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本文对近年来常规动力潜艇电力推进装置各主要组成部分的现状及发展趋势分别作了论述和分析,并介绍了各国目前正在试验的一些新型电力推进装置的概况及存在的问题,从中得出在本世纪末之前常规动力潜艇电力推进装置的结构模式。  相似文献   
火力分配是末段高低两层反导作战的重要环节,分配方案的优劣、分配效率的高低将对反导作战效能产生重要影响。在深入分析末段协同反导作战基础上,提出了火力分配原则,并建立了末段协同反导作战火力分配模型。引入惩罚函数简化模型,并采用MPDE算法对模型进行求解。通过仿真分析,验证了模型的合理性和算法的有效性,并得出末段协同反导火力分配一般规律。  相似文献   
针对如何确定隔振器低频动态力学特性的问题,设计了一种利用材料试验机进行加载测试以获取其力学特性参数的试验方案。依据谐波振动理论,推导了待测参数表达式,进而提出了一种隔振器加载时力学特性参数测试新方法。以JYQN型气囊力学特性参数测试为应用实例,验证了所提方法的科学性与适用性。  相似文献   
钟麟  倪世宏  钟卫  何景峰 《火力与指挥控制》2011,36(12):191-193,197
为了处理评估过程中的不完全信息,将偏好规划理论引入到战斗机作战效能评估研究中,在RICH方法基础上,提出了一种不完全信息下战斗机综合作战效能评估方法.并将RICH法使用范围进行拓展,讨论了更适合效能评估的多层值树的RICH法使用问题.最后,通过一个效能评估仿真示例对方法进行了验证.结果表明,该效能评估方法在不完全信息条...  相似文献   
引入欧氏距离来度量基于离差最大化法与熵系数法确定的两个权重向量的相似度,在相似度最大约束条件下,确定了熵系数法中参数ρ值,解决了参数ρ取值人为主观性的问题。采用区间数来表示专家对指标间的相对重要性,克服了实际中难于得到准确决策信息的问题。将区间数特征向量法确定的主观权重和改进的熵系数法确定的客观权重集成得到组合权重,采用加权算术平均算子对4种预警机的探测引导能力进行了计算。  相似文献   
为提高应急物资需求预测方法的实用性,同时考虑提前期和需求的不确定性,采用安全库存理论构建震灾应急物资动态需求预测模型,以观测得到的实际到货量、实际消耗量和实时剩余库存量等信息来动态预测当前时刻应急物资的需求量。应用算例表明,所建模型不仅能够准确反映需求量与被保障人员总数的正相关关系,而且还能实时体现被保障人员总数的变化情况。因此,该模型能够为震灾过程中应急物资需求量的确定提供科学决策依据,具有一定的实用价值和应用前景。  相似文献   
基于广义线性状态误差反馈控制器,构造了2个Froude摆系统的主从有限时间同步框架,并将2个Froude摆系统的全局有限时间同步问题转化为主-从系统的误差系统的全局有限时间稳定性问题;然后,应用有限时间稳定性理论证明了2个Froude摆系统实现全局有限时间同步的判据并进行了优化,同时估算了同步时间;最后,通过计算机仿真验证了所得判据的有效性。  相似文献   
1951年6月,四川腹地剿匪取得了决定性胜利后,头号匪首傅秉勋携电台逃往黑水,勾结当地反动大头人苏永和等,组织残散匪特、反动军官及地主恶霸,在台湾特务机关指挥下,煽动武装暴乱,企图在四川、西康、甘肃、青海接合部建立反革命根据地。为肃清该匪,西南军区根据中央指示专门成立了剿匪前线指挥部,由西南军区公安部队副政治委员兼政治部主任郭林祥任总指挥,调集部队分路围剿,采取军事打击与政治争取相结合的方针,经过两个月的艰苦奋战,最终在黑水战役中取得了军政双胜。  相似文献   
Two forces engage in a duel, with each force initially consisting of several heterogeneous units. Each unit can be assigned to fire at any opposing unit, but the kill rate depends on the assignment. As the duel proceeds, each force—knowing which units are still alive in real time—decides dynamically how to assign its fire, in order to maximize the probability of wiping out the opposing force before getting wiped out. It has been shown in the literature that an optimal pure strategy exists for this two‐person zero‐sum game, but computing the optimal strategy remained cumbersome because of the game's huge payoff matrix. This article gives an iterative algorithm to compute the optimal strategy without having to enumerate the entire payoff matrix, and offers some insights into the special case, where one force has only one unit. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Naval Research Logistics 61: 56–65, 2014  相似文献   
Consider a patrol problem, where a patroller traverses a graph through edges to detect potential attacks at nodes. An attack takes a random amount of time to complete. The patroller takes one time unit to move to and inspect an adjacent node, and will detect an ongoing attack with some probability. If an attack completes before it is detected, a cost is incurred. The attack time distribution, the cost due to a successful attack, and the detection probability all depend on the attack node. The patroller seeks a patrol policy that minimizes the expected cost incurred when, and if, an attack eventually happens. We consider two cases. A random attacker chooses where to attack according to predetermined probabilities, while a strategic attacker chooses where to attack to incur the maximal expected cost. In each case, computing the optimal solution, although possible, quickly becomes intractable for problems of practical sizes. Our main contribution is to develop efficient index policies—based on Lagrangian relaxation methodology, and also on approximate dynamic programming—which typically achieve within 1% of optimality with computation time orders of magnitude less than what is required to compute the optimal policy for problems of practical sizes. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Naval Research Logistics, 61: 557–576, 2014  相似文献   
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