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This paper analyses the E/M/c queueing system and shows how to calculate the expected number in the system, both at a random epoch and immediately preceding an arrival. These expectations are expressed in terms of certain initial probabilities which are determined by linear equations. The advantages and disadvantages of this method are also discussed.  相似文献   
A computationally simple method for obtaining confidence bounds for highly reliable coherent systems, based on component tests which experience few or no failures, is given. Binomial and Type I censored exponential failure data are considered. Here unknown component unreliabilities are ordered by weighting factors, which are firstly presumed known then sensitivity of the confidence bounds to these assumed weights is examined and shown to be low.  相似文献   
Consider a single-server exponential queueing loss system in which the arrival and service rates alternate between the paris (γ1, γ1), and (γ2, μ2), spending an exponential amount of time with rate i in (γi, μi), i = 1.2. It is shown that if all arrivals finding the server busy are lost, then the percentage of arrivals lost is a decreasing function of c. This is in line with a general conjecture of Ross to the effect that the “more nonstationary” a Poisson arrival process is, the greater the average customer delay (in infinite capacity models) or the greater the precentage of lost customers (in finite capacity models). We also study the limiting cases when c approaches 0 or infinity.  相似文献   
From an original motivation in quantitative inventory modeling, we develop methods for testing the hypothesis that the service times of an M/G/1 queue are exponentially distributed, given a sequence of observations of customer line and/or system waits. The approaches are mostly extensions of the well-known exponential goodness-of-fit test popularized by Gnedenko, which results from the observation that the sum of a random exponential sample is Erlang distributed and thus that the quotient of two independent exponential sample means is F distributed.  相似文献   
For a linear fractional programming problem, Sharma and Swarup have constructed a dual problem, also a linear fractional program, in which the objective functions of both primal and dual problems are the same. Craven and Mond have extended this result to a nonlinear fractional programming problem with linear constraints, and a dual problem for which the objective function is the same as that of the primal. This theorem is now further extended from linear to differentiable convex constraints.  相似文献   
Consider a system consisting of n separately maintained independent components where the components alternate between intervals in which they are “up” and in which they are “down”. When the ith component goes up [down] then, independent of the past, it remains up [down] for a random length of time, having distribution Fi[Gi], and then goes down [up]. We say that component i is failed at time t if it has been “down” at all time points s ?[t-A.t]: otherwise it is said to be working. Thus, a component is failed if it is down and has been down for the previous A time units. Assuming that all components initially start “up,” let T denote the first time they are all failed, at which point we say the system is failed. We obtain the moment-generating function of T when n = l, for general F and G, thus generalizing previous results which assumed that at least one of these distributions be exponential. In addition, we present a condition under which T is an NBU (new better than used) random variable. Finally we assume that all the up and down distributions Fi and Gi i = l,….n, are exponential, and we obtain an exact expression for E(T) for general n; in addition we obtain bounds for all higher moments of T by showing that T is NBU.  相似文献   
This paper explores a modification of the output discipline for the Poisson input, exponential output, single channel, first-come, first-served queueing system. Instead, the service time distribution of customers beginning service when alone in the system is considered different from that governing service times of all other customers. More specifically, the service times of lone customers are governed by a one parameter gamma distribution, while the service times of all other customers are exponentially ajstributed. The generating function for the steady-state probsbilities, nj = Pr { j customers in system at an arbitrary point of departure}, of the imbedded chain, {Xn/Xn = number in system after nth customer is serviced}, is obtained, and the steady-state probabilities, themselves, are found in closed form.  相似文献   
The purpose of this paper is to explore an extension of the output discipline for the Poisson input, general output, single channel, first-come, first-served queueing system. The service time parameter, μ, is instead considered a random variable, M. In other words, the service time random variable, T, is to be conditioned by a parameter random variable, M. Therefore, if the distribution function of M is denoted by FM(μ) and the known conditional service time distribution as B(t |μ), then the unconditional service distribution is given by B(t) = Pr {T ≤ t}. = ∫-∞ B(t |μ) dFM(μ). Results are obtained that characterize queue size and waiting time using the imbedded Markov chain approach. Expressions are derived for the expected queue length and Laplace-Stieltjes transforms of the steady-state waiting time when conditional service times are exponential. More specific results are found for three special distributions of M: (1) uniform on [1.2]; (2) two-point; and (3) gamma.  相似文献   
The Tactical Warfare Simulation Program is a procedure by which the major interactions among opposing military units and terrain features can be treated in a tactical limited warfare situation. It is a critical-area, sequence-of-event model and is programmed in SIM-SCRIPT. In this program a military unit is described by such properties as strength, size, location, velocity, and attrition rates. Some of the events which can occur to a military unit are entering/leaving terrain features, becoming engaged/disengaged with opposing units, retreating, reaching an objective, and breaking. Following a discussion of the general features of the program, a study of a hypothetical war is presented.  相似文献   
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