to the k vector of probabilities for each outcome. Applications to series of races involving k runners and to spares problems in reliability modeling are discussed. The problem of selecting a stopping rule so that the probability of the series terminating on outcome i is k?1 (i.e., a “fair” competition) is also studied. Two generalizations of the original asymptotic problem are addressed.  相似文献   
A unifying survey of the literature related to the knapsack problem; that is, maximize \documentclass{article}\pagestyle{empty}\begin{document}$ \sum\limits_i {v_i x_{i,} } $\end{document}, subject to \documentclass{article}\pagestyle{empty}\begin{document}$ \sum\limits_j {w_i x_i W} $\end{document} and xi ? 0, integer; where vi, wi and W are known integers, and wi (i = 1, 2, …, N) and W are positive. Various uses, including those in group theory and in other integer programming algorithms, as well as applications from the literature, are discussed. Dynamic programming, branch and bound, search enumeration, heuristic methods, and other solution techniques are presented. Computational experience, and extensions of the knapsack problem, such as to the multi-dimensional case, are also considered.  相似文献   
This paper is concerned with estimating p = P(X1 < Y …, Xn < Y) or q =P (X < Y1, …, X < Yn) where the X's and Y's are all independent random variables. Applications to estimation of the reliability p from stress-strength relationships are considered where a component is subject to several stresses X1, X2, …, XN whereas its strength, Y, is a single random variable. Similarly, the reliability q is of interest where a component is made of several parts all with their individual strengths Y1, Y2 …, YN and a single stress X is applied to the component. When the X's and Y's are independent and normal, maximum likelihood estimates of p and q have been obtained. For the case N = 2 and in some special cases, minimum variance unbiased estimates have been given. When the Y's are all exponential and the X is normal with known variance, but unknown mean (or uniform between 0 and θ, θ being unknown) the minimum variance unbiased estimate of q is established in this paper.  相似文献   
In this paper a model is developed for determining optimal strategies for two competing firms which are about to submit sealed tender bids on K contracts. A contract calls for the winning firm to supply a specific amount of a commodity at the bid price. By the same token, the production of that commodity involves various amounts of N different resources which each firm possesses in limited quantities. It is assumed that the same two firms bid on each contract and that each wants to determine a bidding strategy which will maximize its profits subject to the constraint that the firm must be able to produce the amount of products required to meet the contracts it wins. This bidding model is formulated as a sequence of bimatrix games coupled together by N resource constraints. Since the firms' strategy spaces are intertwined, the usual quadratic programming methods cannot be used to determine equilibrium strategies. In lieu of this a number of theorems are given which partially characterize such strategies. For the single resource problem techniques are developed for determining equilibrium strategies. In the multiple resource problem similar methods yield subequilibrium strategies or strategies that are equilibrium from at least one firm's point of view.  相似文献   
Two types of warranties are analyzed. These are the free-replacement warranty, under which failed items are replaced free of charge until a specified total operating time has been achieved, and the pro rata warranty, under which items that fail prior to a specified time are replaced at pro rata cost to the buyer. Both the buyer's and seller's points of view are considered. The basis of the analysis is a comparison of warranted and unwarranted (otherwise identical) items with regard to long-run cost to the buyer and long-run profit to the seller. Application of the results requires knowledge of certain characteristics of the life distribution of the items in question. Parametric and nonparametric methods of estimation of these characteristics from incomplete data are discussed. Single and multiple failure-mode situations are considered. Some solutions to the problem are illustrated using incomplete data on failure times of an aircraft component.  相似文献   
This paper presents the details for applying and specializing the work of Ellis Johnson [10] and [11] to develop a primal code for the well-known capacitated transportation problem. The code was developed directly from the work of Johnson, but is similar to codes developed by Glover, Karney, Klingman, and Napier [6] and Srinivasan and Thompson [14]. The emphasis in the presentation is the use of the graphical representation of the basis to carry out the revised simplex operations. This is a means of exploiting the special structure and sparseness of the constraint matrix to minimize computational effort and storage requirements. We also present the results of solving several large problems with the code developed.  相似文献   
This paper considers the problem of computing, by iterative methods, optimal policies for Markov decision processes. The policies computed are optimal for all sufficiently small interest rates.  相似文献   
The first problem considered in this paper is concerned with the assembly of independent components into parallel systems so as to maximize the expected number of systems that perform satisfactorily. Associated with each component is a probability of it performing successfully. It is shown that an optimal assembly is obtained if the reliability of each assembled system can be made equal. If such equality is not attainable, then bounds are given so that the maximum expected number of systems that perform satisfactorily will lie within these stated bounds; the bounds being a function of an arbitrarily chosen assembly. An improvement algorithm is also presented. A second problem treated is concerned with the optimal design of a system. Instead of assembling given units, there is an opportunity to “control” their quality, i.e., the manufacturer is able to fix the probability, p, of a unit performing successfully. However, his resources, are limited so that a constraint is imposed on these probabilities. For (1) series systems, (2) parallel systems, and (3) k out of n systems, results are obtained for finding the optimal p's which maximize the reliability of a single system, and which maximize the expected number of systems that perform satisfactorily out of a total assembly of J systems.  相似文献   
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