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An area to be defended consists of separated point targets. These targets are subject to an attack in which the offensive weapons are assumed to arrive simultaneously. The defense has area defenders, each of which is capable of intercepting any attacker'. Furthermore, the defense has impact-point prediction, i.e., it has knowledge of each attacker's intended target prior to allocation of the area interceptors. For a given attack, the defense wishes to allocate its interceptors against attackers so as to maximize the expected total survival value of the targets. In its first move, the offense seeks an attack allocation which will minimize expected total surviving value against best defense. We develop an algorithm to determine optimal attack and defense strategies and the optimal value of this sequential min-max problem. Branch-and-bound techniques are used to obtain integer solutions, and illustrative computational results are provided.  相似文献   
Achtung-Panzer! By Major General Heinz Guderian, Translated by Christopher Duffy with Introduction and Notes by Paul Harris. (Arms & Armour Press £16.99. ISBN 1-85409-138-7, 220 pages)  相似文献   
The integer programming literature contains many algorithms for solving all-integer programming problems but, in general, existing algorithms are less than satisfactory even in solving problems of modest size. In this paper we present a new technique for solving the all-integer, integer programming problem. This algorithm is a hybrid (i.e., primal-dual) cutting-plane method which alternates between a primal-feasible stage related to Young's simplified primal algorithm, and a dual-infeasible stage related to Gomory's dual all-integer algorithm. We present the results of computational testing.  相似文献   
A machine or production system is subject to random failure. Upon failure the system is replaced by a new one, and the process repeats. A cost is associated with each replacement, and an additional cost is incurred at each failure in service. Thus, there is an incentive for a controller to attempt to replace before failure occurs. The problem is to find an optimal control strategy that balances the cost of replacement with the cost of failure and results in a minimum total long-run average cost per unit time. We attack this problem under the cumulative damage model for system failure. In this failure model, shocks occur to the system in accordance with a Poisson process. Each shock causes a random amount of damage or wear and these damages accumulate additively. At any given shock, the system fails with a known probability that depends on the total damage accumulated to date. We assume that the cumulative damage is observable by the controller and that his decisions may be based on its current value. Supposing that the shock failure probability is an increasing function of the cumulative damage, we show that an optimal policy is to replace either upon failure or when this damage first exceeds a critical control level, and we give an equation which implicitly defines the optimal control level in terms of the cost and other system parameters. Also treated are some more general models that allow for income lost during repair time and other extensions.  相似文献   
This paper introduces an efficient heuristic procedure for a special class of mixed integer programming problems called the uncapacitated warehouse (plant) location problem. This procedure is derived from the branching decision rules proposed for the branch and bound algorithm by the author in an earlier paper. It can be viewed as tracing a single path of the branch and bound tree (from the initial node to the terminal node), the path being determined by the particular branching decision rule used. Unlike branch and bound the computational efficiency of this procedure is substantially less than linearly related to the number of potential warehouse locations (integer variables) in the problem. Its computational efficiency is tested on problems found in the literature.  相似文献   
The purpose of this paper is to explore an extension of the output discipline for the Poisson input, general output, single channel, first-come, first-served queueing system. The service time parameter, μ, is instead considered a random variable, M. In other words, the service time random variable, T, is to be conditioned by a parameter random variable, M. Therefore, if the distribution function of M is denoted by FM(μ) and the known conditional service time distribution as B(t |μ), then the unconditional service distribution is given by B(t) = Pr {T ≤ t}. = ∫-∞ B(t |μ) dFM(μ). Results are obtained that characterize queue size and waiting time using the imbedded Markov chain approach. Expressions are derived for the expected queue length and Laplace-Stieltjes transforms of the steady-state waiting time when conditional service times are exponential. More specific results are found for three special distributions of M: (1) uniform on [1.2]; (2) two-point; and (3) gamma.  相似文献   
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